Hi guys, I am facing some issues with AWS Glue client!
I've been trying to invoke a Job in AWS Glue from my Lambda code which is in written in Java but I am not able to get the Glue Client here.
You can see that we will be able to see the DynamoClient like this -
AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard().withRegion("us-east-1").build();
What would be the equivalent code for a Glue Client?
AWSGlueClient glue = null; // how to instantiate client
StartJobRunRequest jobRunRequest = new StartJobRunRequest();
StartJobRunResult jobRunResult = glue.startJobRun(jobRunRequest);
This is the code which I am running for Glue.
I am not able to see the AmazonGlueClientBuilder class because I am new to this glue so I am bit confused, please let me know if I am doing it a right way? or is there any other way I can use to invoke the glue job.
Even I am following the Maven Dependency code -
Let me know a way out to get this thing done, a code will be much appreciated.