I'm working on a Lambda function to process AWS GuardDuty findings.
I'd like to generate sample events, which is easily done using the CreateSampleFindings API call or create-sample-findings cli command.
I have a custom cloudwatch rule that responds to the following event Pattern which triggers my Lambda function:
"detail-type": [
"GuardDuty Finding"
"source": [
Generating the first sample finding easily triggers a cloudwatch event
$ aws guardduty create-sample-findings \
--detector-id abcd12345efgh6789 \
--finding-types Recon:EC2/PortProbeUnprotectedPort
However when I call this same command again, the count of the finding in guard duty increments, but no more cloudwatch events are generated.
$ aws guardduty get-findings \
--detector-id abcd12345efgh6789 \
--finding-ids zyxwv987654acbde1234 \
--query "Findings[].Service.Count"
--output text $ 2
I understand why this behavior is in place, as the findings are grouped by unique signature and triggering cloudwatch events for each instance of a unique finding would be too much noise
However for developing/debugging purposes, is there a way I can generate multiple sample events that will trigger a cloudwatch event?