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JavaScript Regex – Important Regular Expressions You need to Know

Last updated on Jan 09,2025 4.3K Views

A Data Science Enthusiast with in-hand skills in programming languages such as... A Data Science Enthusiast with in-hand skills in programming languages such as Java & Python.

Parsing and extracting data from text or validating texts to a specific pattern is an important requirement in programming. JavaScript uses regular expressions to describe a pattern of characters. This JavaScript Regex article will list out the different methods of using expressions in the following sequence:

    What are Regular Expressions?

    A Regular Expression is a sequence of characters that constructs a search pattern. When you search for data in a text, you can use this search pattern to describe what you are looking for.


    regular expression - javascript regex - edureka


    A regular expression can be a single character or a more complicated pattern. It can be used for any type of text search and text replace operations. A Regex pattern consist of simple characters, such as /abc/, or a combination of simple and special characters, such as /ab*c/ or  /example(d+).d*/.


    JavaScript Regex

    In JavaScript, a regular expression is an object that describes a pattern of characters. The JavaScript RegExp class represents regular expressions, and both String and RegExp define methods. It uses regular expressions to perform pattern-matching and search-and-replace functions on text.


    A regular expression is defined with the RegExp () constructor as:

    var pattern = new RegExp(pattern, attributes);

    or simply

    var pattern = /pattern/attributes;


    • Pattern – A string that specifies the pattern of the regular expression or another regular expression.
    • Attributes – An optional string containing attributes that specify global, case-insensitive, and multi-line matches.

    There are different methods of using JavaScript Regex. So let’s move ahead and have a look at the different expressions.

    Top 30 JavaScript Interview Questions 2025


    Modifiers are used to perform case-insensitive and global searches.

    gIt performs a global match
    iThis performs any case-insensitive matching
    mIt performs multiline matching

    Let’s take an example and see how these modifiers are used in JavaScript.

    g modifier:

    let str = "This is the example";
    let pattern = /is/g;



    i modifier:

    let str = "Welcome to Edureka";
    let pattern = /edureka/i;



    m modifier:

    var str = "nthe dog ran after nthe cat";
    var patt1 = /^the/m;





    Brackets are used to find a range of characters.

    [abc]It finds any character between the brackets
    [^abc]It finds any character NOT between the brackets
    [0-9]This finds any digit between the brackets
    [^0-9]It finds any non-digit NOT between the brackets



    var str = "Edureka Online 123";
    var ex1 = /[e]/gi;    //[abc]
    var ex2 = /[^e]/gi;   //[^abc]
    var ex3 = /[2]/g;      //[0-9]
    var ex4 = /[^2]/g;     //[^0-9]



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    Metacharacters are characters with a special meaning.

    wIt looks for a word character
    WIt finds a non-word character
    dIt finds a digit
    DIt finds a non-digit Character
    sIt finds a whitespace character
    SIt finds a non-whitespace character
    bIt finds a match at the beginning/end of a word
    BIt looks for a match, but not at the beginning/end of a word
    fIt finds a form feed character
    rIt finds a carriage return character
    vIt finds a vertical tab character
    tIt finds a tab character

    Let’s take an example to see how these metacharacters are used:

    var str = "100% Genuine";
    var pattern1 = /w/g;
    var pattern2 = /W/g;
    var pattern2 = /d/g;
    var pattern2 = /D/g;
    var pattern2 = /s/g;
    var pattern2 = /S/g;




    n+It matches any string that contains at least one n
    n*It matches any string that contains zero or more occurrences of n
    n?It matches any string that contains zero or one occurrence of n
    n{X}It matches any string that contains a sequence of X n’s
    n{X,Y}It matches any string that contains a sequence of X to Y n’s
    n{X,}It matches any string that contains a sequence of at least X n’s
    n$It matches any string with n at the end of it


    Let’s take an example to see how these Quantifiers are used:

    var str = "Hello, welcome to edureka! 1 12 123";
    var quant1 = /e+/g;
    var quant2 = /el*/g;
    var quant3 = /1?/g;
    var quant4 = /d{2}/g;




    Object Properties

    ConstructorReturns the function that created the RegExp object’s prototype
    globalChecks whether the “g” modifier is set
    ignoreCaseChecks whether the “i” modifier is set
    lastIndexSpecifies the index at which to start the next match
    multilineChecks whether the “m” modifier is set

    Let’s take an example to see how these object properties are used:

    var pattern1 = new RegExp("Welcome to Edureka", "g");
    var result1 = pattern1.constructor;
    var str = "Hello World!";
    var pattern2 = /Wor/g;
    var result2 = pattern2.global;
    var pattern3 = /hel/i;
    var result3 = pattern3.ignoreCase;


    function RegExp() { [native code] }


    Object Methods

    compile()It compiles a regular expression
    exec()It tests for a match in a string and returns the first match
    test()It tests for a match in a string and returns true or false
    toString()It returns the string value of the regular expression

    exec() method:

    var str = "Edureka online courses";
    var method1 = new RegExp("e");
    var result = method1.exec(str);



    test() method:

    var str = "Edureka online courses";
    var method1 = new RegExp("e");
    var result = method1.exec(str);



    toString() method:

    <span>var method2 = new RegExp("Welcome to edureka", "g");</span>
    <span>var result = method2.toString();</span>


    /Welcome to edureka/g


    These were some of the different methods to define JavaScript Regex. With this, we have come to the end of our article. I hope you understood what are JavaScript Regex and the different methods to define expressions.

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    Got a question for us? Please mention it in the comments section of “JavaScript Regex” and we will get back to you.

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    JavaScript Regex – Important Regular Expressions You need to Know
