Machine Learning with Mahout (4 Blogs) Become a Certified Professional
10 Sep 2014

Introduction to Mahout

The above video is the recorded session of the webinar conducted on 9th September’14. The topic of the webinar was “Introduction to Machine Learning with Mahout”.

What is Mahout?

  • Apache Mahout, a project developed by Apache Software Foundation is meant for Machine Learning.
  • It enables machines learn without being overtly programmed.
  • It produces scalable machine learning algorithms, extracts recommendations and relationships from data sets in a simplified way.
  • Apache Mahout is an open-source project, which is free to use under the Apache license.
  • It runs on Hadoop, using the MapReduce paradigm.
  • With its data Science tools, Mahout enables:
    • Collaborative Filtering
    • Clustering
    • Classification
    • Frequent item-set mining

Why should you learn Apache Mahout?

  1. Turns big data into useful information in a faster and easier way leveraging your business capabilities
  2. Runs on Hadoop, making it easier to work on for those who know Hadoop
  3. Being integrated with Hadoop/HDFS, Mahout implements distributed memory algorithms that can be applied to data sets much larger than any other technique can handle.
  4. One of the hot machine learning projects that are being widely used by organizations worldwide
  5. There is a steep shortage of skilled Mahout professionals in the industry, even though the technology is in use from past few years.
  6. Jobs in Mahout have been showing an increasing trend from quite a long time.

Topics Covered in the Webinar
  1. Learn Machine Learning with Mahout and why Mahout?
  2. Understand clustering and K-means Clustering
  3. Understand Mahout and Hadoop
  4. Learn about Mahout Job Trends
  5. Learn Classification on Twitter Data

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