training data (input and output) for Measuring temperature using crickets
x_train =[44.000,46.400,43.600,35.000,35.000,32.600,28.900,27.700,25.500,20.375,12.500,37.000,37.500,36.500,36.200] #Cricket Chirp per 1
y_train =[80.500,78.500,78.000,73.500,70.500,68.000,66.000,65.000,61.500,57.000,55.000,76.250,74.000,74.000,72.500] # Temp in F
Training based on training data (input and output) for Measuring temperature using crickets
opt = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
y_pred = int(opt[0]) * x + opt[1]
opt_rmse = math.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_pred, y))
slope = opt[0]
bias = opt[1]
#print("y_pred", y_pred, "y ", y)
print("Optimal Training RMSE =", opt_rmse, "for solution", opt)
the error is
ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [0, 15]