Count rows for calculated measure

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Hi, I have a sample data table below along with the requirements: 

order No Cust Name Y/N? Revenue class Amount
111 ABC Y Apple 100
112 XYZ N Apple 22
113 ABC N Apple 300
114 XYZ Y Orange 66
115 DFG N Apple 667
116 DDF Y Orange 567
112 XYZ N Mango 345
111 ABC Y Mango 349


I have calculated a measure = calculate(DISTINCTCOUNT('Table'[order No]),FILTER(VALUES('Table'[Cust.Name]),CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT('Table'[Y/N?])>1))) and I got the answer "4" orders.
Now: I would like to get count of orders by Rev.Class. In the given example: The answer should be Apple=2, Mango=2. My requirement here is to calculate the count of orders by Rev.class, which is equal to the calculated measure above.  
Mar 9, 2021 in Power BI by Manjunath

edited Mar 4 13 views

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