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8 Aug 2014

Introduction to Business Analytics with R

The above video is the recorded session of the webinar on the topic “Introduction to Business Analytics with R”, which was conducted on 7th August’14.


The popularity of Business Analytics with R has surged as the overall cost of storing and processing data has decreased. The primary objective of business analytics is to use statistical techniques and programming for creating decision support and insights to achieving business goals. The versatility of R has evoked interest from multiple domains like Telecom, Pharmaceutical, Financial Services, Life Sciences, and Education to name a few. Salient features of R includes its availability as an open source with functions for almost every data manipulation, statistical model or chart a data analyst would need.

From starting the first program for R that gives a mean for five numbers, downloading a package for your analysis to text mining the popularity of products across social media is covered in the video.

Why Business Analytics with R?

R is one of the most popular languages developed for analytics, and is widely used by statisticians, data scientists and analytics professionals worldwide. Business Analytics with R helps you to strengthen your existing analytics knowledge and methodology with an emphasis on R Programming.

Need for Business Analytics with R

R programming language is increasingly used in analytical projects across different industries. It is one of the important skills to give you a head-start in Data Science and Business Analysis.  The use of R expands to various domains like web analytics, social media analytics, forecasting to name a few and the demand is expected to grow exponentially.

Topics covered:

  • What is R?

  • Why do we need R?

  • Players using R

  • Areas where R is used

  • Key features of R

Got a question for us? Mention them in the comments section and we will get back to you. 

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