difference between cloud computing and grid computing

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What are the major distinctions between Cloud Computing and Grid Computing? What exactly are the definitions and application domains for both? I'm seeking for both conceptual and technical thoughts.

Do we have anything like this for Grid Computing, as Windows Azure is a Cloud OS?

In the past, I've worked on distributed and parallel computing, and I've utilised libraries like PVM and MPI to spread processing. I was curious if Grid Computing is distributed computing that is extended across the internet.
Feb 4, 2022 in Cloud Computing by Edureka
• 12,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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 Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing is a client-server architecture to distribute pay-as-you-go computer resources such as servers, storage, databases, and applications via the Internet.

Grid Computing:

Grid computing is a collection of networked computers that collaborate as a virtual supercomputer to handle enormous tasks like data analysis and weather forecasting.

Cloud Computing Grid Computing 
Client-server computer architecture is used in cloud computing. A distributed computing architecture supports grid computing.
The cloud serves as a centralized management framework. The grid serves as a decentralized management framework.       
Cloud Computing is Service-oriented. Grid Computing is Application-oriented.                 
In cloud computing, cloud servers are
owned by infrastructure providers.
In Grid computing, grids are owned
and managed by the organization.
It is accessible through standard web protocols. It is accessible through grid middleware.
More flexible than grid computing. Less flexible than cloud computing.

If you need to know more about Cloud Computing, We recommend joining Cloud Computing Certification today.

answered Feb 4, 2022 by Edureka
• 13,620 points

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