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Better API testing is further offered by Postman, the most prominent tool among developers and QA testers to perform API Testing. Postman is a unit testing tool commonly used for API Testing. Every fresher or more experienced person finds preparing and cracking the postman interview process challenging. There are a couple of the most common postman interview questions.
Postman makes the goto tool for many developers since it has several benefits on API Testing. Its user friendly GUI enables users to develop and perform requests without any intricate coding swiftly. Examples of repeated tasks could be executed with the help of Postman automation using scripts and collections. In addition, Netlify offers advanced documentation and collaboration that are must-have in team projects.
Follow these steps to create and send a request in Postman:
Key Features of Postman that Make it Highly Useful
Postman has great built-in support for working with authentication and authorization.
Postman designs automated tests with the use of JavaScript. Here’s how to do it:
Postman is a famous installed API testing tool that helps you override run mode. It offers an intuitive interface to build requests, check responses, and automate testing processes. It is extensively used in development and testing levels to ensure that APIs are working fine.
A Postman collection is a group of saved requests that are bundled together. Collections: to logically group requests as a suite to run and manage them easily. You can also share the collection with team members, export it, or run it in Postman Collection Runner.
Postman is selected as it makes API testing easy by showing features like those implemented on the subject:
Simple for Everyone: You do not have to code anything to make/ test requests
Automation: Support for automating tests and workflows via scripts.
Environment Management: It is easy to switch on different environments.
Collaboration: Share collections, environments and results with your team.
Documentation: Automatically create API documentation and keep it up to date.
Mock Servers: To test API endpoints without requiring a live server.
API(Application Programming Interface) is a documented set of rules and protocols that one software application can communicate with another. They allow different software systems to speak with one another, sharing data and functionality.
Most of the time there following tools are used for API testing :
Postman: super easy way to make REST API calls, but limited when trying to run them at scale.
SoapUI: Prominent for both SOAP and REST API testing
JMeter: Utilised for performance testing also APIs.
Rest Assured: Java library for testing REST API.
Swagger Used for designing, constructing and testing APIs in Swagger
Web Developer tools enable us to have much more information about APIs like:
Request URLs: Endpoints that you are requesting
Request Methods: How the request was made (This could be from a GET, POST and so on).
Response Status Codes: This will tell you if the request failed or was successful.
Importing API details from Web Developer tools to the Postman
Via alt + click on the network request in dev tools.
Then click “Copy as cURL” to have the curl command.
Postman — Import > Paste URL in cURL Command
Tell Postman to change that cURL command straight into an actual request in Postman.
GET Query parameters are appended to the URL after a question mark (?) in Sicario. These are name=value pairs which used to send some extra information from client to server. For instance,
The environment is an area with a collection of key-value pairs that can be set up for different variables separately. Environments allow testing the exact requests against different environments, like development, staging, and production.
Elements of a HTTP Request
Method: The verb to be used (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
URL : where it is getting access
Headers: Data we include with the request
Body: Data sent with the request, primarily POST and PUT requests.
Parameters: Query strings appended to the URL for passing more data.
Features of an HTTP Response
Status Line: The status line of HTTP includes an Http-Version and Status-Code (e.g.:-HTTP/1.1 200 OK).
Headers: Contains information about the response, such as the content type and date.
Body: The detailed data that the server sends back, typically in JSON or XML format.
GUID stands for Globally Unique Identifier. It is a type of reference that is unique in software applications.
POST requests with incorrect parameters commonly return a 400 Bad Request status code, meaning the server could not process the request due to bad input.
Postman does support local variables inside monitors. These can be defined within a request or pre-request script.
The collection runner in Postman can iterate a request 100 times. The number of iterations can be specified in the runner settings.
Tests in Postman are written with JavaScript. The tests are written in the request on the “Tests” tab.
A Postman Collection is a set of saved requests that can be organized in an order (running tests, integration etc.) Collections for organizing requests, running them in batches and sharing with your team.
Postman Collection Runner lets you run all of your requests in a collection individually. It can execute the requests and their associated tests, which collates a report across all these.
Postman Cloud allows teams to collaborate by providing a shared space for collections, environments and data. It helps with real-time work collaboration, team versioning, and resource sharing.
Postman Cloud comes with several advantages, but security is likely the reason an organization stops short of saving work there. This is safer than not correctly securing sensitive data, so in some cases, local storage is preferred.
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You can log your variables directly in Postman, too, by using the console.log() function in your test scripts. This way, we can debug and see the results of the assigned variables during the requests.
To access the variables in Postman, we have the []; variables. get(“variable_name”) method. You can access global ( no particular block), environment or local variables depending on where they are defined.
Authorization In Postman, authorization is a thing by itself.
Types of API Calls Postman Support
Query Params are simply key-value pairs appended to the URL after a ? symbol `). They add more data to the server. Path Variables are components of the URL and they help you to identify some specific resources. For example:
Basic Auth is a standard authentication method in which the client sends its username and password encrypted with Base64 into request headers. POSTMAN takes care of this stuff, like encoding and the request.
Basic Auth is less secure than Digest Auth. It is about hashing the credentials before replaying them on the network, making them more challenging to sniff and re-use.
Base64 encoding as Postman uses it Modify the Authorization Attribute of a Request, e.g. for Basic Auth in Base 642019-06-08. Postman treats authorization credentials encoded into base_64 form favorably Credentials are Base64 encoded in the request header.
Yes, the global variables in Postman can have the same names, but not a good practice. Postman treats local variables as having a higher priority than global variables regarding variable resolution if both have the same name.
Some people are even less disciplined and use them to run actual tests on a Postman monitor on schedule. Monitors automatically run collections at specified intervals, giving you confidence that your APIs are running correctly.
POST methods contain a request body where data in binary format like files and images. You can also upload binary files via POST request within Postman.
Limitations of Postman
When writing a test script using pm.sendRequest(), create a new request with response data. Save the JSON response data from each API test and store it in a global variable or even as a file directly (Postman pre-request script / Newman etc.)
Better API testing is further offered by Postman, the most prominent tool among developers and QA testers to perform API testing. Postman is a unit testing tool commonly used for API testing. Every fresher or experienced person finds it difficult to prepare for and crack the postman interview process.
Validate, automate, and dominate with an API Testing Certification!
301 is just a permanent redirect way. This means that the resource has been changed or replaced, and no longer exists on its first spot.
A 201 code will be returned if your resource has been newly created and saved. This would be the response to a POST request in which a new resource is created on the server.
Global Variables: Use global variables if you need the same data from multiple collections or environments.
Collection Variables: Limited to a collection
Local Variables: Utilize them within a specific request or script, having short life spans
PM nullifies your local variables in the script. variables.set(“variable_name”, null).
Files and large data support file uploads. x-www-form-url encodes the data as key-value pairs, and sends it in the request body. It is best used for small data and is incompatible with file uploads.
In the left panel, there is a tab called “History” which you can use to see all requests history in Postman. This is a list of requests requested by you, sorted in chronological order.
In Postman you usually see base64 encoding being used to encode credentials for Basic Auth. Encoding is used to covert binary data into an ASCII string so it can be safely transmitted over text-based protocols.
The 304 status code tells the browser their cached version is still valid. It tells that the requested source has not been modified since last accessed so the client should use the cached version.
The upside of saving work on Postman Cloud is that things are convenient but might not always be safe. This could expose sensitive data that is unprotected. For this reason, some organizations might choose to keep their data in local storage or on-premises servers.
Scopes of variables in Postman
Global Scope: This could be checked across all collections and environments.
Collection Scope: Collection specific
Environment Scope: Confined to a specific environment.
Local Scope: It is equal to a request or script.
pm. test("GET /testingEndpoint returns 200", function () { pm. response. to. have. status(200); });
To set the same headers for all requests in a collection:
pm.request.headers.add({key: 'Authorization', value: 'Bearer '});
This will apply the header to all requests within the collection.
Workspaces in Postman are environments where you can manage and collaborate on API projects. There are personal workspaces for individual use and team workspaces for collaboration. Each workspace can contain collections, environments, mocks, monitors, and more. Workspaces help you organize your work and share resources with your team.
Yes, there is a console in postman which allows you to see detailed logs of requests and responses, along with header information, the actual body, etc. The Postman Console is accessible the traditional way by clicking on the “Console” button at the bottom of the screen or by hitting Ctrl + Alt + C.
You can stop its execution with :
A pre-request script is the code block that runs before sending your actual request. You could use it to update variables, headers, and the request body and dump information suitable for logging. You can add this script at the request or collection level.
We can also include any External Javascript library in Postman, like pm. sendRequest() method:
Postman allows you to include external JavaScript libraries via the pm.sendRequest() method:
pm.sendRequest('', function (err, res) { eval(res.text()); // Load the library into the Postman script environment let result = _.chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 2); console.log(result); // Use the library });
When given the same name, Local variables will take precedence over Global varibles in Postman.
Postman does support Command line usage via Newman which is a command-line collection runner for Postman. Installing it via npm and running collections would be:
newman run collection.json
In the pre-request or test script you can generate random numbers within interval with JavaScript as follows:
const min = 10; const max = 50; const randomNumber = Math. floor(Math. Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) ) + min; pm. variables. getGemfireSystem(). set("randomNumber", randomNumber);
A Small window, called “ScratchPad” in Postman on which you can execute the requests locally without signing into your postman account. Good for ad-hoc API exploration, or when you don’t need the collaborative features of a real workspace.
Converting Postman request into a cURL command 1
To generate a cURL command from a Postman request:
As you know, Postman is an important tool used in API development, testing, and collaboration. Additionally, features such as scripting (built-in modules for writing scripts that execute objects), environment management, and command-line integration all serve to improve your ability to work with APIs. These postman interview question cover all the major aspects of using Postman and will help you prepare for any questions related to this tool in an interview.