how do i Itterate trough a dictionary for a specific key then ading it to a new dictionary

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i know this is a noob question but im an new learner to Python and im struggling with dictionary's.

i think my code is right but im not sure.

what i am trying to achieve is that i want to iterate trough a dictionary with a list items with a dictionary in it. If the value is == None then that key Should be skipped. but if there is a value. i want to append the Key:Value pair to the pmp_dict = {}

here is my code:

    input_dict = {
    "operation": {
        "Details": {
            "ACCOUNTLIST": {
                "RESOURCENAME": "abbas",
                "ACCOUNTNAME": "account_name",
                "PASSWORD": "password"

pmp_dict= {
    "operation": {
        "Details": {
            "ACCOUNTLIST": [


for list_item in input_dict["operation"]["Details"]["ACCOUNTLIST"]:
    for key, value in list_item.items():
        if value == None:

what Im struggling with is the last 5 lines. how do i write so that i achieve the desired outcome? i know what i want to do but not the syntax for it.

when i do this i get error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 29, in <module>
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'items'

Apr 7, 2021 in Python by Said

edited 4 days ago 13 views

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