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Switching Careers: From Java to Big Data / Hadoop

Last updated on Mar 13,2023 26.6K Views

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There is this point in all our lives where we think of switching careers or apprising our skill sets to improve our career growth or even just to stay updated with the growing trends. But careful analysis of the current trend and observing the requirements serves as a good method to choose which skill set get updated with. Looking at the current market, Hadoop and Big Data technology are growing extremely fast and has lots of market demands as well.  A surge in interest in “Big Data” is prompting many Development Team Managers to consider Hadoop technology as it’s increasingly becoming a significant component of Big Data applications. In doing so, taking inventory of the skills sets required when dealing with Hadoop is vital.  According to Helena Schwenk, analyst at MWD Advisors, quoted to that a well-rounded Hadoop implementation team’s skills should include experience in large-scale distributed systems and knowledge of languages such as Java, C++, Pig Latin and HiveQL. Data 

It is now clear that having knowledge on Java is an essential skill needed in Hadoop. Let’s go ahead and talk about how easy it is for you to switch from Java to Hadoop. Explore and learn more about Hadoop from this Hadoop big data course, which was designed by a Top Industry Expert from Big Data platform.

Why you need to Cross over from Java to Big Data?

  • A look in to Java and Hadoop job trends:

Job trend - Java to Big Data

While looking at the graphic representation of the job trends taken from Google, it is pretty obvious that the Hadoop job trend is so much better than Java. Saying this, it doesn’t mean that there is a downfall in Java based job trend. It is just that with the growing surge in Hadoop and the demand for the companies looking for Java experts with knowledge in Hadoop is too big to be ignored. This is clearly seen in the job trend graphic representation for ‘Java with Hadoop’ skill kind of jobs. Learn more about Big Data and its applications from the Data Engineering Certification in Chennai.


  • When checking for job requirements for Java with Hadoop skills, there is a huge demand, but not enough professionals with the above said skill to meet the requirements.  According to Developers Slashdot, JPMorgan Chase and other companies where looking for job applicants in this field at this year’s Hadoop World conference. It seems they couldn’t find enough IT professionals with certain skills that includes Hadoop MapReduce (MapReduce scripts written in Java). This means high pay.
  • According to Dice’s Open Web, Java is the leading skill hiring managers looking for Java-Hadoop combined skill. Hadoop with Java is a valuable skill as HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) is written in Java.
  • According to Business Insider, Hadoop is worth at least $103,000 per year as salary.
  • Job with Big Data skills pays more than $106,000 annually.

Why it’s easier for a Java professional to switch to Hadoop?

Hadoop is an open-source, Java-based programming framework that supports the processing of large data sets in a distributed computing environment. Based on Google’s MapReduce model, Hadoop distributes computing jobs and then combines results. The MapReduce scripts used here are written in Java. Now, it is pretty obvious that to work on Hadoop, knowledge in Java is imperative. And having knowledge in Java makes it a cake walk when it comes to switching over to Hadoop. Learn more about Big Data and its applications from the Azure Data Engineering Certification.

Now, the real question to be asked is about Hadoop’s staying power as a career path:

IBM, Microsoft and Oracle have all incorporated Hadoop this year. Other companies with Hadoop and looking for Hadoop professionals as on November, 2013 are:

  • Amazon (110)
  • eBay (53)
  • Yahoo! Inc. (37)
  • Hortonworks (36)
  • Facebook (33)
  • Apple (28)
  • General Dynamics – IT (28)
  • EMC Corporation (27)
  • Northrop Grumman (25)
  • Twitter (23)

This is a definite sign that Java to Big Data / Hadoop is the way to go. Check out this Big data Certification blog to explore further to upgrade your skills.

Got a question for us? Mention them in the comments section and we will get back to you. 

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  • Hi am chaitra,currently am working as java developer with two years of experience and am thinking to switch over to other technology.After some sort of research i found learning hadoop will boost up my technology,the next question arrises is:
    1. After taking this training is there a job gurantee or we have to search by our own???
    2. If i get job will i get hike in salary?? As i will be a fresher in hadoop will the company considers my 2 years exp and give a hike in my salary,,if so how much % if not why???

    • Hi Chaitra, we don’t provide any placement services. However, since we are established in Big Data and Hadoop training companies approach us looking for the right skill. We in turn, inform out student about the job opportunities. Since currently Hadoop is relatively new in the market and there are lot of job opportunities. No doubt about that!!
      In regards to salary hike, generally there will be 25-30% increase and depending on your experience and knowledge in the subject, you can expect more than this.
      Since you are from a Java background, it will be easier for you to learn Hadoop and your experience will be an added advantage.
      Please feel free to call us at US: 1800 275 9730 (Toll Free) or India: +91 88808 62004 for further clarifications.

  • Hi, My Name is Kishorebabu, I have 8+ Years of Experience , Technologies I Worked are Testing, SQL Database, Server Installation, upgrade and Troubleshooting in Linux environment, SOAPUi, Jmeter and Selenium. Can i move to Hadoop Administration. If yes, for which jobs can i apply in future. Because i have No Experience in hadoop and my complete knowledge is Automation and Manual testing. As per my salary wise, will it fulfill my expectations in hadoop technology? how is the pay for Hadoop administrator with 2to3 Years Experience?

    • Hi Kishorebabu, considering your profile, I would highly recommend you to look in to ‘Big Data and Hadoop’ as your profile is more inclined towards it. This course is designed to provide knowledge and skills to become a successful Hadoop Developer.
      The most important prerequisite for learning Hadoop is hands-on experience in Core Java to grasp and apply the concepts in Hadoop. We provide a complimentary course “Java Essentials for Hadoop” to all the participants who enroll for the Hadoop Training. This course helps you brush up your Java skills needed to write Map Reduce programs.
      There are lot of professional from QA/testing background are taking this course shifting their base to Hadoop. Currently Hadoop is relatively new in the market and there are lot of job opportunities. During the course you will learn how to debug mapreduce codes, to check whether Pig/Hive query are meeting the specs or not. So it will be a mix of Whitebox -Blackbox strategy.
      Please check this blog for more information:
      Now, to answer your question regarding the salary; This is a qualitative scenario and will depend highly upon your expertise on Hadoop. what we are seeing as of now is just a start and there is a lot of potential for professionals who will be the early movers in Big Data space.
      Check out this link for information regarding the course: You can call us at US: 1800 275 9730 (Toll Free) or India: +91 88808 62004 for further clarifications.

  • Lot of exaggeration on this Hadoop. I haven’t
    seen any passion in developer to any technology. If anyone saying a new
    technology give us good career, very quickly people try to adapt this. Learning
    any new technology should be encourage.

    Yes yahoo,
    Facebook and other big companies are using this Hadoop because they have BIG
    data problem BID data means TB/PB of data, if any company using this Hadoop without
    learning what it is will be a big failure and a big mistake. Hadoop is for BIG
    data and it is not a RDMS and not realtime. It just for archival purpose and
    data mining.

    • Greetings Shan,

      We really appreciate your thoughts and encourage you to keep providing your valuable comments moving forward as well, which would make us to provide quality content and courses to the learners.

      Map/Reduce & Hadoop is one of the best and key technology innovations produced by the open source community to date. With the data storage and processing power drastically reducing day by day and companies are now able to afford the long standing wish to empower their business decisions and growth by utilizing the vast amount of knowledge potential, which goes untapped from their daily activities of big data sets. Also there is a strong push from business stake holders to reduce the operational costs and improve the conversion rates by innovative ways. Hadoop’s (Map Reduce) is not restricted for just archiving large data sets and running analytical jobs, but also has a strong distributed processing architecture and feature capabilities to crunch and solve complex problems.

      The opportunities and reach of Hadoop’s (Map Reduce) can be enormous and exponential in near future and it will continue to grow bigger than any one could have imagined, Hadoop/Map Reduce is not just being used by some large companies, but even smaller companies are eagerly trying to adapt its capabilities to explore their data sets. A decade back a TB was a huge storage and costly affair to afford, today even a simple electronic device like a smart phone is capable of generating large data sets (TB/PB) within a very short span of time and we start accumulating every user interaction and activity from the device and provide key intelligent services based on these large data sets, eventually we may have huge clusters of data streaming and flowing all electronic devices, which has to be crunched and provide intelligent insights on them.

      You are right Hadoop is not a RDBMS & cannot be real-time, but it is certainly capable of crunching the data in near real time with new additions like (Spark, Storm etc., ) and feeding systems in near real-time. We are very confident that the growth and adoption of Hadoop is going to be persistent in near future & also would recommend you to explore the opportunities you may have even with smaller organizations to adapt Hadoop with justified use cases.

      Hope it helps & clarifies some myths about Hadoop & Map Reduce.

  • which one is better either Hadoop developer or Hadoop administrator?which one is demand now? i want join in your edureka
    1.Is hadoop is never down in future i mean about 4-5 years?
    2.can freshers can take this course?how can get the job as a fresher in Hadoop technology?
    Please give advice and suggestion ?
    Thanks and regards

    • Hi Srinivas, currently Hadoop is relatively new in the market and there are lot of job opportunities.
      people in final years are considering learning Hadoop The reason being, a lot of companies are looking for freshers in Big Data space. Big data has been a favourite and popular buzzword in the tech industry for the past few years and will continue this way as the amount of data keeps growing every day. So Hadoop which is almost synonymous is Big Data is also bound to be on the rise. There is a equal demand and importance for Hadoop Developer as well as Administrator. To give you a precise suggestion, we need more information about your professional background.
      Please call us at US: 1800 275 9730 (Toll Free) or India: +91 88808 62004 to discuss in detail.

  • Hi. i’m supriya,working as software engineer. having 2.5 years of experience with java,j2ee,android. now a days im hearing a lot about hadoop and big data. after doing some small research. i’m very much interested to learn hadoop and big data related concepts. my doubt here are
    1. After taking up the hadoop course from edureka and completing it. will i have hands on experience with hadoop so that im ready to go working with it in real time with companies.?
    2. what will be my career path after course and certification ?


    • Hi Supriya, each class will be followed by practical assignments which can be completed before the next class. We will help you setup a VM on your system to do the practicals. We shall also provide you remote access to our Hadoop Cluster on AWS. Our 24×7 expert support team will be available to help through email, phone or Live Support for any issues you may face during the Lab Hours. the Hadoop certification program provides you the hands-on experience that is essential. You will be working on projects where you will be performing Big Data Analytics using Map Reduce, Pig, Hive & HBase. You will get practical exposure about Data Loading techniques in Hadoop using Flume and SQOOP. You will understand how Oozie is used to schedule and manage Hadoop Jobs. You will also understand how the Hadoop Project environment is setup and how the Test environment is setup. All this exposure and hands-on approach will provide you the necessary experience. This is the greatest strength of Edureka.
      Now, to answer your 2nd question: There are multiple career path to choose from. You can become a Hadoop Developer or branch towards NOSQL technologies like Cassandra, MongoDB, or venture in to Analytics Domain like learning Data Science and Spark. Supriya, there are numerous careers paths to choose from but the very first step is to be trained in Hadoop.
      For more information regarding the prospect of Big Data and Hadoop, refer to this link: Please visit this link for more information You can call us at US: 1800 275 9730 (Toll Free) or India: +91 88808 62004 to discuss in detail or write to us at

  • HI I am Shailesh a .Net resource with 7+ years of experience with c# and other Microsoft technologies. I want to shift to Big data please advise about job prospects. Can just a training with some hands on be enough for shifting?

    • Hi Shailesh , Professionals from various backgrounds like Data warehousing, Mainframe, Testing and Unix admin background are moving to Hadoop as there is so much scope in it. The requirement for Hadoop skilled professionals is huge and any professionals (irrespective of their current field) with Hadoop skills can ace in the Big Data field. You can call us at US: 1800 275 9730 (Toll Free) or India: +91 88808 62004 to discuss in detail. lease find course information at

    • Hi Shailesh,
      Did you take up the course Hadoop and where are you currently located? If you can share your email Id that would help me out. I am also a C# dotnet developer and want to learn hadoop

  • hi,i completed my in 2013 and i have no experience in IT field.but i have good knowledge in java. if i learn hadoop,how are the job opportunities to me in banglore or hyderabad as a hadoop developer.and as a fresher in this field,how much salary i expected per annum. please reply me

    • Hi Pradeep, a lot of companies are looking for freshers in Big Data space. The only pre-requisite is knowledge in core Java, which you possess. So learning Hadoop will not be a problem for you. Pradeep, as far as the salary is concerned, this is a qualitative scenario and will depend highly upon your expertise in Hadoop. What we are seeing as of now is just a start and there is a lot of potential for professionals who will be the early movers in Big Data space. Read more about the future prospects of Big Data here:
      You can find course information at You can call us at US: 1800 275 9730 (Toll Free) or India: +91 88808 62004 to discuss in detail.

  • hi,i completed my in 2013 and i have no experience in IT field.but i have good knowledge in java. if i learn hadoop,how are the job opportunities to me in banglore or hyderabad as a hadoop developer.and as a fresher in this field,how much salary i expected per annum.

  • hi this is venkat sai.i don’t have any knowledge in programming or linux. i am a it professional working for microsoft from two years. i have experience in migrating applications to different operating systems, other than dis i dont have knowledge on any other domains.. which hadoop module is better suitable for me? hadoop developer or hadoop admin?? plz suggest me to move forward in learning hadoop.

    • Hi Venkat, we require more information about your professional background, in order to give concise information. Feel free to call us at US: 1800 275 9730 (Toll Free) or India: +91 88808 62004 to discuss about this in detail.

  • Hi, I’m currently working on a Oracle Telecom product. Have been for the past 5 years, my whole IT experience. From the look of it, I am not seeing much of a growth even with updating my skillset in the same domain. I’ve a core java working experience even though most of our work is done in C/C++. I’m considering a profile change from Telecom Billing to Hadoop. Please advice.

    • Hi George,
      The prospect for professionals with rich experience like you is tremendous in Big Data space. What we are seeing as of now is just the beginning and there is a lot of potential for professionals who will be the early movers in Big Data space. The only pre-requisite to learn Hadoop is core Java. Since you already posses the knowledge and experience in core Java, learning Java would be very easy for you. You can refer to the following link to know more about the future prospects of Big Data:
      You can call us at US: 1800 275 9730 (Toll Free) or India: +91 88808 62004 to discuss in detail. You can also go through our website for further information:

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Switching Careers: From Java to Big Data / Hadoop