Top 50 Automation Anywhere Interview Questions You Should Know In 2025

Last updated on Dec 09,2024 105.5K Views

Top 50 Automation Anywhere Interview Questions You Should Know In 2025

Automation Anywhere has been the buzzword in today’s RPA industry and is one of the most popular RPA tools. It attracts many experienced professionals who want to advance their careers by a notch. Multinational companies such as Google, Linkedln, Cisco, Dell, Genpact, Honeywell, IBM, HP, Infosys use Automation Anywhere. But there is a lack of  RPA Certified professionals in the market. I believe that you already know these facts, which has made you land on this Automation Anywhere Interview Questions article.

In this article on Automation Anywhere Interview Questions, I will be discussing the top Automation Anywhere related questions asked in your interviews. So, for your better understanding I have divided this article into the following 3 sections:

So let’s get started guys!!

Automation Anywhere Interview Questions

Basic Automation Anywhere Interview Questions

This section of questions will consist of all those basic questions that you need to know related to robotic process automation and its tools.

Q1. What is the difference between Automation and RPA?

What does it reduce?Reduces execution timeReduces manual workforce
Need for a programming knowledgeRequired to create test scriptsMostly not needed as it is wizard-driven
UsageUsed for QA, Production, Performance, UAT environmentsUsually used in production environments
What does it automate?Repetitive test cases i.e a productRepetitive business process i.e product as well as business
What are the working environments?Limited working environmentsWorks on a wide range of environments

So, in layman terms what differentiates automation from RPA, is the ability of RPA to adapt to various situations. Once it is being trained to capture and interpret the actions of processes in existing applications, it can further perform actions such as manipulation, triggering responses, and also simultaneously communicate with various other systems.

Q2. What is Robotic Process Automation?

The process of automating tasks with the help of software/tools to deploy bots which will reduce the involvement of humans to perform any task is said to be Robotic Process Automation.

Over here there are mainly three terms that you need to understand i.e: Robotic, Process, and Automation. Let me explain you each of these terms one by one.

If we summarize all the terms together then, mimicking human actions to perform a sequence of steps that lead to meaningful activity, without any human intervention is known as Robotic Process Automation.

Q3. What is the difference between UiPath, Blue Prism, and Automation Anywhere?

 UiPathAutomation AnywhereBlue Prism
Offers Community Edition / Free EditionRecently launched a Community Edition No Trial Version
Most Popular ToolLess Popular than othersPopular than Automation Anywhere
Doesn’t require codingDoesn’t require programming knowledge as you have activities to use for each and every functionality.Has a functionality which allows the user to write code, but users can manage without it.
Has free online training and certification programsRecently launched a certification of 50$.Provides official certification program
Provides desktop, web and Citrix automationReasonable across all mediums.Designed for Citrix automation for BPO.

Q4. Can Automation Anywhere be used for testing the Agile method?

The answer is Yes. We can definitely use Automation Anywhere for testing the Agile Methodology such as in the case of Continuous Integration. However, when you have complex documentation, and when there is no need for frequently changing the needs of Agile Testing, then you cannot use Automation Anywhere.

Q5. Is Robotic Automation like screen scraping or macros?

The answer is No. Robotic Automation is a generation from old technologies like screen scraping or macros. This is because of the robots are universal application orchestrators – any application that can be used by a man can be used by a present-day robot, whether mainframe, desktop application, legacy, or even web service enabled.

Robots assemble their procedural knowledge which after some time joins with a shared library that can be re-used by some other robot or device. Applications are “read” by the robot, either through submitted APIs where they exist, through the OS before application appears, or through the screen with respect to the native application. In this case, the modern robot “reads” an application screen in context and in the same way a user does. 

Q6. What is the difference between RPA and Selenium?

AutomationAutomates Business ProcessesAutomates Browser Applications
  • UiPath: Community version available
  • Automation Anywhere: Community version available
  • BluePrism: Licensed
Open Source
Where is the Task Performed?At the Backend of the ProcessOn the Current Browser Page
Major Component UsedRPA BotsSelenium Web Drivers
Level of AutomationLow-value Clerical ProcessNo Clerical Process
Life CycleSimple and EasyRelatively Difficult
Platform DependencyPlatform IndependentBrowser Platform Dependent
Programming KnowledgeNot RequiredRequired
Skills RequiredSQL Database, Analytical Skills, Problem-Solving Ability, Managing Data, Knowledge Of The RPA Tools.Selenium IDE (Creating a Test Suite )

Q7.  What do you know about Automation Anywhere?

Automation Anywhere is an RPA Tool whose motive is to provide its users scalable, secure and resilient services. This tool has recently launched a Community edition, to let you first explore the tool and automate tasks, and then provides you with an enterprise service.

Automation Anywhere offers better performance as it has the ability to integrate to different platforms and also scale simultaneously.  This tool is meant to be used at the enterprise level and is mainly designed for solving complex issues.

Q8. Can you explain the architecture of Automation Anywhere?

Automation Anywhere follows a Distributed Architecture. Through this architecture, Centralized Management is accomplished via Automation Anywhere’ Control Room.

The architecture of this tool is mainly segregated into Bot Creators and Bot Runners. Both of these components are connected to the Control Room as you can see in the diagram below. 

So, let’s look into each of these components one by one.

Bot Creators

As the name suggests Bot Creators are used to create bots. These are Desktop based applications which authenticate against an active Control Room and only have access to upload or download bots. On configuring these bots, for the control room, multiple developers can create individual tasks/bots and can execute all of them at once.

Control Room 

Control Room is the most important component of the architecture.  It is a web server that basically controls the bots created by the Bot Creators. As Automation Anywhere focuses on Centralized Management, the Control Room offers features such as centralized user management, automation deployment, source control and provides a Dashboard.

Bot Runners

Bot Runners are used to execute the bots. Multiple bots can be executed in parallel and cannot update or create automation. They are run time clients which are installed on windows machines and can report back the execution log status to the control room.

So, if you summarize all the three components together, then once a Developer creates a task/bot and updates on the Control Room. The Control Room can hereby schedule and execute these bots on the Bot Runners, based on the Requirements or priority.

Q9. What are the different types of bots and when are they used in Automation Anywhere?

There are mainly three different bots used in Automation Anywhere:

  • IQ Bots: The IQ Bots allow the developers to add cognitive capabilities to the process. It uses cognitive capabilities to extract information from semi and unstructured data and also detects patterns so that the next time the pattern is encountered the bot knows exactly what to do.
  • Task Bots: Task bots are the core of automation. These bots execute repetitive rule-based tasks that rely on structured data and are easy to build. They can execute multi-step processes around the clock with no errors
  • Meta Bots: The Meta Bots have the capability of integrating dynamic link library(DLL) that can be used for back end automation. It includes GUI components which are to be used for front end automation and maximizes multi-level integration to automate processes along with Task Bots.

Q10. What are the types of recorders in Automation Anywhere?

Q11. Mention Few Benefits of Automation Anywhere.

The benefits of Automation Anywhere are as follows. You can refer to the below diagram.

Q12. What do you mean by Sikuli?

Sikuli is a tool which can be utilized for automating the web components i.e. basically the graphical UI. It uses the API, which can be utilized and can be incorporated into various systems. For example, Windows-based applications can be computerized with the assistance of Sikuli.

Q13.  What are the different automation frameworks in software automation testing?

Q14. What are the features of Automation Anywhere Client?

The features of Automation Anywhere Client are as you can refer from the image below:

Q15. What do you think are the reasons for not considering Manual Testing in Automation Anywhere approach?

The reasons for not considering Manual Testing in Automation Anywhere approach are as follows:

So, when the tasks or the projects are large and have a time constraint, then I would say, using Manual Testing for Automation Anywhere is not a wise option as it would decrease the performance of resources. Enroll for Manual Testing Course and learn more.

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Now, next in this article we will go through the Tool Based Automation Anywhere Interview Questions.

Tool- Based Automation Anywhere Interview Questions

This section of the article will consist of questions related to the working of the tool.

Q1. What is the difference between Wait and Delay commands?

The major difference between the Wait and the Delay command relies on the parameter on when you use the command. The Wait command is used when you might want to wait for the components on the screen or the screen itself to change.  The Delay command, on the other hand, is used while you are working on loops to enhance the performance of actions in a task.

Q2. What are the commands used for Error Handling Command in Automation Anywhere?

There are mainly two commands which can be used to handle errors and also debug them i.e. Begin Error Handling and End Error Handling. Also, this tool provides the following actions to help you in error handling:

Q3. What do you understand by predefined variables in Automation Anywhere?

The Pre-defined variables are system variables that are provided by Automation Anywhere to automate tasks. The different pre-defined variables are as you can see in the below image:

To check the pre-defined variables, go to the Variable Manager on the right-hand side of the task pane and click on the Show System Variables. This will open the system variables. Refer to the example below to understand how you can use these variables.


Let us try using a pre-defined variable Clipboard. To do that, use the Web Recorder from the workbench and follow the below steps:

Step 1: Mention the URL and then click on Start. Refer below.

Step 2: Once you click on Start, the mentioned URL will open in Internet Explorer.

Step 3: Now, choose the option of Extract Data and choose whether you want to extract regular data or pattern-based data. Refer below.

Step 4: Now click on what data you wish to extract. Refer below.

Step 5: Once you click on the data you wish to extract, a dialog box opens up. In the dialog box which opens up, choose the Clipboard variable in the section of extract control value to a variable. Then click on Save.

Step 6: Now, add a Message box into your task pane and add the Clipboard variable to display the output by clicking on Ctrl + F2. Refer below.

Step 7: Execute the task. Once you execute the task you will see that extracted text is displayed as output in the message box.

Q4.What are the different ways to schedule a task?

There are two ways to schedule a task: Scheduler & Schedule Manager.

Scheduling a task using Scheduler

Scheduling a task using Schedule Manager

To launch the scheduler manager:

To add a schedule, click on Add. Then you can select the task you want to schedule.

Related Learning: Automation Engineer Course

Q5. How to automate Windows Tasks using Actions in Automation Anywhere?

To automate windows tasks using actions you have to choose the Windows Actions activity from the Activity pane. Now if you wish to,

Resize a window :

Get Active Window Title:

Q6. What is the process of using the OCR command for Image Recognition?

The process of using an OCR command for Image Recognition are as follows:

Q7. How to copy an Excel cell and move to the next cell in your record?

To copy an Excel cell and move to the next cell in your record you can do the following:

To copy the data into the cell use Keystrokes as below:


Now to move the cursor to the next cell after copying the data into the present cell, use the following keystroke:


Here, use ENTER to move a row down in the same column as the present cell and TAB to move to the next cell RIGHT in the same row.

Q8. How to create timestamps for your files using Automation Anywhere system variables?

As you can refer from question 3 in this section, the system variables are pre-defined variables in this Automation Anywhere and below are a few other system variables.

Now, you can combine the above variables to create a timestamp of your own choice as below:

To append Year, Month, Day at the end of the word Example, you can write the command as below:


To include text characters between the variables: 


To create a complete timestamp with date and time, you can write:


NOTE: To configure the format of Date variable. Choose Tools -> Variable Manager -> System Variable -> Date. 

Q9. How to paste data in an application and move to the next item?

To paste data in an application and move to the next item you have to follow the below process.

NOTE: Some applications also support using the Space bar to move to the next control or button.

Q10. How to use the String Operation Commands in Automation Anywhere?

You can use the String operation commands in Automation Anywhere to perform various actions such as below:


To compare two strings:

Step 1: Create two variables in the variable manager and assign them a string. Here I have assigned the variables string1 and string2 with the following strings:

string1 -> Hi from edureka

string2 -> Welcome from edureka

Step 2: Now drag the Compare command from the String Operation activity to your workbench.

Step 3: In the dialog box which opens up mention the variable names by clicking on CTRL + F2 in the string 1 and string 2 boxes. Refer below.

Step 4: Now add a message box and mention the output variable to display the output.

Step 5: Execute the task. You will see that the strings will be compared and the output will be given as FALSE.

Q11. What do you understand by System Variables $CurrentDirectory$, $FolderName$ and $FileName$?

The system variables are used with commands Loop for Folders in a folder or Loop for Files in a folder.

Consider a command in the task – “Loop for Folders in a <folder>”. Here the <folder> is the specified folder on which the Loop will execute. Its full path is available at execution time by the system variable “$CurrentDirectory$”.

If <folder> has ‘n’ number of folders, the loop will be executed ‘n’ times. Each time the $FolderName$ variable will have the next folder’s name inside the specified folder.

Now if the task is like “Loop for Files in a <folder>”. Then $FileName$ will represent the next file name inside the specified folder. Outside the loop $CurrentDirectory$, $FolderName$ and $FileName$ doesn’t have any usage.

Q12. When are triggers used in Automation Anywhere?

Triggers are used in Automation Anywhere to:

Q13. Mention the command to launch a website.

The command to launch a website is: Launch Website Activity.

You simply have to drag the Launch Website and mention the URL. Then, check in the box if you wish to open the website in the new tab of the existing window or new window.

Q14. How can we read CSV Files through Automation Anywhere?

The command to open a CSV file or a text file by providing the location of the file is OPEN PROGRAM/FILE. Now, use the READ CSV/ TEXT FILE command to read a CSV file. 

Q15. Is it possible to read PDF through Automation Anywhere?

Yes, it is possible to read PDF through Automation Anywhere. The command is PDF Integration. This command is used to read PDF of single or multiple pages, extract values, merge two PDF documents and many more.

Q16. Can you brief about PGP?

PGP is used to ENCRYPT / DECRYPT files or Create Keys by assigning the PASSPHRASE.

Q17. Which commands are not recommended to use if the application offers full support of objects for automation and is local?

Q18. What is the best way to open an application as part of a task in Automation Anywhere?

There are two ways to open an application in a task:

Now, just in case the location of these icons change, then it will definitely result in an error when you are trying to execute the task. To avoid errors, you can follow the below steps:

Q19. How to resolve the problem of not able to view the run button in Automation Anywhere?

To resolve the problem of not able to view the run button in Automation Anywhere, you can follow the below steps:

Q20.  How to set email setting and SMTP server in Automation Anywhere?

To set the email and SMTP server in Automation Anywhere, go to the Client Room and then go to tools. In the tools, you will find an option for email notifications. Over there, fill all details such as Host, port No, User ID, Password, etc.

Now, next in this article we will go through the Scenario-Based Automation Anywhere Interview Questions.

Scenario-Based Automation Anywhere Interview Questions

This section of the article will consist of questions based on different scenarios where Automation Anywhere can be used.

Q1. Consider a scenario, wherein you had to query the system for new orders manually and validate the order purchased to apply the relevant prices and discounts. Now, obviously, this procedure seems to be quite tedious, time taking and prone to errors, as the manual workforce has to constantly log in to the system.

What do you think will be the process workflow to resolve this issue with Automation Anywhere?


The flow created for automation can be created as  follows:

Q2. Consider a company which provides banking services to customers in many countries.  The company’s’ focus was to develop a virtual workforce that combined cognitive, analytic, human and robotic capabilities to enhance the customer experience and simultaneously automate monotonous tasks and also increase the efficiency. 

How will the company achieve its goals?


By using Automation Anywhere, the company can automate hundreds of processes with the help of bots. This would increase the efficiency of automating back office process and also reduce the time of serving customers. 

Q3. Consider a scenario where a multi-national company is facing challenges such as maintaining regular compliance, not able to have role-based access control as every different type of users has different levels of access. Also, consider that this firm has just migrated from basic Robotic Process Automation to machine learning and optical character recognition (OCR) technologies.

How do you think this the firm can resolve this issue?


Well, the Bot Insight product of Automation Anywhere is the right solution to such kind of a  scenario.  The Bot Insight is designed to create role-based access controls for each category of user, and can also give the company visibility into the overall bot lifecycle. This will help the company in strategic planning and allows the company to meet the standards in the market.

Q4. Consider a scenario where an employee has to deal with unsatisfied customers. Now, in a company such as Swiggy or Zomato, there might be situations where they might be dealing with 1000s’ of unsatisfied customers at the same instance of time.

How do you think, you can reduce the load on the manual workforce to handle so many unsatisfied customers together?


Now, to reduce the load of manual workforce you can design bots in Automation Anywhere, to suggest questions for the agent which can be asked to the customer and also, gather information simultaneously. With the help of cognitive capabilities, the bot can then further recommendations for the next best actions to be taken. So, in such a way a bot can make sure that the employee provides a better service, and can also keep the interaction with the customer aligned to the guidelines of the company. Refer to the diagram below.

Q5. Consider a health insurance company which aims to automate its back-office process with a tool which fits easily into the design of the organization and provides ease of deployment with client application architecture.

How do you think the company can automate its back-office process with the tool?


A health insurance company must focus on automating the following three tasks:

Member enrollment process:

If previously 90% of the member enrollment data had to be manually entered into ‘n’ different products lines toggling between a various number of applications, this could be simplified with Automation Anywhere by implementing a  two-step solution as follows:

Test to check commercial claims

The test to check commercial claims can be very tedious if it doesn’t get automated. So, it can be automated in two phases:

Build healthcare products

The process of building a package under a pre-defined insurance plan can be highly time-consuming taking up to the maximum time for building an individual package. Automation Anywhere can automate this process by collecting all the required information from various spreadsheets. Now, to validate the collected information, bots can match the extracted information to the business rules and once validated can enter the details in the application. After this, the application can be updated.

Q6. Consider a scenario where an employee’s sole job is to extract data from an application, generate reports, validate those reports, and finally update the data into the database.

Can you elaborate on the process of automating this task? 


An employee can trigger a bot via hotkey to collect data from multiple systems. Then the employee can check for the generated results, and then finally generate a report. After validating the report, update the data into the database and this will end your task.

Q7. Consider a scenario where a leading manufacturer of mining and the construction equipment is facing challenges with its supply chain management which included long processes, processes prone to errors, and lengthy error detection’s. 

How do you think the manufacturer can resolve this issue and simultaneously ensure that the costs are reduced, the customer experience is improved along with the operational efficiency to increase. 


From the above question, it is clear that the clients’ motive is to establish the flexibility of technology support, provide enterprise-grade quality, increase the speed of deployment of product and provide training and licensing models. So, Automation Anywhere is one such RPA Tool which can cater to all the needs of the client.

Now, the process which can be automated are as follows:

Q8. Consider a scenario wherein the employee sole job is to check for a claim which a customer might me asking and approve it if satisfies the guidelines.

How do you think you can automate this task?


Well, you can automate this task by using the Automation Anywhere Client. You can create a workflow as below.

An employee can trigger a bot via hotkey to collect data from multiple sources. Then the system will auto approve the claims which satisfy the guidelines. Later on the employee can look for any exceptions found and resolve the same. If there are no exceptions found then, this will end your task.

Q9. Consider a company which delivers hardware and software solutions to the world’s largest corporations. Now this company had a manual process which involved more than 100’s of employees working to validate orders against their validations. This process required manual creation of templates for a customer order form and this will be quite error-prone. 

How do you think the company can automate this process to avoid the manual creation of templates and also reduce errors?


The company can automate the processing of unstructured data with the help of IQ Bots. The IQ Bots allow the developers to add cognitive capabilities to the process. It uses cognitive capabilities to extract information from semi and unstructured data and also detects patterns so that the next time the pattern is encountered the bot knows exactly what to do. With IQ Bots, the company can ensure satisfied customers, and improve troubleshooting.

Q10. Consider a scenario where an organization offers a wide range of health and social programs. Now, to provide aid to the administration the organization can use supporting documents to qualify various assistance programs. 

Now, the main challenge the organization faced is how to get two specific programs to communicate with each other automatically. Obviously, if this had to be done without automation, then an employee would take information from relevant forms, look for the supporting documents in a different system. After that, the agent would verify the information and provide it to the applying individual.

This seems quite tedious, isn’t it? So, how do you think the company might have resolved this problem.


Well, with the help of Automation Anywhere you can build up a solution to bridge the gap. An employee can get all the required information from the Documents Library and then launch the verification process with the help of hotkeys in Automation Anywhere. Also, you can design a workflow to open forms on the employee’s screen, identify the relevant documents, gather those documents from the document library for the employee, and then the employee can use this documents to provide the information to clients. Refer to the diagram below.

Q11. Consider a scenario where you wish to move 100’s of files in a folder to another folder.

What will be the steps to do so?


Step 1: Open the Automation Anywhere Client and go to the Files/Folders activity. Now, choose the Copy Files action and drag it to your workspace.

Step 2: Over here choose the option Folder since we wish to move a folder from a source path to the destination path.

Step 3: Then mention the source path in the Source File section and the Destination path in the Destination path section. Refer below.

Step 4: Execute the task. Once you execute the task you will see that files present in a folder in the source path will be moved to the destination path.

Q12. Consider a scenario where you wish to automate the task of writing text into a notepad file.

What will be the steps to perform this task?


Step 1: Open the Automation Anywhere Client and drag and drop your insert keystrokes command.

Step 2: Type in your text that you want to display on note pad using the keystrokes. In the below snapshot I have used ENTER, CAPS LOCK keystroke. Refer below.

Step 3: Execute the task. Once you execute the task, you will see the text is automatically mentioned.

Q13. Consider a scenario where you have to merge data from many PDF documents into a single PDF document.

How do you think you can do this?


Step 1: Open the Automation Anywhere Client and go to the PDF Integration activity. From this activity choose the Merge Documents command. Drag this command to the workbench.

Step 2: In the dialog box that opens up, choose the Add option and choose all the documents you want to merge.

Step 3: Once all the files are chosen, mention the path of the output file which will consist of all the merged documents and check-in the box of Overwrite again. Refer below.

Step 4: Execute the task. Once you execute the task you will see that all the chosen PDF documents will be merged into a single document.

Q14. Consider a scenario where an employee wants to perform various windows actions such as opening a window, closing a window, resizing a window.

What are the commands used to perform this action?


Step 1: Open the Automation Anywhere Client and go to the Windows Actions. From this activity choose the Close Window command. Drag this command to the workbench.

Step 2: In the dialog box that opens up, select the window which you want to close. Click on Save. Refer below.

Step 3: Execute the task. Once you execute the task you will see that the window has been closed.

Q15. Consider a scenario wherein you want to capture an area of the screen.

What are the commands used to perform this action?


Step 1: Open the Automation Anywhere Client and go to the Screen Capture activity. From this activity choose the Capture Area command. Drag this command to the workbench.

Step 2: Select the window and then drag your mouse over the area you wish to capture.

Step 3: Mention the image location and choose the option to overwrite File. Refer below.

Step 4: Execute the task. Once you execute the task you will see that the window has been closed.

Automation Anywhere Interview Questions | Edureka

This session on Automation Anywhere Interview Questions will cover the Basic Interview Questions, Tool – Based Interview Questions and Scenario Based Interview Questions


So, folks! With this, we come to an end of this article on Automation Anywhere Interview Questions. If you wish to give a jump start, to your career as an RPA Developer, then starting learning RPA and it’s various Tools.

Edureka is a trusted online learning company with a network of more than 250,000 satisfied learners spread across the globe. This training will help you gain deep knowledge in Robotic Process Automation and hands-on experience in UiPath. Take your automation skills to new heights by earning your Automation Anywhere Certification to validate your expertise in RPA and boost your career prospects.

Got a question for us? Please mention it in the comments section of this Automation Anywhere Interview Questions and we will get back to you.