Switching Careers: From Java to Big Data / Hadoop

Last updated on Mar 13,2023 26.7K Views

Switching Careers: From Java to Big Data / Hadoop


There is this point in all our lives where we think of switching careers or apprising our skill sets to improve our career growth or even just to stay updated with the growing trends. But careful analysis of the current trend and observing the requirements serves as a good method to choose which skill set get updated with. Looking at the current market, Hadoop and Big Data technology are growing extremely fast and has lots of market demands as well.  A surge in interest in “Big Data” is prompting many Development Team Managers to consider Hadoop technology as it’s increasingly becoming a significant component of Big Data applications. In doing so, taking inventory of the skills sets required when dealing with Hadoop is vital.  According to Helena Schwenk, analyst at MWD Advisors, quoted to SearchSOA.com that a well-rounded Hadoop implementation team’s skills should include experience in large-scale distributed systems and knowledge of languages such as Java, C++, Pig Latin and HiveQL. Data 

It is now clear that having knowledge on Java is an essential skill needed in Hadoop. Let’s go ahead and talk about how easy it is for you to switch from Java to Hadoop. Explore and learn more about Hadoop from this Hadoop big data course, which was designed by a Top Industry Expert from Big Data platform.

Why you need to Cross over from Java to Big Data?

While looking at the graphic representation of the job trends taken from Google, it is pretty obvious that the Hadoop job trend is so much better than Java. Saying this, it doesn’t mean that there is a downfall in Java based job trend. It is just that with the growing surge in Hadoop and the demand for the companies looking for Java experts with knowledge in Hadoop is too big to be ignored. This is clearly seen in the job trend graphic representation for ‘Java with Hadoop’ skill kind of jobs. Learn more about Big Data and its applications from the Data Engineering Certification in Chennai.

Why it’s easier for a Java professional to switch to Hadoop?

Hadoop is an open-source, Java-based programming framework that supports the processing of large data sets in a distributed computing environment. Based on Google’s MapReduce model, Hadoop distributes computing jobs and then combines results. The MapReduce scripts used here are written in Java. Now, it is pretty obvious that to work on Hadoop, knowledge in Java is imperative. And having knowledge in Java makes it a cake walk when it comes to switching over to Hadoop. Learn more about Big Data and its applications from the Azure Data Engineering Certification.

Now, the real question to be asked is about Hadoop’s staying power as a career path:

IBM, Microsoft and Oracle have all incorporated Hadoop this year. Other companies with Hadoop and looking for Hadoop professionals as on November, 2013 are:

This is a definite sign that Java to Big Data / Hadoop is the way to go. Check out this Big data Certification blog to explore further to upgrade your skills.

Got a question for us? Mention them in the comments section and we will get back to you. 

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