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Top 10 Java Projects for Beginners in 2025

Last updated on Nov 27,2024 2.2K Views

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Hello Everyone! The world of Java programming is yours to explore. It’s fantastic that you’re beginning a project with Java as a novice. Java is a strong and adaptable programming language used in a variety of applications, including mobile apps and web development. Here are some recommendations to help you begin your Java project:


  1. Install Java Development Kit (JDK): You must have the JDK installed on your computer before you can begin writing Java code. You can use OpenJDK or get the most recent JDK from the Oracle website.
  2. Your Integrated Development Environment (IDE) should be set up. Java development can be done in an easy-to-use environment with the help of IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or Visual Studio Code (with Java extensions). Install the one that best suits your preferences.
  3. Create a project plan: Give a brief description of the purpose, goals, and features of your project. Prior to beginning any coding, preparation is essential.
  4. the fundamentals: Learn the fundamentals of Java, including variables, data types, operators, loops, conditionals, and functions (methods).
  5. Understanding Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts like classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism is crucial because Java is an object-oriented language.
  6. begin coding: Start carrying out your project in accordance with your plan. Work on each assignment individually after dividing it into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  7. Debugging: As a newbie, your code is probably going to have bugs. Don’t give up; debugging is a common programming task. Learn to interpret error messages so you can use them to find problems and fix them.

 Check out Java Course here to learn more.

Let’s get started with the top 10 Java projects for beginners guys:


  1. Currency Converter


Let’s discuss the Java project called Currency Converter. Users can convert money between different currencies based on exchange rates using the straightforward yet useful project known as The Currency Converter. You will learn the fundamentals of Java programming with this project, including how to manage user input, leverage APIs, and run calculations. An overview of how you can approach this project is listed below:


User interface


Using Java Swing or JavaFX, you can choose to build a graphical user interface (GUI) or a command-line interface (CLI).

In contrast to the GUI version, which offers an interface with input fields and buttons, the CLI version allows users to interact with the programme through the terminal.


Obtaining Exchange Rates


You must utilise an API to obtain current currency rates. Online, there are a number of free APIs that provide JSON or XML data on currency conversion rates.

You could make advantage of libraries.Sending HTTP queries and receiving API responses requires the use of HttpURLConnection or third-party libraries like OkHttp or Apache HttpClient.


Logic behind currency conversion

  • You must parse the API response after obtaining the exchange rates in order to obtain the necessary information.
  • Implement the logic to convert currencies based on input from the user and exchange rates.


Data verification

Check the user’s input to make sure it is accurate before beginning any calculations. Verify that the input contains the proper currency codes and numeric values, and handle edge cases as necessary.


handling errors

Implement error management to handle circumstances like API errors, network problems, or incorrect user input in an elegant manner. Deliver to the user clear error messages.


Results being shown:

Display the converted amount, the chosen currencies, and the exchange rate used after the conversion is complete.


Results being shown:

Display the converted amount, the chosen currencies, and the exchange rate used after the conversion is complete.


Money Options:

Give the user a list of supported currencies to choose from. This data can be kept in an array list or hash map data structure.


Keeping Files (Optional):

The ability for users to save recent conversions to a file or database can be added to the converter in order to make it more user-friendly. They can later make use of their prior conversions in this manner.

Meanwhile, you may go through this Java Tutorial video where all the concepts related to Java has been clearly explained using an example:

Java Tutorial for Beginners | Java Programming Tutorial | Edureka

  1. Tic tac Toe Game:


The Java project for the Tic-Tac-Toe game in more depth. The objective of the two-player game tic-tac-toe is to place symbols on a 3×3 grid, commonly X and O. It is straightforward but entertaining. The objective is to line up three of your symbols either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Here is a strategy for creating the Tic-Tac-Toe game in Java:


Board of Games Representation:

  • Select a data structure to serve as the game board’s representation. The 3×3 grid is frequently represented using a 2D array.
  • Create empty spaces or other symbols to serve as the board’s initial indicators of empty cells.


interface for users:

  • Select between a Graphical User Interface (GUI) utilising Java Swing or JavaFX or a Command-Line Interface (CLI).
  • Display the game board as a text-based grid in the CLI version and ask participants to enter their movements using coordinates (such as row and column numbers).
  • Create a visual grid with clickable buttons for each cell for the GUI version.


Gaming logic

  • Implement the game logic to manage player actions, and after each move, check for win or draw circumstances.
  • Update the game board to reflect the current player’s turn (X or O).


Validation of Input

Make that the user’s input is correct (for CLI) and that the selected cell is not already taken.


Win and Draw Requirements

  • Determine whether the current player has won the game by lining up three symbols horizontally, vertically, or diagonally after each move.
  • To declare a draw, make sure the board is full and there are no winners.


Results display

  • After each move, display the game board to indicate the current score.
  • When the game is over, announce a winner or a draw.


Optional replay option: 

After the game is over, give participants the option of continuing to play.

 Check out Top Java Interview Questions to crack the job interview.

  1. Number Guessing Game



The player must guess the number that the computer selects at random from a range of numbers in the well-known and simple project known as “The Number Guessing Game.” To assist the player in finding the right number, the game offers clues (higher/lower). Let’s talk about how to write a Java Number Guessing Game:


Making a Random Number

To produce a random number between a range of values (for example, 1 to 100), use the java.util.Random class.


a user’s input

  • Ask the player to enter their prediction.
  • Verify the input to make sure it falls inside the acceptable range.


Contrast Guess and Random Number:

  • Compare the player’s prediction to the number that was chosen at random.
  • Let the player know whether their prediction was accurate or either too high or low.


Loop and try again

  • Allow the player to keep speculating until they determine the right answer.
  • To repeat the guessing procedure, use a loop.


Final Goal:

Display a happy message and the total number of tries once the player correctly guesses the number.


Replay (Optional):

Give the player the chance to play the game once more if they so choose.


  1. Library Management System


A useful and engaging project, creating a library management system in Java can assist you in learning about numerous Java concepts, including object-oriented programming, file handling, data structures, and user interfaces (should you choose to create one). Here is a description of the strategy you can use for this project.


Establish the data model:

Create classes to represent the various elements of the library, including the books, library members, and transactions (including book returns and loans).


Implement file management

Use file handling to store and retrieve data about books, customers, and transactions in distinct files (such CSV or text files) using Java’s File, FileReader, and FileWriter, for example.


CRUD operations creation 

Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) actions for books and users should be implemented. Examples include adding new books, altering book details, adding new users, etc.


Books for check-in and check-out: 

Create procedures to manage the check-out and check-in of books. Keep track of the due dates for the books you’ve checked out and deal with overdue books.


Functions for Search and Display:

  • Give users the ability to search for books by title, author, or ISBN and display book information.
  • Create tools that display listings of the books that are available, the books that are checked out, and user information.

Remember to build one feature at a time and divide the project up into smaller pieces. As you progress, test each section of the code to make sure it functions as intended. This Library Management System project gives you the chance to put your Java abilities to use in a practical setting and can be as basic or sophisticated as you choose. Wishing you luck on your endeavour!

A great project to learn about principles like object-oriented programming, file handling, user input, and tracking bank account transactions is building an ATM simulation system in Java. An example of how you might approach this project is given below:


Establish the data model:

  • Create classes to represent the various system entities, such as Transaction, Account, and Customer.
  • Account number, balance, and account type are all appropriate attributes for an account class to have.
  • Customer ID, name, and PIN should be characteristics of the customer class.


Implement file management

Use file handling to store and retrieve customer and account information in different files (such CSV or text files) using Java’s File, FileReader, and FileWriter, for example.



  • Install a login system that asks users for their PIN and customer ID.
  • Check the login credentials against the client data that has been saved.


Primary Menu

Display a primary menu with options like balance enquiry, deposit, withdrawal, and change PIN after a successful login.


Balance Analysis

Create a feature that shows the logged-in customer’s account balance.


Cash in and cash out:

  • Implement tools for managing deposits and withdrawals, and update the account balance as necessary.
  • Make sure that when making withdrawals, the balance cannot go negative.


Input validation and error handling

To properly handle faulty inputs and edge cases, include error handling and input validation.


Transaction recording:

Add a timestamp, transaction type, and amount for each transaction (deposit, withdrawal, and PIN change) to a transaction log file.


  1. Building a grading system in Java


The practical project of “Building a Grading System in Java” entails taking student test scores and generating grades according to predetermined grading standards. An example of how you might approach this project is given below:


Define the evaluation criteria:

Establish the grading standards, including any additional guidelines (such as rounding or bonus points) and grade boundaries for each letter grade (A, B, C, etc.).


Student scores entered:

  • Ask the user to enter the total number of students in the class, along with their grades.
  • Verify the input to make sure it falls inside the acceptable range.


Determine Grades:

Apply the logic to determine each student’s grade depending on the evaluation criteria.


Results display

Show the name, grade, and score for every student.


Class Information:

Give data on the number of students in each grade category as well as the average, highest, and lowest scores.


(Optional) Letter Grade to GPA

If appropriate, convert letter grades to GPAs (Grade Point Averages) using the GPA scale used by your university.


Input validation and error handling

  • To properly handle faulty inputs and edge cases, include error handling and input validation.
  • You can enhance the project by adding more features like grade statistics, GPA calculation, or saving student data to files for future reference.


  1. Supermarket Billing System:


A real-world project called “Building a Supermarket Billing System in Java” simulates the point-of-sale system used in supermarkets and other retail establishments. Customers can choose items, determine the total cost, add discounts or promotions, and produce receipts. An example of how you might approach this project is given below:


Item Type:

  • To represent each item sold at the supermarket, create a class.
  • Define characteristics like item code, name, price, and any other pertinent data.


Inventory Control:

  • Use data structures like arrays and ArrayLists to manage and store the grocery shop’s inventory.
  • Include tools for adding, editing, and removing goods from the inventory.


Interface for users:

  • Select between a Graphical User Interface (GUI) utilising Java Swing or JavaFX or a Command-Line Interface (CLI).
  • Display a list of the products that are available for the CLI version, then ask clients to choose products by inputting the item code and quantity.
  • Provide a visual user interface with buttons or dropdowns to choose goods and quantities for the GUI version.


Purchase Cart:

  • Use a shopping cart to record the items and quantities that the customer has chosen.
  • Permit customers to put or take goods out of the shopping cart.


Determine the total cost:

Add up the costs of every item in your shopping cart to get the final bill amount.


Discounts and Advertising

  • Put into action any discount or promotion plans, including buy one, get one free, percentage discounts, and exclusive deals.
  • Add any discounts you qualify for to the total amount due.


Create a receipt:

Show a receipt that includes information about the things you bought, their quantities, pricing, any discounts, and the final total.


Input validation and error handling

To properly handle faulty inputs and edge cases, include error handling and input validation.

This is a basic description of the Supermarket Billing System. The project can be expanded by including more complex features like managing several payment methods, reward schemes, or producing reports on daily sales.


  1. Online Quiz Management System

Developing a web-based application to manage and administer quizzes is part of the interesting project of building an online quiz management system in Java. It enables quiz creators to upload questions, manage user accounts, track quiz outcomes, and design quizzes. An example of how you might approach this project is given below:


Authenticating users:

  • For administrators and participants, implement user authentication and authorization.
  • Permit administrators to make and control accounts for additional administrators.


Created a quiz:

  • Give administrators the option to create new quizzes by defining the quiz’s title, length, and other pertinent details.
  • Give the ability to add questions to the quiz, along with the right answers and any additional choices that may be required.


Managing the quiz:

  • Permit administrators to modify, eliminate, or deactivate tests as necessary.
  • Use timers to control quiz lengths and have quizzes automatically submit after the allotted time has passed.


Participants should register:

  • Allow participants to sign up for accounts or, if they already have one, to sign in.
  • Give participants the chance to reset their passwords if necessary.


Take part in the quiz:

  • Permit registered users to browse and choose which quizzes they want to take.
  • Implement systems to keep track of participants’ quiz performance and responses.


Quiz outcomes:

  • Calculate and show participants’ quiz results, and immediately rectify any errors.
  • Archive and display previous test results for administrators and participants.


(Optional) User interface

To create a user-friendly interface for the web, think about utilising Java frameworks like Spring Boot or JavaServer Faces (JSF).



Make sure the programme is safe and users can’t access unauthorised quizzes or engage in malicious behaviour.

Integration of a database

To keep track of quizzes, questions, participants, and results, use a relational database.


Input validation and error handling

To properly handle faulty inputs and edge cases, include error handling and input validation.


  1. Notes and Password Manager


Building a Notes and Password Manager in Java is a useful and practical project that allows users to store and manage their notes and passwords securely. Here’s an outline of how you can approach this project:


Interface for users:

  • To create a graphical user interface (GUI) that is user-friendly, think about utilising Java Swing or JavaFX.
  • Create distinct areas for notes and passwords with add, view, edit, and delete buttons in the GUI.

Manage notes:

  • Implement tools for adding, editing, and deleting notes.
  • Permit users to classify or categorise their notes.


Password Administration:

  • Create tools for adding, viewing, editing, and deleting passwords.
  • To protect sensitive information, make sure passwords are saved securely (e.g., utilising encryption).


Input validation and error handling

To properly handle faulty inputs and edge cases, include error handling and input validation.

This is a brief description of the Java project’s Notes and Password Manager. The project can be improved by including further features like data synchronisation, data import/export, or cloud storage integration for remote access. By adopting encryption and safe storage techniques, you should always put a priority on protecting sensitive data, notably passwords.


  1. Virtual Private Network (VPN) for an office


A major initiative is creating a secure and private network for remote access by office workers called a virtual private network (VPN) for the office. Data security and privacy are guaranteed by a VPN, which offers secure connections between remote devices and the corporate network. An example of how you might approach this project is given below:


Choose a VPN server and protocol:

  • Choose an IPsec, OpenVPN, or L2TP/IPsec VPN protocol that best meets the requirements of your office.
  • Within the office network, install a dedicated VPN server.


Infrastructure Network Configuration:

  • Verify that the hardware and network configurations required by the office to support VPN connections are in place.
  • Set up firewalls and routers to permit VPN traffic.


Install a VPN server:

  • On the dedicated server, install and set up the VPN server software of your choice.
  • Create and maintain encryption server certificates and keys.


Authenticating users:

  • Implement user authentication procedures to manage VPN access.
  • Select a mechanism for authentication, such as username/password or a more secure one like certificate-based authentication.


Customer settings:

  • Prepare VPN client settings for all distant PCs and mobile devices that will connect to the business network.
  • The client configurations should be made available to authorised staff.


Security and encryption

  • Make sure the VPN connections employ reliable encryption techniques and private encryption keys.
  • Put security measures in place to guard against potential threats and prevent unauthorised access.


Monitoring and logging

Install logging and monitoring software to keep track on VPN activity and spot any oddities or security gaps.


Troubleshoot and Test:

  • Make that the VPN connections and configurations are operational by thoroughly testing them.
  • Address any problems or mistakes that can appear when testing.


User Instruction:

Office staff should receive instruction and rules on how to utilise the VPN safely and efficiently.


Updating and maintenance:

Maintaining and updating the VPN server and client configurations on a regular basis will assure security and technological compatibility.


And last but not the least:


  1. Chat Application


Making a Java chat application is an interesting endeavour that involves network communication in real-time between several customers. The following is an illustration of one way you might approach this project:


Server-Client Architecture:

Make a client-server architecture where various clients connect to a single server to communicate.


A user interface

  • Consider using Java Swing or JavaFX to build a graphical user interface (GUI) for a more user-friendly experience.
  • For a simple version, you can start with a command-line interface (CLI).


Programming Sockets:

  • To create connections between clients and the server, use Java’s ServerSocket and Socket classes.
  • Create unique threads for every client to handle communication simultaneously.



  • Implement the client-side application to communicate with the server and send and receive messages.
  • Display incoming messages and let users enter their own.



  • Configure the server programme to control client connections and message distribution.
  • In order to keep track of active users, store client connections in a data structure.


Message Distribution:

Logic for broadcasting messages from one client to all other linked clients should be implemented.


Optional Private Messaging

Add the ability for two clients to privately message one another using the chat application.


Authentication of the user (optional):

Create a login system that requires users to authenticate before they can join the chat.


Optional encryption

To increase security, you may encrypt the messages.


Input validation and error handling

To properly handle faulty inputs and edge cases, include error handling and input validation.


The project can be improved by including more sophisticated features like user presence status, message history, or by turning it into a web-based chat application utilising WebSocket technology. You can explore real-time communication principles and put your Java networking and concurrency skills to good use by building a chat application.


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Top 10 Java Projects for Beginners in 2025