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Install Python On Windows – Python 3.X Installation Guide

Last updated on Nov 27,2024 18.9K Views

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Install Python on Windows

In this Install Python on Windows blog, we will look at how easy it is to get started with setting up and installing Python on Windows. It involves a few simple steps to get you started with Python for Windows quickly.

We will be checking out the following topics in this Install Python on Windows blog:

5 Simple Steps To Install Python On Windows | Install Python 3.7 | Python Training | Edureka

This Edureka video on Installing Python on Windows Tutorial covers all the aspects of installing and setting up Python to write code in.

Let’s begin this “Install Python on Windows” blog by taking a quick introduction to Python.

Introduction To Python

Python is a very versatile language. It has thousands of libraries and modules to work with.

Personally, I think Python is really fun to work with when compared to all the other languages out there. It is very beginner friendly which is very important and the syntax is very simple to figure out. As a beginner, think this is very vital when starting out with a language.

Best of all, no semicolon, right?

Well since Python and most of its libraries are open source it has gained a lot of traction among startups and the industry as well. And this definitely leads to millions of happy learners across the globe.

 So you might be wondering why you should consider learning Python right?

Python Applications - Install Python on windows - Edureka

Guys, it has such a wide range of application, I couldn’t fit it all in one image!

Everything from web development using Django and bottle. Mathematical computations using Numpy, designing your own GUI using Tkinter and making your own games using Pygame and so on.

Next up on this Install Python on Windows blog, we will look at why Python is so popular.

If you can recall a few years ago, people told python was the next big thing. Well, they were true. In today’s situation, it is a big thing!

Well for starters we all feel a bit let down or lagging when we start learning new languages whether you’re a beginner or a pro right? It may be because of the sheer concepts or something that confuses you or doesn’t give you a good picture.

Well, in my personal opinion, python solves all of my headaches with the languages that I have learned and if I had to start with a language from scratch I would choose python for sure, no two thoughts about it.

It is very beginner friendly and the syntax is extremely simple to read and follow through.

This definitely makes us all happy and surely yes, python has millions of happy learners across the globe!

I cannot begin to tell you how fun it is to work with python and I am sure you will share the same opinion at the end of this “Install Python on Windows” blog.

Next up on this “Install Python on Windows” blog, we will look at why you should consider learning Python.

Why Should You Learn Python?

Python is a general-purpose language. It has a wide range of applications from Web development (like Django and Bottle), scientific and mathematical computing (Orange, SymPy, NumPy) to desktop graphical user Interfaces (Pygame, Panda3D).

The syntax of the language is clean and the length of the code is relatively short. It’s fun to work in Python because it allows you to think about the problem rather than focusing on the syntax.

Every Fortune 500 company that exists today uses Python in one way or the other. You don’t even have to do any digging to know this fact. Again, as I said Python is extremely popular among both startups and established industry giants.

Programming in Python is fun. It’s easier to understand and write Python code. Why? The syntax feels natural.

Next up on this “Install Python on Windows” blog, we will look at how we can go about installing Python.

Installing Python On Windows

Installing Python on Windows is a slightly longer process when compared to installing Python on Linux. In Linux, it is as easy as running a command and having it set up. With Windows, it takes a slightly different route. 

To get started working with Python 3, you’ll need to have access to the Python interpreter. There are several common ways to accomplish this:

  • Python can be obtained from the Python Software Foundation website at Typically, that involves downloading the appropriate installer for your operating system and running it on your machine.
  • Some operating systems, notably Linux, provide a package manager that can be run to install Python.
  • On macOS, the best way to install Python 3 involves installing a package manager called Homebrew. You’ll see how to do this in the relevant section in the tutorial.
  • On mobile operating systems like Android and iOS, you can install apps that provide a Python programming environment. This can be a great way to practice your coding skills on the go.

Alternatively, there are several websites that allow you to access a Python interpreter online without installing anything on your computer at all.

Note: There is a chance that Python may have been shipped with your operating system and is already installed. Even if that is the case, it may be that the installed version is outdated, in which case you will want to obtain the latest version anyhow.

It is highly unlikely that your Windows system shipped with Python already installed. Windows systems typically do not. Fortunately, installing does not involve much more than downloading the Python installer from the website and running it. Let’s take a look at how to install Python 3 on Windows:

Step 1: Download the Python 3 Installer

  1. Open a browser window and navigate to the Download page for Windows at
  2. Underneath the heading at the top that says Python Releases for Windows, click on the link for the Latest Python 3 Release – Python 3.x.x. (As of this writing, the latest version is Python 3.7.2.)
  3. Scroll to the bottom and select either Windows x86-64 executable installer for 64-bit or Windows x86 executable installer for 32-bit. 

But do we pick 32-bit or the 64-bit installer?

For Windows, you can choose either the 32-bit or 64-bit installer. Here’s what the difference between the two comes down to:

  • If your system has a 32-bit processor, then you should choose the 32-bit installer.
  • On a 64-bit system, either installer will actually work for most purposes. The 32-bit version will generally use less memory, but the 64-bit version performs better for applications with intensive computation.
  • If you’re unsure which version to pick, go with the 64-bit version.

Note: Remember that if you get this choice “wrong” and would like to switch to another version of Python, you can just uninstall Python and then re-install it by downloading another installer from

Step 2: Run the Installer

Once you have chosen and downloaded an installer, simply run it by double-clicking on the downloaded file. A dialog should appear that looks something like this:

Installing Python - Install Python on windows - Edureka

Important: You want to be sure to check the box that says Add Python 3.x to PATH as shown to ensure that the interpreter will be placed in your execution path.

Then just click Install Now. That should be all there is to it. A few minutes later you should have a working Python 3 installation on your system.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

If you are running Windows 10 Creators or Anniversary Update, you actually have another option for installing Python. These versions of Windows 10 include a feature called the Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows you to run a Linux environment directly in Windows, unmodified and without the overhead of a virtual machine.

Once you have installed the Linux distribution of your choice, you can install Python 3 from a Bash console window, just as you would if you were running that Linux distribution natively.  

Python Development Environments

There are many good IDEs to code with Python and to use on a daily basis.

We have Pydev for eclipse, Pycharm, notepad++ and bluefish for you mac users. We have Komodo and Vim as well.

Check out the following image:

Python IDEs - Install Python on Windows - Edureka

These are some of the many IDE’s out there that you can use to develop code in. Well, I suggest you use something that you are comfortable with and then go from there.

Choosing an IDE is like choosing an ice cream flavor. You first need to try it out practically and see if it suits your need perfectly. If it does then you can go ahead and make use of it.

Personally, in my case its been a long journey with Python. I have tried multiple IDEs and I have a personal liking towards PyCharm. It is really simple and amazing to work with. And I am sure a majority of the entire community agrees with me when I say that PyCharm is the #1 IDE for Python.

I got a lot of requests from you guys to push out a PyCharm Tutorial video and blog so make sure to check it out.


I hope this Install Python on Windows tutorial helps you in learning how to install and set up Python on your Windows machine.

This will be very handy when you are beginning to code with Python and you are establishing all the tools and software need for the same. Now, you should also be able to use these concepts to develop applications easily with the help of Python in Windows.

After reading this blog on Installing Python on Windows tutorial, I am pretty sure you want to know more about Python. To know more about Python you can refer the following blogs:

  1. Python Tutorial – Python Programming for Beginners
  2. Python for Data Science
  3. Top 10 Reasons why you should learn Python
  4. Python Requests Tutorial
  5. Python Tkinter Tutorial

To get in-depth knowledge on Python along with its various applications, you can enroll now for live Python online course certification training with 24/7 support and lifetime access.

Got a question? Please mention it in the comments section of this “Install Python on Windows Tutorial” blog and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


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Install Python On Windows – Python 3.X Installation Guide