Python vs R for data science

+1 vote

When it comes to data science, there's always a confusion whether to choose python or R. So I thought we could have a discussion about it here. Anybody who has used either python or R, or anybody with any relevant opinion, post your opinions. Let's get this going guys..

Aug 10, 2018 in Data Analytics by Omkar
• 69,220 points

4 answers to this question.

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Ignore the opinion, let's get to numbers

Python is better

answered Aug 10, 2018 by slayer
• 29,370 points
0 votes

R is good for statistics-heavy projects and one-time dives into a data-set but it is a bit complex compared to python. Python is simple and easy to learn and also, learning python would be helpful for different domains(because data science is not everything). So learning python would be more beneficial.

answered Aug 12, 2018 by digger
• 26,740 points
0 votes


Well there are lots of difference between Python and R with regards to Data Science. Some of the major difference between r and Python are :

  • R is mainly used for statistics Purposes whereas Python is a General purpose Programming Language.
  • R is more difficult for learning whereas Learning Python is much more easy as they have simple Syntax.
  • Python have the advantages of  Matplotlib where as R is consider better in term of Data Visualization
  • Python is 8 times faster than R.
  • Python can be used for Software development but it is not possible using r.
answered Mar 30, 2019 by MrBoot
• 1,230 points
0 votes

I would say both Python and R are good for Data science.

But to those who say python is easy to code, R has has a tool called Rcmdr that reduces the need of user to write code for any operation by simple click and selections for most of the frequent operations.

From a different point of view about applications, Python can be used in multiple domains such as data analytics, statistics, visualizations, etc. But R is no less compared to python in the same domains.

Python is massively grown in the past few years and many working professionals, students, etc are willing to take python certifications and courses in education and also in career for better opportunities than R.

Therefore Python is better compared to R by a small gap.

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answered Aug 1, 2019 by briny

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