Elements are an essential part of something abstract, the same way Selenium Certification encapsulates a simple form element called WebElement which represents an HTML element. So, in this article, we will be digging deep in understanding the major role played by the WebElement in Selenium.
Table of Content
So, let’s begin by understanding what are web elements.
What are WebElements in Selenium?
Anything that is present on the web page is a WebElement such as text box, button, etc. WebElement represents an HTML element. Selenium WebDriver encapsulates a simple form element as an object of the WebElement. It basically represents a DOM element and all the HTML documents are made up by these HTML elements.
My First Heading;
My first paragraph;
There are various techniques using which the WebDriver identifies the WebElements which are based on different properties like ID, Name, Class, XPath, Tagname, CSS Selectors, link Text, etc.
WebDriver provides two methods to find the elements on the web page.
findElement() – finds a single WebElement and returns it as a WebElement object.
findElements() – finds elements in a particular location using locators
Types of Web elements Selenium
WebElements in Selenium can be divided into different types, namely:
Edit box
Image, image link, an image button
Text area
Radio button
Dropdown list
Edit box: It is a basic text control that enables a user to type a small amount of text.
Link: link is more appropriately referred to as a hyperlink and connects one web page to another. It allows the user to click their way from page to page.
Button: This represents a clickable button, which can be used in forms and places in the document that needs a simple, standard button functionality.
Image: It helps in performing actions on images like clicking on the image link or the image button, etc.
Text area: It is an inline element used to designate a plain-text editing control containing multiple lines.
Checkbox: This is a selection box or a tick box which is a small interactive box that can be toggled by the user to indicate an affirmative or a negative choice.
Radio button: It is an option button which is a graphical control element that allows the user to choose only one predefined set of mutually exclusive options.
Dropdown list: It is a graphical control element, similar to the list box, which allows the user to choose one value from the list. When this drop-down list is inactive, it displays only a single value.
This is about the different types of WebElements in Selenium.
Now let’s understand the operations to be performed on them.
Operations performed on the Selenium WebElements
In order to access WebElements, we need to perform a set of operations starting with browser actions until the operations are performed on frames.
Operations performed on the browser
Launch the browser
Navigate to particular web page
Close the current browser
Close all browsers opened by WebDriver during execution
Maximize browser
Refresh the browser
Operations on the web page
Get page title
Get page URL
Operations on edit box
Enter a value
Get the value
Clear the value
Operations on link
Click the link
Return the link name
Operations on button
Click enabled
Display status
Operations on image
General image(No functionality)
Image button(click)
Image link(redirects to another page)
Operations on text area
Return or capture the messages from the web page
Operations on checkbox
Select the checkbox
Unselect the checkbox
Operations on radio button
Select radio button
Check if it displays the radio button
Operations on drop down
Select an item in the list
Get the item count
Operations on frame
Switch from top window to a particular frame on the web page
Switch to a frame to top window
These are the operations that are performed on the WebElement.
Now, the question is how to locate these WebElements to perform the above actions.
How to locate web elements on the web page
Selenium provides functionalities that help in locating the element on a web page. It makes use of element locators. Let’s take a look at how locators help in finding the WebElement.
Locators are defined as an address that identifies a WebElement uniquely within a web page. It is a command that tells SeleniumIDE which GUI elements it needs to operate, like – Text Box, Buttons, Check Boxes, etc. Using the right locator ensures that the tests are faster, more reliable and has lower maintenance over releases.
Types of element locators
In order to identify WebElements accurately and precisely, Selenium makes use of different types of locators, namely:
Id locator
Name locator
linkText & Partial linkText
CSS Selector
ID locator: The most popular way to identify web element is to use ID. ID’s are considered as the safest and fastest locator option and should always be the first priority among multiple locators.
Name locator: This is also an effective way to locate an element which has a name attribute. With this strategy, the first element with the value of the name attribute will be returned. If no element has a matching name attribute, then a NoSuchElementException will be raised.
linkText & ParialLinkText: You can identify the hyperlinks on a web page using this linkText. It can be determined with the help of an anchor tag (<a>). To create the hyperlinks on a web page, you can use the anchor tags followed by the link text. In some cases, you may need to find links by a portion of the text in a linkText element. In such situations, you can use Partial Link Text to locate elements.
CSS Selectors: CSS is mainly used to provide style rules for the web pages and you can use it for identifying one or more elements in the web page. The CSS selector is always the best possible way to locate complex elements in page. We’ll talk more about CSS selectors in the next topic.
XPath: XPath is a language to query XML documents. XPathis an important strategy to locate elements in selenium. It also consists of a path expression along with some conditions. Here, you can easily write an XPath script/query to locate any element in the webpage.
Also, check out this video where our Selenium expert explains how to locate elements using element locators by demonstrating a simple demo
Locators In Selenium Webdriver | Elements Locators In Selenium | Selenium Training | Edureka
This Edureka video on Locators in Selenium talks about different types of selenium locators and steps involved to locate a web element using locators along with examples.
Having understood how to locate the web elements, let’s move on and work on a demo that demonstrates the operations performed on the web element.
Example to Locate WebElement in Selenium
To start with the demo, we require certain prerequisites to work on WebElements in Selenium.
Java libraries
IDE. We prefer working on Eclipse because it is more efficient when working on Java projects
In this demo, we’ll see how to automate one of the most famous e-commerce website Amazon where we’ll understand the WebElement interface.
First, we need to select a browser to perform actions. In this case, we will work on Chrome so select the ChromeDriver browser and specify the path in which it is present
Instantiate the ChromeDriver instance
Get the URL of the web page
Maximize the current web page
Find the web element using the element locators like ID, name, class and so on
Send keys to the particular location on the web page
Click the search button
Navigate to a new website
Navigate back to the previous web page by using the operations
Take a look at this video where our Selenium expert is explaining how WebElement plays an important role in testing an application
WebElement in Selenium | Web Elements & Element Locators | Selenium Certification | Edureka
This Edureka ‘Web elements in Selenium’ video helps you understand how web element plays a major role in testing an application.
With this, we come to an end to this “WebElement in Selenium” blog. I hope you guys enjoyed this article and understood how web elements play a major role while working on Selenium. Now that you have understood why web elements are important check out the Selenium Certification Course by Edureka, a trusted online learning company with a network of more than 650,000 satisfied learners spread across the globe. This course is designed to introduce you to the complete Selenium features and its importance in testing software.
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