MongoDB: The Database for Big Data Processing

Last updated on Mar 20,2024 18.6K Views

MongoDB: The Database for Big Data Processing

MongoDB is a document database that provides high performance, high availability, and easy scalability. It is a cross-platform document-oriented database system classified as a NoSQL database, that bridges the gap between key-value and traditional RDBMS systems. MongoDB is a relatively new contender in the data storage circle compared to giant like Oracle and IBM DB2, but it has drawn huge attention with its distributed key value store, MapReduce calculation capability and document oriented NoSQL features. Because of its features, MongoDB is The database for Big Data processing. Get a further understanding from the Big Data Certification.

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MongoDB, the open-source NoSQL database, was recently named “Database Management System of the Year” by DB-Engines with a good reason, as NoSQL databases are generally better-suited for processing Big Data than RDBMS.

The main idea behind MongoDB is to preserve as much functionality as possible while allowing horizontal scale and at the same time, to make developer’s life a little more elegant and easier. MongoDB is well suited in situations like scaling out, Caching and areas where high volume traffic plays an important role.

Why MongoDB is so popular?

MongoDB is a NoSQL product and is getting enormously popular in the developer community. This is because MongoDB blends seamlessly with programming languages like JavaScript, Ruby and Python; this seamless blending conveys high coding velocity. This feature along with its simplicity, has made MongoDB very popular in a short span of time.

How is MongoDB better than traditional RDBMS?

MongoDB addresses the “Variety” aspect of Big Data. It deals with the ways to represent different data types efficiently with colossal read/write scalability and huge availability of transactional systems in real time. The prevailing RDBMS are inadequate to address this need with their schema inflexibility and non-existent scale-out solutions at a low cost. Therefore, Hadoop and NoSQL are complementary in nature and do not compete at all.

The above feature makes MongoDB a better option than traditional RDBMS and the preferred database for processing Big Data. You can get a better understanding with the Azure Data Engineering Course in Australia.

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