How to Create Stored Procedures in SQL?

Last updated on Feb 21,2025 16.8K Views

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How to Create Stored Procedures in SQL?

Procedures are the subprograms which can be created and saved in the database as database objects. Just as you can in other languages, you can create and drop procedures in SQL as well. In this article, let’s explore procedures in SQL with syntax and examples.

What is a procedure in SQL?

A procedure in SQL (often referred to as stored procedure), is a reusable unit that encapsulates the specific business logic of the application. A SQL procedure is a  group of SQL statements and logic, compiled and stored together to perform a specific task.

SQL Procedure - Procedures in SQL - Edureka

Listed below are key features of the SQL procedures:

Now that you know what procedures are and why they are needed, let’s discuss the syntax and example of procedure in SQL.


Syntax of procedures in SQL

The following illustrates the basic syntax of creating a procedure in SQL:

(parameter_name [IN | OUT | IN OUT]  type [ ])]
{IS | AS }
BEGIN [declaration_section]
//SQL statement used in the stored procedure

Syntax Terminologies


A parameter is a variable that holds a value of any valid SQL datatype through which the subprogram can exchange the values with the main code. In other words, parameters are used to pass values to the procedure. There are 3 different types of parameters, which are as follows:

Other Terminologies

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Procedure in SQL: Examples


The following example creates a simple procedure that displays the welcome message on the screen when executed. Then, the procedure will be:

(para1_name IN VARCHAR2)
    dbms_output.put_line (‘Hello World! '|| para1_name);

Execute the stored procedure. A standalone procedure can be called in two ways −

The above procedure can be called using Execute keyword as follows:

 EXEC welcome_msg (‘Welcome to Edureka!’);


Hello World! Welcome to Edureka 

Procedure is executed, and the message is printed out as “Hello World! Welcome to Edureka”.


Let’s suppose that you have a table with Emplyoee details, like, EmployeId, Firstname, Lastname, and DepartmentDetails.

This example creates a SQL procedure that will return an employee name when the EmployeId is given as the input parameter to the stored procedure. Then, the procedure will be:

Create  PROCEDURE GetStudentName 
@employeeID INT,                       --Input parameter ,  employeID of the employee
@employeName VARCHAR(50)  OUT  --Output parameter, employeeName of employee
SELECT @employeName= Firstname+' '+Lastname FROM Employee_Table WHERE EmployeId=@employeID

Steps to execute:

The above procedure on giving employee id as input returns the name of that particular employee. Suppose if we have an output parameter then we first need to declare the variable to collect the output values.  Now let’s check out the advantages of procedure in SQL.


Advantages of procedures in SQL 

The main purpose of stored procedures in SQL is to hide direct SQL queries from the code and improve the performance of database operations such as select, update, and delete data. Other advantages of procedure in SQL are:

To conclude, procedures in SQL (stored procedures) not only enhance the possibility of reusing the code but also increases the performance of the database. How? By reducing the traffic of the network by reducing the amount of information sent over the network. With this, we have come to the end of this article. 

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