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In this post we’ll extend our quiz application and add a JavaScript countdown timer functionality into it. Another thing we’ll implement here is, adding code so that each quiz can have different number of questions. If you haven`t already read the first part, I will recommend you to go through it. It will be easier for you to follow this post and understand it completely.
You can read the first part here Creating an Online Quiz Application using JSP Servlet. You could also expand your Angular career opportunities by taking up Angular Certification Training.
Time duration of each quiz is stored in the quiz XML file, we retrieve the duration of the quiz and save it in the user’s session as an attribute. When the user submits a question we also submit the time to the controller using custom form submission with JavaScript. So, when we show the next question we display the correct remaining time.
When the time duration of the quiz is over, the user will be shown an alert box saying “Time Up” and the quiz will be evaluated and the final result will be displayed.
Let`s see what we need to achieve this.
We have added two new lines in the quiz XML file, before quiz questions.
< quiz> < title>Java Quiz (2015/01/18)< /title> < totalquizquestions>10< /totalquizquestions> < quizduration>2< /quizduration> < questions> < question> < quizquestion>Which is the correct syntax ?< /quizquestion> < answer> public class ABC extends QWE extends Student< /answer> < answer> int i="A";< /answer> < answer>String s="Hello";< /answer> < answer> private class ABC< /answer> < correct>2< /correct> < /question> < question> < quizquestion> Which of the following a is not a keyword in Java ?< /quizquestion> < answer>class< /answer> < answer>interface< /answer> < answer>extends< /answer> < answer>abstraction< /answer> < correct>3< /correct> < /question> < question> < quizquestion>What is true about Java ?< /quizquestion> < answer>Java is platform specific< /answer> < answer>Java does not support multiple inheritance< /answer> < answer>Java does not run on Linux and Mac< /answer> < answer>Java is not a multi-threaded language < /answer> < correct>1< /correct> < /question> < question> < quizquestion>Which of the following is an interface ?< /quizquestion> < answer>Thread< /answer> < answer>Runnable< /answer> < answer>Date< /answer> < answer>Calendar< /answer> < correct>1< /correct> < /question> < question> < quizquestion>Which company released Java Version 8 ?< /quizquestion> < answer>Sun< /answer> < answer>Oracle< /answer> < answer>Adobe< /answer> < answer>Google< /answer> < correct>1< /correct> < /question> < question> < quizquestion>Java comes under which category of languages ?< /quizquestion> < answer>First Generation Languages< /answer> < answer>Second Generation Languages< /answer> < answer>Third Generation Languages< /answer> < answer>Fourth Generation Languages< /answer> < correct>2< /correct> < /question> < question> < quizquestion>Which is the default package that is automatically visible to your program ?< /quizquestion> < answer>< /answer> < answer>javax.swing< /answer> < answer>< /answer> < answer>java.lang< /answer> < correct>3< /correct> < /question> < question> < quizquestion>Which entry in WEB-INF is used to map a servlet ?< /quizquestion> < answer>servlet-mapping< /answer> < answer>servlet-registration< /answer> < answer>servlet-entry< /answer> < answer>servlet-attachment< /answer> < correct>0< /correct> < /question> < question> < quizquestion>What is the length of Java datatype int ?< /quizquestion> < answer>32 bit< /answer> < answer>16 bit< /answer> < answer>64 bit< /answer> < answer>Runtime specific< /answer> < correct>0< /correct> < /question> < question> < quizquestion>What is the default value of Java datatype boolean?< /quizquestion> < answer>true< /answer> < answer>false< /answer> < answer>1< /answer> < answer>0< /answer> < correct>1< /correct> < /question> < /questions> < /quiz>
When the user starts a new exam, we set the total questions and duration of the quiz in the user`s session as an attribute.
request.getSession().setAttribute("totalNumberOfQuizQuestions",document.getElementsByTagName("totalQuizQuestions").item(0).getTextContent()); request.getSession().setAttribute("quizDuration",document.getElementsByTagName("quizDuration").item(0).getTextContent()); request.getSession().setAttribute("min",document.getElementsByTagName("quizDuration").item(0).getTextContent()); request.getSession().setAttribute("sec",0);
We have to decrement the timer after each second, to do that we are going to create a Javascript function that will be first called when exam page is loaded and then we will call that function recursively after each second to countdown time.
Javascript function to countdown time
< script language ="javascript" > var tim; var min = '${sessionScope.min}'; var sec = '${sessionScope.sec}'; var f = new Date(); function customSubmit(someValue){ document.questionForm.minute.value = min; document.questionForm.second.value = sec; document.questionForm.submit(); } function examTimer() { if (parseInt(sec) >0) { document.getElementById("showtime").innerHTML = "Time Remaining :"+min+" Minutes ," + sec+" Seconds"; sec = parseInt(sec) - 1; tim = setTimeout("examTimer()", 1000); } else { if (parseInt(min)==0 && parseInt(sec)==0){ document.getElementById("showtime").innerHTML = "Time Remaining :"+min+" Minutes ," + sec+" Seconds"; alert("Time Up"); document.questionForm.minute.value=0; document.questionForm.second.value=0; document.questionForm.submit(); } if (parseInt(sec) == 0) { document.getElementById("showtime").innerHTML = "Time Remaining :"+min+" Minutes ," + sec+" Seconds"; min = parseInt(min) - 1; sec=59; tim = setTimeout("examTimer()", 1000); } } } < /script>
Now, to call that Javascript function we are going to use the onload attribute of body tag.
< body onload=”examTimer”>
Until now we were submitting the quiz questions form directly to the Exam Controller, but now we have to send the timer parameters: minute and second also so that when Exam Controller displays the next question it should also display the correct remaining time. To achieve that we have submitted the form manually using Javascript and send the min and sec parameters to Exam Controller.
Note that when user click on next,previous or finish button customSubmit() Javascript function will be called.
< form action="exam" method="post" name="questionForm" > < c:forEach var="choice" items="${}" varStatus="counter"> < input type="radio" name="answer" value="${counter.count}" >${choice} < br/> < /c:forEach> < br/> < c:if test="${ > 0}"> < input type="submit" name="action" value="Previous" onclick="customSubmit()" /> < /c:if> < c:if test="${ < sessionScope.totalNumberOfQuizQuestions-1}"> < input type="submit" name="action" value="Next" onclick="customSubmit()" /> < /c:if> < input type="submit" name="action" value="Finish Exam" onclick="customSubmit()" /> < input type="hidden" name="minute"/> < input type="hidden" name="second"/> < /form>
customSubmit() function
It is the customSubmit() function that sends the minute and second parameters to ExamController.
function customSubmit(someValue){ document.questionForm.minute.value = min; document.questionForm.second.value = sec; document.questionForm.submit(); }
We retrieve the values of minute and second parameters sent to the ExamController and update it in user`s session.
if(request.getParameter("minute")!=null) { minute=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("minute")); second=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("second")); request.getSession().setAttribute("min",request.getParameter("minute") ); request.getSession().setAttribute("sec",request.getParameter("second") ); }
When the duration of the quiz is over, in other words when both minute and second becomes zero.We show an alert box saying “Time Up” and set the value of minute and second to zero and submit the form.
if (parseInt(min)==0 && parseInt(sec)==0){ document.getElementById("showtime").innerHTML = "Time Remaining :"+min+" Minutes ," + sec+" Seconds"; alert("Time Up"); document.questionForm.minute.value=0; document.questionForm.second.value=0; document.questionForm.submit(); }
We have to change the code so that the exam will be finished when the time limit for the exam is over.
else if("Finish Exam".equals(action)||( minute==0 && second==0)) { finish=true; int result=exam.calculateResult(exam); request.setAttribute("result",result); request.getSession().setAttribute("currentExam",null); request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/jsps/result.jsp").forward(request,response); }
So, an exam can be finished either by clicking on the finish button directly or when time limit of the exam is over ( both minute and second becomes zero).
That’s it for this post. In the next post we’ll further extend our quiz application and add new feature so that the user will be able to review his answers and know which questions he got it wrong and what were the correct answers. To learn more check out this Full Stack developer course today.
As always you can download the code, change it as you like. That’s the best way to understand the code. If you have any question or request please comment below.
Click on the download button to download the code.
Got a question for us? Please mention it in the comments section and we will get back to you.
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please tell me… how to save result into database?
Hey Vikas, thanks for checking out our blog. You can use jsp, servelet to save the result into database.
Here is a blog for reference:
Hope this helps. Cheers!
Thankyou sir….can you please send me the code to save number of question,correct answers,time,date and exam type into database
Where is the DB file?
Hey Sanny, thanks for checking out our blog.
i am getting the action as null while running in the IE browser after clicking next but in eclipse it is running properly, please help me
Hey Sathish, thanks for checking out our blog. With regard to the issue you’re facing, please try using any other browser like chrome or Firefox or update the existing IE browser and check again. Do write to us if you face any further issue. Cheers!
i am getting nullpointer exception in main controller location is request.getSession().setAttribute(“totalNumberOfQuizQuestions”,document.getElementsByTagName(“totalQuizQuestions”).item(0).getTextContent()); here is showing the nullpointer exception.
Hey Sanjay, thanks for checking out the blog. Regarding your query, Null Pointer Exception means that you were trying to execute a function on a null pointer. What you can do is to figure out how far along the note you got. Remove each of the function calls one at a time until you figure out how and where is the null happening, and see if you can figure out why the value is returning null.
Hope this helps.
the source code is not downloading.
Hey Oloriiee, thanks for checking out the blog. Please try downloading the source code now. The issue has been fixed. Cheers!
not going to the next question in exam. jsp
what changes does it need?
please tell me
please respond in my mail id
Hi Sovon, somebody from our support team will definitely get in touch with you soon. Thanks for reaching out to us. Have a good day!
Can i get for html send to my email
Hey Ibrahim, thanks for checking out the blog. Please try downloading the source code now. The issue has been fixed. Cheers!
download link
hi sir, i can’t download source code, can send to my email:
thank you so much
have a nice day
please help me how to download code i am not finding download button…
Hey Krishna, thanks for checking out the blog. Please try downloading the source code now. The issue has been fixed. Cheers!
how to run it