17 Jun 2014

What is Big Data and Why Learn Hadoop!!!

The above video is the recorded session of the webinar on the topic “What is Big Data and Why Learn Hadoop”, which was conducted on 21st June’14.

Why Big Data Matters!!

Big Data has become a popular term to describe the exponential growth and availability of structured and unstructured data. With increasing amount of digital data, it has become essential to find a technology that can be used to analyse this data. The real big question is ‘Why Big Data should matter to you?’

You can watch the following presentation for more information on this:

Topics Included in the Presentation:

Need for Hadoop:

Hadoop is changing the dynamics of large scale computing. Its impact can be pointed to four salient characteristics – Scalability, Cost Effectiveness, Flexibility and Fault Tolerance. Almost 80% of the data floating around is unstructured and a majority of it is left unused or analyzed. Hadoop offers an affordable and an effective alternate to analyze this data. This makes Hadoop the favorite and popular among Big Data technologies.

Learn more about the future of Hadoop and job opportunities and roles that comes with it.

Check out our related post on this topic:

5 Reasons to Learn Hadoop. 

Big Prospects for Big Data.

Career Advantages through Hadoop Certification.

How Essential is Hadoop Training?

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