What is the depth of the call stack before I get a StackOverflowError? Is there any kind of answer platform dependency?
Well, there is no definite depth. It just depends on the amount of virtual memory that has been allocated to the stack.
If you wish, you can tune it using:
-Xss VM parameter
The Thread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String, long) constructor.
32-bit JVMs which expect to have a ...READ MORE
If you're looking for an alternative that ...READ MORE
Whenever you require to explore the constructor ...READ MORE
@Override annotation is used when we override ...READ MORE
You could use recursion to do this. Try ...READ MORE
According to Effective Java, chapter 4, page 73, ...READ MORE
Try with BurningWave core library. Here an ...READ MORE
stackoverflow error – StackOverflow Error in Java. This error is thrown to ...READ MORE
Let me give you the complete explanation ...READ MORE
There are actually two limits. The maximum element ...READ MORE
At least 1 upper-case and 1 lower-case letter
Minimum 8 characters and Maximum 50 characters
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