Creating a multiple charts with calculated field

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Sample data:

Table Name: A
Mode Country Month Visitor Air Switzerland Sep-16 Rob Air Switzerland Oct-16 Bob Air Switzerland Nov-16 Ben Air Rome Sep-16 Zen Air Rome Sep-16 Jen Air Rome Oct-16 Todd Air Rome Nov-16 Ron Air Italy Sep-16 John Air Italy Sep-16 Scott Air Italy Sep-16 Jeff Air Italy Oct-16 Audrey Air Italy Nov-16 Steve Ground Switzerland Sep-16 Rob Ground Switzerland Oct-16 Russel Ground Switzerland Oct-16 Zen Ground Rome Nov-16 Ron Ground Italy Sep-16 Dan Ground Italy Oct-16 Timmy Ground Italy Oct-16 Auidrey Water Switzerland Sep-16 Peter Water Switzerland Sep-16 Josh Water Switzerland Nov-16 Rob Water Rome Oct-16 Ben Water Rome Nov-16 Stuart Water Rome Nov-16 Jen Water Rome Nov-16 Todd Water Italy Sep-16 Scott Water Italy Sep-16 Jeff Water Italy Sep-16 LOLO Water Italy Sep-16 Dabbu Water Italy Nov-16 Danu Water Italy Oct-16 Randy Water Italy Oct-16 Demi

Table Name: B
Mode Month TotalVisitorCount Air Sep-16 2500 Ground Sep-16 30 Water Sep-16 100 Air Oct-16 1200 Ground Oct-16 10 Water Oct-16 3500 Air Nov-16 5000 Ground Nov-16 600 Water Nov-16 800

After inner joining these two tables on Mode and Month I want to achieve "Final Table" (below) for Nov-16.

  1. How do I have multiple measures/dimension on secondary vertical axis?
  2. How do I calculate "VisitorRate", because "DIV(countd[Visitors]/[Total Visitor Count])" formula says, I need aggregation on both sides.

Final Table
Mode/Country Switzerland Rome Italy VisitorRate Goal Air 3 4 5 (3+4+5)/5000 0.06 Ground 3 2 3 (3+2+3)/600 0.06 Water 3 4 7 (3+4+7)/800 0.06

So basically, I am trying to plot above "Final Table" from "TableA" and "TableB". Need below sample chart.

enter image description here

Can someone help me out?

Aug 17, 2018 in Tableau by ffdfd
• 5,550 points

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