Moving files based on file-name to designated folder with same name

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Hi everyone,

I am working on a AWS python lambda script using boto3. The problem is that I need to have a file based on its named be moved into folders also based on their name. It's not hard-coded into the script and that the files will increment alphabetically.

For example: a file named my_file_a will be moved into a folder called my_file_a, then, my_file_b1 will be moved into a folder called my_file_b1 and so fourth.

The script is suppose to read the filename first, then, based upon this, move it into a folder with the same name. If it does not exist then it skips to the next file-name and attempts to move that file to its folder.
Jun 9, 2021 in Cloud Computing by anonymous

edited Mar 4 10 views

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