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PHP function is a portion of code that can be recycled many times. It can take effort as argument list and reappearance value. There are thousands of built-in functions in PHP. In this article we will be exploring Trim Function In PHP. Following pointers will be covered in this article,
PHP functions are defined only once and can be raised many times, like in other programming languages.
It protects a lot of code because you don’t need to write the logic several times. By the use of function, you can write the logic only one time and use it again and again as per the need .
PHP functions discrete the programming logic. Therefore, it is calmer to understand the drift of the submission because every logic is divided in the form of functions.
We can stipulate a default argument value in function. While calling PHP function if you don’t stipulate any argument, it will take the default argument.
Moving on with this article on Trim Function In PHP
Removes characters from both sides of a string (“He” in “Head” and “d!” in “sherd”)
<?php $str = "Hello sherd!";echo $str."<br>";echo trim($str,"Hed!");?>
The trim () function eliminates whitespace and other predefined characters from both sides of a string.
Eliminates whitespace or other predefined characters from the left side of a string. rtrim() – Eliminates whitespace or other predefined characters from the right side of a string.
Trim is the fastest way to remove first and last character
Sample Code
<?php $s = '/catalog/lyustry/svet/dom-i-svet/'; $times = 100000; print cycle("str_preg('$s');", $times); print cycle("str_preg2('$s');", $times); print cycle("str_sub_replace('$s');", $times); print cycle("str_trim('$s');", $times); print cycle("str_clear('$s');", $times); //print_r(str_preg2($s)); function cycle($function, $times){ $count = 0; if($times < 1){ return false; } $start = microtime(true); while($times > $count){ eval($function); $count++; } $end = microtime(true) - $start; return "n $function exec time: $end"; } function str_clear($s){ $s = explode('/', $s); $s = array_filter($s, function ($s){if(!empty($s)) return true;}); return $s; } function str_preg2($s){ $s = preg_replace('/((?<!.)/(?=.))?((?<=.)/(?!.))?/i', '', $s); $s = explode('/', $s); return $s; } function str_preg($s){ $s = preg_replace('/^(/?)(.*?)(/?)$/i', '$2', $s); $s = explode('/', $s); return $s; } function str_sub_replace($s){ $s = str_replace('/' , '' , mb_substr( $s , 0, 1)) . mb_substr( $s , 1, -1) . str_replace('/', '', mb_substr( $s , -1)); $s = explode('/', $s); return $s; } function str_trim($s){ $s = trim($s, '/'); $s = explode('/', $s); return $s; }
The function accepts one mandatory parameter and one optional parameter as shown in the above syntax and described below.
This parameter signify the string from which the whitespace and predefined characters from left and right are to be removed.
This is an optional parameter which specifies the characters that are to be removed from the string. If this is not mentioned then all of the following characters will be removed.
“” – NULL “t” – tab “n” – new line “x0B” – vertical tab “r” – carriage return ” ” – ordinary white space
Return Value
It returns the modified string by removing the whitespace and also the predefined characters from both sides of a string that is left and right.
Moving on with this article on Trim Function In PHP
The ltrim() function is a built-in function in PHP which removes whitespaces or other characters from the left side of a string.
The function ltrim() accepts two parameters as shown in the above syntax. Out of these two parameters, one is mandatory while the other one is optional. They are discussed in details below:
This mandatory parameter specifies the string to be checked.
This optional parameter specifies which characters are to be removed from the string . In case, this parameter is not provided, the following characters are removed .
“” – NULL “t” – tab “n” – new line “x0B” – vertical tab
“r” – carriage return ” “ – ordinary white space
Return Value
Returns the modified string.
Sample Program
This program shows the use of ltrim() function without any specified list of characters to be removed.
<?php $string = "time for edureka"; echo "Subsidize ".ltrim($string); ?>
Subsidize time for edureka
Sample Program
This program shows the use of ltrim() function with a specified list of characters to be removed.
<?php $string = "!!! (( !!)) time for edureka"; echo ltrim($string, "! ()"); ?>
Time for edureka
Moving on with this article on Trim Function In PHP
The rtrim() function is a built-in function in PHP which removes whitespaces or other characters (if specified) from the right side of a string.
rtrim( $string, $charlist )
The function rtrim() accepts two parameters as shown in the above syntax. Out of these two parameters, one is mandatory while the other one is optional.
This mandatory parameter specifies the string to be checked.
This optional parameter specifies which characters are to be removed from the string. In case, this parameter is not provided, the following characters are removed :
“” – NULL “t” – tab “n” – new line “x0B” – vertical tab “r” – carriage return ” “ – ordinary white space
Return Value
Returns the modified string.
Sample Program
This program shows the use of rtrim() function without any specified list of characters to be removed.
<?php $string = “ Time for "; echo rtrim($string)." edureka"; ?>
Time for edureka
Sample Program
This program shows the use of rtrim() function with a specified list of characters to be removed.
<?php $string = "Time for !!! (( !!))"; echo rtrim($string, "! ()")." Edureka "; ?>
Time for Edureka
string It is used to specifies string to check
charlist It specifies which character to remove
Remove whitespaces from both sides of a string:
<?php$str="HelloWorld!";echo"Withouttrim:".$str;echo"<br>";echo"With trim:" . trim($str);?>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body>
Without trim: Hello World! <br>With trim: Hello World! </body> </html>
Now with this, we have come to the end of the Trim Function In PHP article. I Hope you guys enjoyed this article and understood the concepts of PHP. So, with the end of this PHP Tutorial, you are no longer a newbie to the scripting language.
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