Example or Use Case of Big Data

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I have read a  lot of blogs\article on how different type of industries is using Big Data Analytic. But most of these article fails to mention

  1. What kinda data these companies used. What was the size of the data
  2. What kinda of tools technologies they used to process the data
  3. What was the problem they were facing and how the insight they got the data helped them to resolve the issue?
  4. How they selected the tool\technology to suit their need.

I wonder if someone can provide me answer to all these questions or a link which at-least answer some of the questions.

It would be great if someone shares how the finance industry is making use of Big Data Analytic.

Aug 8, 2018 in Big Data Hadoop by Frankie
• 9,830 points

1 answer to this question.

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Let me answer your questions one by one.

1 - What kinda data these companies used?

One of the strength of Hadoop is that you can use a very large origin for your data. It can be .csv / .txt files, json, mysql, photos, videos ...
It can contain data about marketing, social network, server logs ...

What was the size of the data ?

There are no rules about that. It can start from 50 - 60 Go to 1Po. Depends of the data and the company.

2 - What kinda of tools technologies they used to process the data

No rules about that. Depends on the needs. To organize and process data they use Hadoop with Hive and Pig. To query data, they want some short response time so they use NoSQL / in-memory database with a shorter dataset (refined by Hadoop). In some cases, a company uses ETL like Talend in order to go faster.

3 - What was the problem they were facing and how the insight they got the data helped them to resolve the issue.

The main issue for the company is the growth of their data. At a moment, the data are too big and it is impossible to process with traditional tools like Mysql or others. So they start to use Hadoop for example.

4 - How they selected the tool\technology to suit their need.

I think it's an internal problem. Company chooses their tools because of the price of the license, their own skills, their finals needs ...

answered Aug 9, 2018 by Frankie
• 9,830 points

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