How to start step by step learning of data analyst What to start first R or Sql or Paython or tableau

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I don't have any previous knowledge of computer science, programming, or data analysis. I have a background in mechanical engineering and am familiar with the basics of statics and mathematics.  I want to switch my career from social service (primary education teaching and qualitative research ) to data analysis. There are many recommendations to learning things like- SQL, R, Python, and Tableau to become a data analyst.

I want to know from where I need to begin learning (which software or language first? ) and also do we need to learn all of these or we can learn a combination of any two or three? which will be best to start with? (looking to learn only data analysis, not data science).

I aspire to use my data analysis knowledge in quantitative research analysis.
Jan 23, 2022 in Data Analytics by anonymous

edited Mar 4 20 views

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