I was reading Apache mapreduce tutorial
I was able to run the example and get the desired result. However, I am not able to understand how it is asked that we should run following to compile the Java file.
$ bin/hadoop com.sun.tools.javac.Main WordCount.java
I went through the hapdoop command details. It partitioned all hadoop switches under General options, User commands, and Administrator commands. I didn't found where above javac command is given in hadoop command page.
Q. In fact actually I didn't get how above command works. I mean we usually specify hyphen-prefixed options in front of the commands. However, this above command asks to run javac in a way that I never saw before. I usually used to compile java files directly by javac filename.java. Why here is it asked to not do this way?
Q. Also there is .Main in com.sun.tools.javac.Main in the given command. What does this mean?