Why Learn Cassandra with Hadoop?

Last updated on Mar 09,2023 11.9K Views

Why Learn Cassandra with Hadoop?


“Companies are realizing they can mine valuable business intelligence to improve decision making and gain competitive edge. Tools such as Hadoop and Cassandra are making all of this possible and because of it, NoSQL skills at all levels are in extremely high-demand.” – Analysts on TechRepublic

Developed as an in-house project at Facebook to power their Inbox search feature, Cassandra is an Open Source Distributed Database Management System. It was released as an open source project on Google Code in 2008 and has subsequently become a top-level project at the Apache Software foundation since 2010.

Cassandra is the next BIG Thing:

Why go for Hadoop with Cassandra?

In simple terms, to have:

When it comes to Hadoop, businesses are not interested in Hadoop’s underlying storage structure, but its cost effective delivering methods for analyzing and processing vast amounts of data. Being able to make decisions from the output of MapReduce, Hive, Pig, Mahout, and other operations is what matters most to these organizations.

Key Points to Remember:

How can Cassandra and Hadoop Work Together?

A number of vendors are offering alternatives to HDFS.A recent paper by an organization called GigaOM provides a high-level overview of how Apache Cassandra File System canbe used to replace HDFS, with minimal programming changes required from a development perspective, and how a number of benefits can be reaped in this process. DataStax, a leading commercial provider for distributions of Cassandra has combined Cassandra with Hadoop and named it Brisk. With Brisk, HDFS is replaced by Cassandra File System. Explore more about HDFS concepts. Check out this Online Big Data Course, which was created by Top Industrial working Experts.

Advantage of Cassandra – Hadoop Combination:

The idea therefore is to combine Cassandra which pioneers itself at high-volume real-time transaction processing, with Hadoop which excels at more batch-oriented analytical solutions.

Cassandra and the Biggies:

Many organizations across the industry verticals are embracing Cassandra to achieve various business objectives.  Some prominent ones are:

Job Titles Involving Hadoop and Cassandra Skills:

Study by Simplyhired shows that Cassandra jobs are in high demand due to its high adoption rate in the industry especially in the last couple of years. And the future looks very promising.

Let’s look at some of the job titles involving Hadoop-Cassandra skills and their salaries mentioned in Indeed.com:

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