Error saying unable to prepare context unable to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path when trying to pull an image using a Dockerfile

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I just downloaded Docker Toolbox for Windows 10 64bit today. I’m trying to pull an image using a dockerfile and getting the following error

Error: $ docker build -t docker-whale . unable to prepare context: unable to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path: GetFileAttributesEx C:\Users\Villanueva\Test\testdocker\Dockerfile: The system cannot find the file specified.
Aug 15, 2018 in Docker by Hannah
• 18,520 points

2 answers to this question.

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while executing following command:

"docker build -t docker-whale ."

check that Dockerfile is present in your current working directory.

answered Aug 15, 2018 by Sophie may
• 10,620 points
you mean dockere whale?
Haha no...docker-whale in this context is the docker image. I'm not sure if Sophie's answer is correct..I've a few more details to add to it..

She has suggested the "docker build -t docker-whale ." command....Here, the "docker-whale" is the name of the image and the period/ dot "." after that means the image is present in the same directory from where the build command is being executed.
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This could be because your docker image may not be present in the same directory from where you're executing the build command.

"docker-whale" is the name of the image. The period/dot "." which comes after that in the command indicates that the image called "docker-whale" is present in the same directory from where you're executing the build command.

If Docker is unable to find the base image for building a container (using build command), then the above error is thrown.
answered Feb 27, 2019 by Vardhan
• 13,150 points

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