Stock Prediction using previous data

+1 vote
Hello, I had followed one of the videos on youtube for making stock predictions. It works well, however how do you now make it predict into the future? It worked from taking data from 2012-2019, then predicting and comparing it to 2020, but, how now do you take the data from 2012-2020 and predict for 2021, since you cannot compare it to 2021 since that data obviously doesn't exist yet?

Its easy enough to get the data to train for 2012-2020, thats not the issue, that actual issue I'm having is making the prediction. Can someone help me out?

(Note: I'm just using this to learn, now to actually make stock purchases. I just find looking at stock prices and numbers easier for learning compared to other ways)
Jan 2, 2021 in Machine Learning by liamliu
• 130 points

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Most of them take it day by day. Because of market dynamics you wont be able to predict a whole year in advance. I would probably use a LSTM model (there are plenty of example notebooks in kaggle) to predict them on a day by day basis. Usually you end up with some sort of momentum based model that will predict a continuation if you predict a whole year just because the algo will take the median which is positive because on average there are more gains than losses. You are also training over a period with only good market performance for a better model consider enough data to have at least one or two crashes (start 2000 say). Your model because of momentum and because it is trained on data from only bull markets will always just predict a buy. You need to get down to a smaller time frame and have it calculate by the day.
answered Mar 2, 2021 by James Thompson

edited Mar 5

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