Chef vs puppet

+3 votes
Deploy, configure and manage servers . Which is suited the best for this  - chef or puppet ?
I am personally more comfortable with chef as I really like the language ruby !
Aug 11, 2018 in Chef by Kalgi
• 52,350 points

4 answers to this question.

0 votes
I would prefer chef as well, puppet dsl  is damn difficult
answered Aug 11, 2018 by Hannah
• 18,520 points
0 votes
Why do you want to choose either chef or puppet? Why not Ansible? Ansible is better than chef and puppet in many metrics like Availability, Scalability, Management etc.

For the complete comparison visit:
answered Aug 12, 2018 by digger
• 26,740 points
0 votes

If you prefer a simple, declarative language then Puppet is better for you and you might find Chef too risky and too hard to learn. But once you start using Chef's developer kit Knife plugin architecture then you'd not want to go back to puppet.

answered Aug 12, 2018 by slayer
• 29,370 points
0 votes

Both chef and puppet have their own advantages and disadvantages, both of them are good in their own ways.

I'm listing down pros and cons for both of them, can use according to your requirement.


  • Rich collection of modules and configuration recipes.
  • Code-driven approach gives you more control and flexibility over your configurations.
  • Being centered around Git gives it strong version control capabilities.
  • ‘Knife’ tool (which uses SSH for deploying agents from workstation) eases installation burdens
  • The learning curve is steep if you’re not already familiar with Ruby and procedural coding.
  • It’s not a simple tool, which can lead to large code bases and complicated environments.
  • Doesn’t support push functionality.


  • Well-established support community through Puppet Labs.
  • It has the most mature interface and runs on nearly every OS.
  • Simple installation and initial setup.
  • Most complete Web UI in this space.
  • Strong reporting capabilities.
  • For more advanced tasks, you will need to use the CLI, which is Ruby-based (meaning you’ll have to understand Ruby).
  • Support for pure-Ruby versions (rather than those using Puppet’s customized DSL) is being scaled back.
  • Because of the DSL and a design that does not focus on simplicity, the Puppet code base can grow large, unwieldy, and hard to pick up for new people in your organization at higher scale.
  • Model-driven approach means less control compared to code-driven approaches.
answered Aug 14, 2018 by Sahil

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