Pentaho BI (9 Blogs)

Introduction to Pentaho Metadata Editor

Last updated on Dec 19,2021 3.7K Views

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Metadata- Concept

Metadata is data about data. Though the second term is used in the preview of types like technical, business and process. It maps the physical data structure to a more logical business model. In the video it has the domain model and the metadata terms.

The domain model has elements like Email, Person & Priority. The metadata terms include items like Subject, Receive Date, Sent Data, Sent From, Sent to, Priority Level and Priority Type. It is the data that describes Business Intelligence like:

  • Mapping
  • Aggregations
  • Transformations
  • Rules

Pentaho Metadata Editor Tool – It’s a tool for designing the metadata model. It maps the physical structure to the business model so that the business user understands it.  This mapping between physical and logical data is stored in centralized repository.

It creates business-specific data dictionary that facilitates better understanding of the model. Here, the business terms is on top of the data terms in order to be understandable.  One can also define what kind of access we can give to the user and what object we want to expose to. We can also localize the language.

We first have to assign to which database we must connect to and the data model has business terms. The sample metadata model contains customers and the order details.

The relationships are defined as one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many and so on.

Pentaho Metadata Model

  • Pentaho Metadata Editor (PME) has metadata business model as one major component as shown
  • In the representation, each independent business object has its unique colour. Pentaho domain has business objects as connection, physical table, physical column, business table, business column and category.
  • First relationship ‘INHERITS FROM’ inherits the metadata with ability to override it.
  • Whereas ‘SAME BUSINESS OBJECT’ has two objects actually one and the same.

If you’re looking to improve your abilities and learn more about Business Intelligence tools to become certified as a Business Intelligence Professional. Explore the Tableau training or Pentaho BI Training as well as the certification program. Expertly designed by experts and taught by experts This program might be the one you’re hoping to learn.

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Introduction to Pentaho Metadata Editor