How is Maven used with Selenium Does it also do the testing

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I am relatively new to Software QA, and I'm learning Selenium WebDriver on java for testing. Most tutorials have no mention of the use of Maven, despite Selenium's documentation itself calling it the easiest way for testing. So, do I use it or not?
Apr 13, 2018 in Selenium by kappa3010
• 2,090 points

2 answers to this question.

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You need to understand the basic processes like build tools and test tools. Selenium, TestNG, etc. are test tools. However Maven, Ant, Gradle, etc. are build tools. 

The primary task of a build tool is to download all the dependencies, libraries, packages mentioned in the code, for running any software/application. The packages here will all be downloaded at runtime and the code will be executed simultaneously. 

Note: It supports Selenium and TestNG for testing purpose only. It is not a test tool by itself.
An example of how Selenium JARS can be built for packaging is this Maven code below:

answered Apr 13, 2018 by king_kenny
• 3,710 points
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Hi ,

Maven is a build tool .

Why maven .....?

if u want to do selenium automation , selenium related classes required like (driver.findelement).

In order  to get  these classes and method we  have to add related jar files.

if u want add manually u have to download and add all. instead of this use maven project .

there any one dependency .

name of the jar file and version etc. then maven automatically add those jars to ur projects.
answered Sep 3, 2020 by Sri
• 3,190 points

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