Understanding Pentaho Architecture

Last updated on Oct 22,2020 10.5K Views

Understanding Pentaho Architecture


The Pentaho Stack consists of 4 elements:

Presentation Layer – The data in Pentaho can be viewed either from a browser, portal, office, e-mail or web services. The data available in the presentation layer is through reporting, analysis, dashboards and process management.

Business Intelligence Platform – It basically talks about security and repository.

Data and Application Integration – It is the integration layer of ETL.

Third Party Applications – Here the source database can be anything.

Various Layers in Pentaho Architecture

Data Layer – It can be used to connect to any data sources.

Server Layer – it is the middle layer in Pentaho BI Architecture. The application runs on server and serves as middle layer. They are BA Server, Pentaho User Console and Pentaho Data Integration Server. We can deploy our report and dashboards and make it available to the end user. User console is for the user role mapping, security and for configuring which report should be shown to which user. The Pentaho Data Integration server runs the jobs and transformations.

Client Layer – There are two types mainly:

Thin Client – Runs on server. Examples include, Community Dashboard Editor and Pentaho Analyzer.

Thick Client – Runs as a Standalone. Examples include, Schema workbench, Report Designer and Data Integration.

The aggregation designer is for the purpose of having consolidated data for reporting. The metadata editor is for mapping physical database and business logic.  Report designer is for designing reports.

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