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How To Become A Full-Stack Developer (Step-by-Step Guide With Skills)

Last updated on Oct 17,2024 14.3K Views

Zulaikha Lateef
Zulaikha is a tech enthusiast working as a Research Analyst at Edureka. Zulaikha is a tech enthusiast working as a Research Analyst at Edureka.
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Did you know that a Full Stack Web Developer ranks second when it comes to the Best Jobs in the USA? The growing demand of a Full Stack Web Developer is the motivation behind this blog. In this blog we’re going to see how to become a Full Stack Web Developer. All the important tools and technologies mentioned in this blog are covered in this Full Stack Developer Certification

Who Is A Full Stack Web Developer?

A Full Stack Web Developer is someone who has a good understanding of how the web works at each and every level, including setting up and configuring Linux or windows servers, coding server-side APIs, running the client-side of the application by using JavaScript, operating and querying databases and structuring and designing the web page with CSS, HTML and JavaScript.

How to become a Full Stack Web Developer - What is Full stack Web Development?

How to become a Full Stack Web Developer – Edureka

Let’s narrow down the key roles and responsibilities of a Full Stack Web Developer:

  • Should be well acquainted with system infrastructure including hardware and operating systems.
  • Create and design front end by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Build interactive UIs with the help of JavaScript frameworks, such as, ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJs, Ember, etc.
  • Code server-side APIs and back end by using programming languages like Python, Ruby, Java, PHP and frameworks like NodeJS.
  • Manage and operate Relational Database Management Systems like MySQL, MongoDB, SQL, etc.
  • Must be well versed with Project Management tools and client co-ordination.

Now that you know the key roles and responsibilities, I’m sure you’re wondering,

Who Can Become A Full Stack Web Developer?

Front end developers and back end developers can follow an easy pathway to become a Full Stack Web Developer since they already have an idea about how the web works.

To get a more in depth understanding about how to become a Full Stack Web Developer, you can check out this video recorded by our Web Development Experts.

How to Become a Full Stack Web Developer | Edureka

This Edureka video on “How to become a Full Stack Web Developer” will talk about the complete path you need to follow in order to become a Full Stack Web Developer.

Ranking at number 2 in the Indeed’s best jobs of 2018, a Full Stack Developer is one of the most sort after professionals in today’s world. With a rich set of skills, a Full Stack Web Developer, is expected to earn over $115k annually.

Source Indeed - How To Become A Full Stack Web Developer - EdurekaSource: Indeed

Here’s a table that shows how the Job listing varies with respect to the geography. I’ve collected this information from sources like Indeed and AngelList:

Job Listing - How To Become A Full Stack Developer - Edureka

Source: Indeed & AngelList

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forestalls that the availability of jobs in Full Stack Development will rise from 135,000 to more than 853,000 by 2024. The demand for a Web Developer Certification is only going to increase by the day.
The below illustration shows the vacancies of Full Stack Web Developer jobs as a percentage of all IT jobs in United Kingdom. This is also the case in most of the IT driven countries such as Canada, USA, Germany, etc.

Full Stack Developers Job Vacancies - How To Become A Full Stack Developer - Edureka

Source: ITJobsWatch

These stats show the demand of a Full Stack Web Developer all around the world. With such a varied set of skills it is no surprise that Full Stack Web Developers take home a huge amount.

The below section will give you an in-depth idea of how much a Full Stack Web Developer earns and how it can vary with experience, region and skills.

Web Development Full Course for Beginners

Full Stack Web Developer Salary

According to a recent survey by PayScale a Full Stack Web Developer has a base pay of $75,091. The average salary of a Full Stack Web Developer ranges from $46k to $115k. The median bonus is $4,835. However, the salary of a Full Stack Web Developer varies depending on various factors such as, geography, skill-set, level of experience, etc.

The below table shows the annual salary of a Full Stack Web Developer in the USA. This number varies depending upon one’s experience and skill set as well.

Salary Based on Geography - How To Become A Full Stack Developer - Edureka

Salary Based on Geography – How To Become A Full Stack Developer – Edureka

The below illustration depicts the median salary for various types of developers as calculated by Stack Overflow. Full Stack Web Developers have secured a position within the top 6 most highly paid professionals.

Salary trends - How To Become A Full Stack Developer - Edureka

Salary trends – How To Become A Full Stack Developer – Edureka

Now that you know, how well a Full Stack Web Developer is paid, let’s take a look at what exactly industries look for in a Full Stack Web Developer.

Full Stack Web Developer Job Description

When I started my research about the skill set of a Full Stack Web Developer, I went through a couple of Job Descriptions on platforms like Glassdoor and Indeed to check what exactly top tier companies look for in a Full Stack Developer.
Let’s take a look at a few Job Description of a Full Stack Web Developer:

Job Description IBM - How To Become A Full Stack Developer - Edureka

Job Description IBM – How To Become A Full Stack Developer – Edureka

Job Description Mobiquity - How To Become A Full Stack Developer - Edureka

Job Description Mobiquity – How To Become A Full Stack Developer – Edureka

These Job Descriptions give us an understanding of what exactly companies expect from a Full Stack Web Developer and what are the skills needed to become a Full Stack Web Developer. To make it easier for you, I’ve listed down the key takeaways from the Job Descriptions in the below section.

Full Stack Web Developer Skills

A Full Stack Web Developer must know how to create and maintain the front-end and the back-end of a web application and must also be proficient with the various languages used to develop a web application.
Here’s a list of skills that I narrowed down by studying a couple of Job Description:

  • An in-depth understanding of working with system infrastructure, web architecture and communication protocols like HTTP, TCP/IP, etc.
  • Skilled in working with deployment operating systems like, Ubuntu, CentOS, Windows, etc
  • Understanding the function of a web server such as nginx, Apache, etc.
  • Basic designing ability (UI/UX designing)
  • Proficiency in Front end technologies, such as HTML, CSS & JavaScript
  • Design and develop the UI using web development framework and libraries like jQuery, React, AngularJs, etc
  • A good understanding of server-side languages such as Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, etc and server-side frameworks such as NodeJS
  • Well versed in operating and querying Relational and NoSQL Database Management Systems such as MongoDB, SQL, MySQL, etc.
  • Operating and managing Version Control Systems such as Git, Subversion, etc.

A good understating of working with Project Management Tools such as Scoro, Jira, etc.

Now that you know what skills you need to become a Full Stack Web Developer, let’s try to understand the tools and technologies you need to master in order to acquire these skills.

    Full Stack Web Developer Technologies

    Full Stack Development involves developing and designing the following three layers:

    1. Front-End Layer
    2. Back-End Layer
    3. Database Layer

    Full Stack Developer RoadMap - How To Become A Full Stack Developer - Edureka

    Full Stack Web Developer Technologies

    Front End Layer

    The front-end layer helps you interact with the web, watch videos, perform actions like register to an online shopping site. So basically, the design, look and feel of the web is accomplished with the help of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    Let’s talk a little bit about front end technologies.

    Being proficient in languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript is the most basic requirement for becoming a Full Stack Developer.

    • HTML which stands for HyperText Markup Language is the skeleton of every web page. By using HTML you tell the browser how you want your content to be structured by defining the different parts of a web page.

    To learn more about HTML, you can go through this video by our Web Development experts.

    HTML Tutorial For Beginners | Edureka

    This Edureka video on “HTML Tutorial” will provide you with detailed and comprehensive knowledge about HTML and also how to create your first web page using HTML Tags.


    • CSS which stands for Cascading Style Sheets is used for styling the HTML elements. It provides 1000s of styling functions which are used to style the HTML elements defined by us.

    To learn more about CSS, you can go through this video by our Web Development specialists.

    CSS Tutorial For Beginners | Edureka

    This Edureka video on “CSS Tutorial” will explain all the basics of CSS by styling multiple HTML pages.


    • JavaScript is an interpreted scripting language used to make the web look for alive. All the motions and graphics that you see on a website is done by using JavaScript.

    To learn more about JavaScript, you can go through this blog written by our web development experts.

    JavaScript Frameworks
    Having a knowledge of the above-mentioned languages is not enough. Websites and web applications these days have integrated, complex and interactive UIs which attract more traffic. To accomplish this, it is necessary to know the various JavaScript Frameworks and libraries like, Angular, React, VueJs, Ember, NodeJs, jQuery etc.

    There are 100s of JavaScript frameworks that will help you with web development, but it’s often confusing to choose among so many well-versed frameworks.

    Here’s a blog on Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks that will help you get started on learning JavaScript Frameworks.

    Back End Layer

    The back-end layer forms a dynamic connection between the front-end and the database. To get this layer working it’s important to know at least one of the programming languages such as Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, etc and knowledge of server-side frameworks such as NodeJS is mandatory.

    • Python is an open source, object-oriented programming language that was released in 1991 and ever since it has become one of the favourite languages of most software and web developers.

    Here’s an entire Python blog dedicated to the use of python, its features and also how one can write programs with Python, do give it a read.

    • Java is an open source, high level programming language which was released by Sun Microsystems in 1996. It follows the Write Once Run Anywhere (WORA) approach that makes it compatible to run on any platform.

    To learn more about Java, you can this Java Tutorial blog a read.

    • PHP is an open source, server-side scripting language used to develop the back-end logic of an application. It is a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive websites.

    Here’s a blog that covers all the basic and advanced concepts of PHP, do give it a read,

    • NodeJS is an open source, JavaScript framework used specifically for creating the back end or the server side of an application. Through NodeJS, JavaScript can now finally run on the server side of the web.

    To learn more about NodeJS, you can go through this video recorded by our Web Development experts.

    Database Layer

    The data layer is a massive warehouse of information. It contains a database repository which captures and stores information from the front-end, through the back-end. A prerequisite is to have knowledge of how data is stored, edited, retrieved, etc. An understanding of Databases such as MySQL, MongoDB is a must.

    • MySQL is an open source, Relational Database Management System that provides multi-user access and supports multi storage engines.

    You can read this MySQL blog to get a good understanding of how data is stored, retrieved and edited using MySQL.

    • MongoDB is known for its ease of use and its quickness in handling large amount of data. It is an open source, object-oriented, NoSQL database which is highly scalable and is efficient in handling unstructured data.

    In addition to the above-mentioned technologies, a Full Stack Web Developer must know the different parts of the web, one must have a good understanding of web architecture and the various communication protocols like HTTP, he must also be familiar with Version Control systems and Project Management tools.

    A Flutter Course will help you become an expert in developing cross-platform mobile apps that look great and perform even better.

    Becoming a Full Stack Web Developer requires good amount of effort and dedication. But is it worth all the effort? Yes, it definitely is. It is the most valued designation and once you practice Full Stack Web Development, you’ll become a master of the web. Thinking about you career to start soon? Lets begin with Full Stack Developer internship program today.


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    How To Become A Full-Stack Developer (Step-by-Step Guide With Skills)