Why Scala is getting Popular?

Last updated on Jul 15,2021 8.6K Views

Why Scala is getting Popular?


Market for Scala is increasing at a very fast pace. There are several reasons to why Scala is Getting popular

REPL comes with the languages that are interpreted. Scala gives you an illusion of an interpreted language. But actually it is a compiled language, wherein everything you type gets compiled to the byte code and it runs within the JVM. There is a big difference between Scala and other programming languages, which are the interpreted ones. Since it’s a compiled language, in the performance stack also it is better than its distant cousins Ruby, Python, etc.

Moving on with this article on Why scala is getting popular.

Scala – Static Language

Praising Scala, James Gosling, known to be the father of Java programming language, says: “If I were to pick a language to use today other than Java, it would be Scala.” It shows the acceptance for Java into the programming industry.

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