My Code:
user_message = input("Hello and Welcome to PokeThree, Please use the p/help command for a list of commands. ")
if user_message == str("p/help") :
print("Here are some of the Commands:"
"p/buy ")
elif user_message == str("p/start"):
starter_pokemon = input("Here are your Starter Pokemon Options:"
"1.Charmander "
"2.Sqirtle "
"3.Bulbasaur ")
if starter_pokemon == str("1") :
print("Congratulations! You Chose The Lizard Pokemon Charmander! Please Use the p/info command to see your Charmander's stats.")
pokemon = starter_pokemon
if starter_pokemon == str("2") :
print("Congratulations! You Chose The Water Pokemon Sqirtle! Please Use the p/info command to see your Sqirtle's stats.")
(here is the problem)pokemon: str = starter_pokemon
if starter_pokemon == str("3"):
"Congratulations! You Chose The Vine Pokemon Bulbasaur! Please Use the p/info command to see your Bulbasaur's stats.")
pokemon = starter_pokemon
elif user_message == str("p/pokemon"):
pokemon = pokemon + starter_pokemon
print("your starter:")
print("your other pokemon:")