Excel Charts: Advanced Data Visualization using MS Excel

Last updated on Jun 13,2023 3.2K Views

Excel Charts: Advanced Data Visualization using MS Excel


In my previous blogData Visualization Techniques using MS Excel were discussed. Those were limited to the visualization of data in a single attribute. In this instalment of the series, we shall talk more about advanced aspects Data Visualization – Excel ChartsHowever, in many real-world scenarios, data visualization requires analysis of multiple attributes, which is an essential part of any MS Excel Training Program.

Suppose an ice cream company would like to analyze the revenue gained by the sale of its various ice creams. For such detailed analysis, you will have to analyze the effect of various parameters on the sale of ice creams. For example, how does temperature affect the sale? Are some locations better than others for selling ice cream? Does the sale increase by distributing more number of pamphlets?

So in order to answer such questions, you have to analyze the relationship between multiple attributes. In this blog, we will discuss exactly that.

Following are the Excel Charts which we shall discuss in this blog.

Line Chart

Line charts are very helpful in depicting continuous data on an evenly scaled axis. These Excel charts are a good option for showing trends in data at equal intervals, like days, months or years.

Let’s start by analyzing how revenue varies over time.

Let’s try to understand if there is any correlation between revenue and temperature. In order to analyze this, let’s add one more attribute in the same chart: Temperature.

Column Chart

A column chart is used to visually compare values across multiple categories.

Let’s explore another useful variant of this chart, Stacked Column.



Histograms are Excel charts that show the frequencies within a data distribution. The distribution of data is grouped into frequency bins, which can be changed to better analyze the data.

Scatter Plot

A scatter plot has two value axes: a horizontal (X) and a vertical (Y) axis. It combines x and y values into single data points and shows them in irregular intervals, or clusters. 

Let’s try to analyze if the Total Sale has any relation with the number of Pamphlets distributed.

As demonstrated in this blog, MS Excel has various powerful and easy to use visualization tools like the various Excel charts we’ve discussed above. These tools help in finding the correlation between various data elements and in deriving useful patterns in the data.

There are multiple variants and plenty of options that each visualization tool comes with, and I’d like to encourage you to explore all the options so that next time when you get a data set to analyze, you will have sufficient ammunition to attack the data.

Microsoft Excel is a simple, yet powerful software application. Edureka’s Advanced Excel Training Programme helps you learn quantitative analysis, statistical analysis using the intuitive interface of MS Excel for data manipulation. The usage of MS Excel, and its charts span across different domains and professional requirements, hence, there’s no better time than now to begin your journey!

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