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this is a keyword which represents an object in a method or a constructor. It is basically used to eliminate the confusion between class attributes and parameters with the same name. In this article, I will tell you the various aspects and uses of this keyword in Java.
Below are the topics that I will be covering in this article:
this keyword in Java represents the current instance of a class. It is mainly used to access other members of the same class. With the help of this keyword, you can access methods, fields, and constructors of the same class within the class.
Now, let’s move further and understand what is the need of this keyword in Java.
The main motto of using this keyword is to differentiate the formal parameter and data members of the class. If in case, the formal parameter and data members of the class are the same, then it leads to ambiguity. So, in order to differentiate between formal parameter and data member of the class, the data member of the class must be preceded by the “this” keyword.
Basically, “this” keyword can be used in two ways.
It can be used to differentiate variable of the class and formal parameters of method or constructor. Not only that, it always points to the current class object. Syntax of this keyword is as shown below:
this.data member of the current class
Note: If there is any variable which is preceded by “this”, then JVM treats that variable as a class variable.
It can be used to call one constructor within another without creating the objects multiple times for the same class.
this(); // call no parametrized or default constructor this(value1,value2,.....) //call parametrized constructor
Now that you know what is this keyword and why do you need it, let’s dive deeper into this article and understand the various aspects where this keyword can be used in Java.
There are 6 ways where this keyword can be used in Java. They are as follows:
Now, let’s get into the details of each of these methods.
1. this keyword can be used with a field / Variable Hiding
this keyword can be very helpful in Variable Hiding. Here, you cannot create two instances/local variables with the same name. However, it is possible to create one instance variable and one local variable with the same name. In this case, the local variable will be able to hide the instance variable. This is called Variable Hiding. Now, let’s understand this in a more detailed manner with the help of an example.
package Edureka; import java.util.*; public class field { int j, n; // Parameterized constructor Test(int j, int n) { this.j = j; this.n = n; } void display() { //Displaying value of variables j and n System.out.println("j = " + j + " n = " + n); } public static void main(String[] args) { field obj = new field(27, 01); obj.display(); } }
j = 27 n = 01
In the above example, formal arguments and instance variables are the same. Hence, to distinguish between these variables, I have used this keyword to output the local variables. So this was all about the variable hiding.
Now let’s see how this keyword in Java can be used to invoke a constructor.
this() constructor call can be used to call the current class constructor. It can be also used to reuse the constructor. You can also call this technique as constructor chaining. Let’s take a small example and understand how this() is used.
package Edureka; import java.util.*; public class Example { { int j, n; //Default constructor Example() { this(27, 01); System.out.println("Inside default constructor n"); } //Parameterized constructor Example(int j, int n) { this.j = j; this.n = n; System.out.println("Inside parameterized constructor"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Example obj = new Example(); } }
Inside parameterized constructor Inside default constructor
In the above example, you can see that “this” keyword is used to invoke an overloaded constructor in the same Class.
Here, you can return this keyword as a statement from the method. In this case, return type of the method must be the class type. Let’s understand this with the help of an example.
public class Edureka { int j, int n; //Default constructor Edureka(){ j = 100; n = 200; } //Method that returns current class instance Edureka get() { return this; } //Displaying value of variables j and n void display() { System.out.println("j = " + j + " n = " + n); } public static void main(String[] args) { Edureka obj = new Edureka(); obj.get().display(); } }
j = 100, n = 200
this keyword can be used inside the method in order to call another method from same class. Below example demonstrates the same.
public class Edureka { int j, n; // Default constructor Edureka() { j = 100; n = 200; } // Method that receives 'this' keyword as parameter void display(Edureka obj) { System.out.println("j = " + j + " n = " + n); } // Method that returns current class instance void get() { display(this); } public static void main(String[] args) { Edureka obj = new Edureka(); obj.get(); } }
j = 100, n = 200
5. this keyword used as a current class method
this keyword can be used to invoke the method of the current class. Let’s understand that with the help of an example.
pubic class Edureka { void display(){ //calling fuction show() this.show(); System.out.println("Inside display function"); } void show() { System.out.println("Inside show funcion"); } public static void main(String args[]) { Edureka j = new Edureka(); j.display(); } }
Inside show funcion Inside display function
You can pass this keyword in the constructor also. It is useful if you have to use one object in multiple classes. Now let’s understand the same with the help of an example.
public class Y{ X obj; // Parameterized constructor with object of X // as a parameter Y(X obj) { this.obj = obj; // calling display method of class X obj.display(); } } class X{ int x = 45; // Default Contructor that create a object of Y // with passing this as an argument in the // constructor X(){ Y obj = new Y(this); } // method to show value of x void display(){ System.out.println("Value of x in Class X : " + x); } public static void main(String[] args) { X obj = new X(); } }
Value of x in Class X : 45
You should call super() and this() calling statements inside the constructors only and they must be the first statement in the constructors.
This brings us to the end of the article on this keyword in Java. I hope you found it informative.
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