Verifying whether an element present or visible in selenium Webdriver

+3 votes

How to verify element

  1. ispresent
  2. isvisible
  3. isenable
  4. textpresent
Apr 17, 2018 in Selenium by Vardy
• 2,360 points

6 answers to this question.

+3 votes
Best answer

Below code will help you:

  1. To check Element Present:

if(driver.findElement(By.xpath("value"))!= null){

System.out.println("Element is Present");


System.out.println("Element is Absent");


  1. To check Visible:

if( driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a > font")).isDisplayed()){

System.out.println("Element is Visible");


System.out.println("Element is InVisible");


  1. To check Enable:
  2. if( driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a > font")).isEnabled()){
  3. System.out.println("Element is Enable");
  4. }else{
  5. System.out.println("Element is Disabled");


  1. To check text present
  2. if(driver.getPageSource().contains("Text to check")){
  3. System.out.println("Text is present");
  4. }else{
  5. System.out.println("Text is absent");


For further understanding, you can refer to the Selenium Certification.

answered Apr 17, 2018 by king_kenny
• 3,710 points

selected Sep 25, 2018 by Priyaj
+3 votes
1. ispresent
answered Sep 25, 2018 by anonymous
Yup. As simple as it gets...
0 votes
To verify if element is present we use

answered Sep 25, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,020 points
ispresent() method is not available in selenium Library

may be deprecated or never really was part of the library
0 votes
Use below code

           bool isdisplay = driver.FindElement(By.Id("txt")).Displayed;
answered Jun 3, 2020 by Sri
• 3,190 points
0 votes

1. isDisplayed()

The isDisplayed method in Selenium verifies if a certain element is present and displayed. If the element is displayed, then the value returned is true. If not, then the value returned is false.

The code below verifies if an element with the id attribute value next is displayed.


boolean eleSelected= driver.findElement(By.xpath("xpath")).isDisplayed();

2. isSelected()

This method is often used on radio buttons, checkboxes or options in a menu. It is used to determine is an element is selected. If the specified element is selected, the value returned is true. If not, the value returned is false.

The code below verifies if an element with the id attribute value PersistentCookie is displayed.


boolean elePresent = driver.findElement(By.xpath("xpath")).isSelected();

3. isEnabled()

This method verifies if an element is enabled. If the element is enabled, it returns a true value. If not, it returns a false value.

The code below verifies if an element with the id attribute value next is enabled.


boolean eleEnabled= driver.findElement(By.xpath("xpath")).isEnabled();
answered Dec 14, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points
0 votes

You could try something like:

    WebElement rxBtn = driver.findElement(By.className("icon-rx"));
    WebElement otcBtn = driver.findElement(By.className("icon-otc"));
    WebElement herbBtn = driver.findElement(By.className("icon-herb"));

    Assert.assertEquals(true, rxBtn.isDisplayed());
    Assert.assertEquals(true, otcBtn.isDisplayed());
    Assert.assertEquals(true, herbBtn.isDisplayed());

This is just an example. Basically, you declare and define the WebElement variables you wish to use and then Assert whether or not they are displayed. This is using TestNG Assertions.

answered Dec 14, 2020 by Rajiv
• 8,870 points

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