ITIL 4 Foundation (5 Blogs)
16 Sep 2015

ITIL CSI: The Age of Continual Service Improvement

Contents of the webinar

  • Introduction to CSI
  • Importance of CSI in organizations
  • CSI principles
  • CSI process, methods and techniques
  • Starting your CSI journey

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Introduction to CSI

In the webinar, the instructor throws some light on the difference between continuous service improvement and continual service improvement. Deming cycle is one of the quality methods, and in a nutshell it means to plan, do, check and act. Moreover, as a part of continual service improvement, lean, agile or six sigma is used to execute business value.

Screenshot from 2015-09-16 12:45:06

Importance of CSI in organizations

Whether it is a small, medium or big organization, the focus always lies in delivering business value. In order to improve the productivity of your employees, or optimizing cost and resources or if you’re also looking to improve customer satisfaction, certain frameworks are required in order for the organization to function efficiently.

ITIL CSI: The Age of Continual Service Improvement

CSI Approach

Every organization has a goal and to reach these goals, they adopt a certain approach. From the company’s vision to its processes and metrics, every company defines its approach.

CSI approach - edureka

Starting your CSI Journey

Corollary A: If you measure it, you better want it.

Corollary B: Don’t measure it, if you don’t need it.

Corollary C: Be in control.

itil - edureka

Questions asked during the webinar

How is ITIL and CSI co related?

ITIL has got 5 core volumes and continual service improvement is one of the core volume. When you roll out new services, you come up the architecture, processes, models etc and then the service is transitioned. ITIL has service transition where you test, build and deploy. Continual service improvement focuses on improving aspects on strategy level, design level, operation level. Hence. Continual service imrrovement encompasses all the core volumes.

Learn more about ITIL and its framework from ITIL Training.

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