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A Step By Step Guide To How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows?

Last updated on Nov 26,2019 13.6K Views

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In today’s world, Java is one of the most popular programming languages which is being used by most skilled professionals. However, using it on the command line is not feasible sometimes. Therefore, to overcome this, you can use it on Eclipse IDE. So, in this article on “How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows?”, I am going to discuss the following:

Install Java

Follow the below steps to complete your Java installation.

Step 1: Go to the Java Downloads Page and click on the option of Download.

Download Java - How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows - Edureka

Step 2: Once you click on Download, you will be redirected to a page, where you have to select the Accept License Agreement radio button. After that, you have to choose the download link according to your matching system configuration as below.

Download Java Setup - How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows - EdurekaHere, I have chosen jdk-8u211-windows-x64.exe

Step 3: Now, once the file is downloaded, run the installer and keep clicking on Next, till you finally get a dialog box, which say, you have finished downloading.

Step 4: Once the installation is over follow the below instructions to set the path of the file.

Step 4.1: Go to start and search for ‘System’. Then, click on ‘System’ and go to Advanced System Settings. Refer below.

Step 4.2: Now, click on ‘Environment Variables’ under ‘Advanced’ tab  as shown below:

Environment Variables - How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows - Edureka

Step 4.3: Next, under System Variables choose New. 

Step 4.4: Enter the variable name as ‘JAVA_HOME’ and the full path to Java installation directory as per your system as shown below:

Java Home - How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows - Edureka

Step 4.5: Next thing that you have to do is to configure your environment variables. Let’s see how to do that. Here, you have to edit the path of the system variable as shown below.

Set Path To Java - How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows - Edureka

Step 4.6: Under ‘Variable value’, at the end of the line, enter the path of the folder. Now, you can click ‘OK’ and you are done.

Now to cross-check the installation, just run following command in cmd – java -version. It should display the installed version of Java in your system.

Java Version - How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows - Edureka

Install Eclipse

Follow the below steps to configure Eclipse on your system:

Step 1: Navigate to the following URL – and select the download link depending on your system architecture – (Windows, Mac OS or Linux) and download it.

Step 2: Once the download is over, extract the zipped file by right-clicking on the folder and choose Extract All. Refer below.

Extract Eclipse - How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows - Edureka

Step 3: You will be then redirected to a dialog box, where you have to choose the directory in which you wish to extract the files. Then click on Extract. Refer below.

Extract Eclipse Folder - How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows - Edureka

Step 4: After extracting files, open the folder and launch eclipse.exe.

Run Eclipse - How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows - Edureka

Step 5: Then, you have to choose the Launch directory for Eclipse and then click on Launch. Refer below.

Set Path For Eclipse - How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows - Edureka

Once Eclipse launches, you will see the below window:

Eclipse Open Window - How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows - Edureka

Hello World Program

Step 1: Launch Eclipse IDE and go to File ->New -> Java Project

Step 2: Mention the project name and click on Finish.

Create Project - How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows - Edureka

Step 3: Now, go to the Project, Right-Click on the Project and choose Package. In the dialog box, which opens up, mention the Package name as below and click on Finish.

Package Name - How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows - Edureka

Step 4: Now, right click on the Package, go to New and choose Class. Mention the class name and click on Finish. Refer below.

Java Class - How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows - Edureka

Step 5: Now, mention the following code in the workspace.

package Edureka;

public class helloworld {
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Hello World");

Step 6: Now, execute your file, by right-clicking on the file and choose Run As -> Java Application.

You will see Hello World printed on the console.

This brings us to the end of this ‘How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows’ article. We have learned how to set up Java & Eclipse on Windows.

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A Step By Step Guide To How To Setup Eclipse IDE On Windows?