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Are you a DevOps Enthusiast looking to explore different tools? If yes, then you have landed at the right place. DevOps Engineers are the most demanded and payed professionals all around the world. With this in mind let me introduce you to the most popular DevOps Tool, Jenkins. This Jenkins cheat sheet is for beginners who have prior knowledge about how a software development process occurs.
Continuous Integration is a software development practice in which developers are required to frequently commit changes to the source code in a shared repository. Each commit is then continuously pulled & built. Jenkins is an open source, Continuous Integration (CI) tool, written in Java. It continuously pulls, builds and tests any code commits made by a developer with the help of plugins.
Let’s start by installing Jenkins. This installation is specific to systems operating on Ubuntu. Follow the below steps:
Step 1: Install Java
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
Step 2: Add Jenkins Repository
$ wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add –
Step 3: Add Jenkins repo to the system
$ sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
Step 4: Install Jenkins
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install Jenkins
Step 5: Verify installation
$ systemctl status Jenkins
Step 6: Once Jenkins is up and running, access it from the link:
Jenkins comes with over 2000 plugins and each plugin has a unique functionality. But when it comes to software development most developers use a set of plugins, such as
Follow the below step to install the above plugins or any other Jenkins plugin.
Jenkins Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Available
In the filter text field enter the name of the plugin you want to install.
Jenkins provides the option of choosing from different types of jobs to build your project.
Below are the types of jobs you can choose from:
Freestyle build jobs are general-purpose build jobs, which provides maximum flexibility. It can be used for any type of project.
This project runs the entire software development workflow as code. Instead of creating several jobs for each stage of software development, you can now run the entire workflow as one code.
The multiconfiguration project allows you to run the same build job on different environments. It is used for testing an application in different environments.
This project allows users to create folders to organize and categorize similar jobs in one folder or sub folder.
This project scans your entire GitHub organization and creates Pipeline jobs for each repository containing a Jenkinsfile
This project type lets you implement different Jenkinsfiles for different branches of the same project.
Build pipeline can be used to chain several jobs together and run them in a sequence. Let’s see how to install Build Pipeline:
Jenkins Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Available
In the filter text field enter the name of the plugin you want to install.
Step 1: Create 3 freestyle Jobs (Job1, Job2, Job3)
Step 2: Chain the 3 Jobs together
Job1 -> configure -> Post Build -> Build other projects -> Job2
Job2 -> configure -> Post Build -> Build other projects -> Job3
Step 3: Create a build pipeline view
Jenkins Dashboard -> Add view -> Enter a name -> Build pipeline view -> ok ->
configure -> Pipeline flow -> Select Initial job -> Job1 -> ok
Step 4: Run the Build Pipeline
Jenkins pipeline is a single platform that runs the entire pipeline as code. Instead of building several jobs for each phase, you can now code the entire workflow and put it in a Jenkinsfile.
Jenkinsfile is a text file that stores the pipeline as code. It is written using the Groovy DSL. It can be written based on two syntaxes:
Code is written on the Jenkins UI instance and is enclosed within the node block
node {
scripted pipeline code
Code is written locally in a file and is checked into a SCM and is enclosed within the pipeline block
pipeline {
declarative pipeline code
The below fundamentals are common to both, scripted and declarative pipeline:
It has the following parameters:
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
After installing Jenkins, building jobs using the Build pipeline and briefly discussing about pipeline concepts, let’s see how to create a Jenkins pipeline.
Follow the below steps to create both, a scripted pipeline and a declarative pipeline:
Step 1: Log into Jenkins and select ‘New Item from the Dashboard'
Step 2: Next, enter a name for your pipeline and select ‘Pipeline project’. Click ‘ok’ to proceed
Step 3: Scroll down to the pipeline and choose if you want a Declarative or Scripted pipeline
Step 4a: If you want a Scripted pipeline, then choose ‘pipeline script’ and start typing your code
Step 4b: If you want a Declarative Pipeline, select ‘Pipeline script from SCM’ and choose your SCM and enter your repository URL
Step 5: Within the Script path is the name of the Jenkinsfile that is going to be accessed from your SCM to run. Finally click on ‘apply’ and ‘save’
node {
stage(‘SCM checkout’) {
//Checkout from your SCM(Source Control Management)
//For eg: Git Checkout
stage(‘Build’) {
//Compile code
//Install dependencies
//Perform Unit Test, Integration Test
stage(‘Test’) {
//Resolve test server dependencies
//Perform UAT
stage(‘Deploy’) {
//Deploy code to prod server
//Solve dependency issues
Follow the below command to start, stop and restart Jenkins through the CLI.
$ sudo service jenkins restart
$ sudo service jenkins stop
$ sudo service jenkins start
Step 1: Stop Jenkins.
Step 2: Copy the custom HPI to $Jenkins_Home/plugins.
Step 3: Delete the previously expanded plugin directory.
Step 4: Make an empty file called <plugin>.hpi.pinned.
Step 5: Start Jenkins.
Jenkins uses a cron expressions to schedule a job. Each line consists of 5 fields separated by TAB or whitespace:
Syntax: (Minute Hour DOM Month DOW)
MINUTE: Minutes in one hour (0-59)
HOURS: Hours in one day (0-23)
DAYMONTH: Day in a month (1-31)
MONTH: Month in a year (1-12)
DAYWEEK: Day of the week (0-7) where 0 and 7 are sunday
Example: H/2 * * * * (schedule your build for every 2 minutes)
Try this example:
H/2 * * * * (schedules your build for every 2 minutes)
A tool that lets users generate code for individual steps in a scripted pipeline. Let’s look at an example:
Step 1: Create a pipeline job > configure
Step 2: Select pipeline script from pipeline definition
Step 3: Click on Pipeline syntax > snippet generator
Step 4: Step > select Git > enter repo URL
Step 5: Scroll down > Generate pipeline script
Step 6: Copy the script into your pipeline script UI
Below is an image of the Snippet Generator. You can select from a variety of steps and generate a code for each step.
Below is an image of the Scripted pipeline UI with the code generated from snippet generator