Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are the tools that are extremely important when it comes to coding. In today’s market, you’d find an enormous number of IDEs that serve different purposes. As a result, it gets really confusing to select one IDE that will serve all your requirements. So if you are a Web Development enthusiast, here is an article that brings to you the Top 10 IDEs for Web Development.
Visual Studio Code is a source code editor that was developed by Microsoft. VS Code comes under the MIT license and was ranked the most popular developer environment tool by Stack Overflow in 2019.
Provides a built-in Command-line Interface or CLI
Enables Git integrationthat allows adding, pulling or pushing changes to remote Git repositories
Has rich APIfor effective debugging
VS Code has a feature called LiveSharethat allows users to share their VS Code instances
You can open multiple editorswithin the same project
Has an integrated terminal
Features can be enhanced using pluginsas well
PHPstrom is a cross-platform IDE for PHP developed by JetBrains. It is licensed under commercial proprietary software and is written in Java.
Provides a smart PHP code editor that performs code completion, syntax highlighting, error checking, etc
Code inceptionsare present that verify your code as and how you type
Allows you to easily navigatethrough your code
Supports Zero-configuration debuggingmakes it really easy to debug your program
PHPUnittestscan be developed and executed immediately from directories, files or classes
Supports all the cutting edge web development technologieswhich are HTML5, CSS, SASS, SCSS, LESS, etc
Provides tools that enable database support
Atom is an open-source IDE built using web technologies. Atom is based on the Electron framework which is built by GitHub which in turn is written in CoffeeScript and Less.
Enables support for third-party packages and themesso as to format the editor
Atom’s APMallows installation and management of packages
Provides support for a number of languagesother than Python such as C, C++, Java, HTML, etc
Developed by Czech company JetBrains, PyCharm is an IDE specific to Python. PyCharm is a cross-platform IDE. Therefore, users may download any of the Windows, Mac, or Linux versions depending on their requirements. PyCharm is considered to be one of the best IDEs for Python.
Allows automatic code refactoringand has very good navigation capabilities
Specialized project viewsallowing quick switching between files
Facilitates Web Development along with Django, Flask, and web2py
PyCharm is equipped with more than 1000 plug-ins, so programmers can write their own plug-ins to extend its features
It provides two versionsfor download, the Community version which is free, and the paid Professional version
NetBeans is a cross-platform Java IDE. It allows you to develop applications from modules which basically are a set of modular software components. Licensed under the Apache license 2, this IDE provides support to many other languages such as PHP, C, C++, JavaScript, etc.
Provides very efficientProject managementthrough different views and multiple windows
Helps you write bug-free codethrough static analysis tools such as FindBug
Provides great community provided plugins
Allows rapid UI application developmentthrough editors and drag-and-drop tools
Fast and smart codingis enabled by matching brackets, indenting lines, code highlighting, etc
Referred to as the smartest JavaScript IDE, WebStorm is one of the best cross-platform IDEs for web development. Developed by JetBrains, this IDE provides the full power of the modern JavaScript ecosystem.
Webstrom provides advanced coding assistancefor modern web development frameworks such as Angular, React, Vuejs, etc
It also provides coding assistance for mobile developmentlanguages like React Native, PhoneGap, Cordova, etc
Server-side developmentcan be done using Node js
Has the ability to analyzeyour project in order to provide the best code compilation results
You can jump to anymethod, function or variables by just a single click
Has a built-in client-side and Node.js debuggerthat works with chrome
You can run your tests inside the IDEitself as WebStrom has been integrated with Karma, Protractor, Mocha, and Jest
Provides project templates such as Express or Web starter kit
Apart from all that, this IDE is highly customizableand you can alter it easily to suit your preferences
Sublime Text
Sublime-Text is a cross-platform IDE developed in C++ and Python. In addition to Python, it provides support for other languages as well. The features of this IDE can be enhanced using plug-ins.
“Goto Anything” feature that allows quick access to files, symbols or lines
Its command palette provides robust matching for keyboard invocations
Python-based plugin API
Allows simultaneous editing
Preferencescan be made project-specific
Brackets is a very powerful, open-source text editor for web development. It is basically designed for web designers and front-end developers created by Adobe Systems. Licensed under MIT, Brackets is free software that is built using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
It is Cross-platform and Extensible
Brackets allow Collaborative editingthrough which multiple developers can work on the same project simultaneously
Supports various backend programminglanguages like Java, C, Python, etc
It provides a number of functions for text selection
Provides securityby making sure that the application and does not allow third-party packages or plugins for unapproved access
Allows enhanced functionality through plugins and integrations
It also provides general features that are syntax highlighting, auto-completion, find and replace, code folding, etc
IntelliJ IDEA
IntellijIdea is a Java-specific IDE written in Java and Kotlin. It is developed by JetBrains and the Community version is licensed under Apache 2 whereas the Ultimate version comes under Trialware. You can use any of these but, for full-fledged web development, you will need to make use of the Ultimate.
Smart completion: Assists you by providing a list of relevant symbols
Chain Completion: This feature lists out suggestions that are applicable via getters or functions
Lets the user utilize the static methods through static completion
Analyses data flowwhen it offers compilation variants to predict possible runtime symbol type
Provides coding assistancefrom languages to expressions and string literals
This IDE detects duplicate codefragments and will inform you if there is any
RJ TextEd
RJ TextEd is a Windows freeware text and source code editor. It is Developed by Rickard Johansson and was released as Freeware software.
Provides advanced color hintsthat allow conversion between color formats
Supports Unicode and ANSI codepage detection.
HTMLcode can be validated, formatted and repaired
Has a document map
This brings us to the end of this blog on ‘Top 10 IDEs for Web Development’. I hope you have gained profitable knowledge from the same. It would be great if you could provide your feedback and let us know which IDE is your personal favorite and why.
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