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Big Data Characteristics: Know the 5’Vs of Big Data

Last updated on Apr 18,2024 47.5K Views

Ravi Kiran
Tech Enthusiast working as a Research Analyst at Edureka. Curious about learning... Tech Enthusiast working as a Research Analyst at Edureka. Curious about learning more about Data Science and Big-Data Hadoop.

Big Data Characteristics are mere words that explain the remarkable potential of Big Data. This pinnacle of Software Engineering is purely designed to handle the enormous data that is generated every second and all the 5 Vs that we will discuss, will be interconnected as follows.


What is Big Data?

big data characteristics

The term Big Data refers to a huge volume of data that can not be stored processed by any traditional data storage or processing units. Big Data is generated at a very large scale and it is being used by many multinational companies to process and analyse in order to uncover insights and improve the business of many organisations.

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Types of Big-Data

Big Data is generally categorized into three different varieties. They are as shown below:

  • Structured Data
  • Semi-Structured Data
  • Unstructured Data


  • Structured Data owns a dedicated data model, It also has a well-defined structure, it follows a consistent order and it is designed in such a way that it can be easily accessed and used by a person or a computer. Structured data is usually stored in well-defined columns and also Databases.

Example: Database Management Systems(DBMS)

  • Semi-Structured Data can be considered as another form of Structured Data. It inherits a few properties of Structured Data, but the major part of this kind of data fails to have a definite structure and also, it does not obey the formal structure of data models such as an RDBMS.

Example:Comma Separated Values(CSV) File.

  • Unstructured Data is completely a different type of which neither has a structure nor obeys to follow the formal structural rules of data models. It does not even have a consistent format and it found to be varying all the time. But, rarely it may have information related to data and time.

Example: Audio Files, Images etc

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Characteristics of Big Data

Five V's of Big Data - What is Big Data - Edureka


Volume refers to the unimaginable amounts of information generated every second from social media, cell phones, cars, credit cards, M2M sensors, images, video, and whatnot. We are currently using distributed systems, to store data in several locations and brought together by a software Framework like Hadoop.

Facebook alone can generate about billion messages, 4.5 billion times that the “like” button is recorded, and over 350 million new posts are uploaded each day. Such a huge amount of data can only be handled by Big Data Technologies


As Discussed before, Big Data is generated in multiple varieties. Compared to the traditional data like phone numbers and addresses, the latest trend of data is in the form of photos, videos, and audios and many more, making about 80% of the data to be completely unstructured

Structured data is just the tip of the iceberg.


Veracity basically means the degree of reliability that the data has to offer. Since a major part of the data is unstructured and irrelevant, Big Data needs to find an alternate way to filter them or to translate them out as the data is crucial in business developments


Value is the major issue that we need to concentrate on. It is not just the amount of data that we store or process. It is actually the amount of valuable, reliable and trustworthy data that needs to be stored, processed, analyzed to find insights. You can get a better understanding with the Azure Data Engineering certification.


Last but never least, Velocity plays a major role compared to the others, there is no point in investing so much to end up waiting for the data. So, the major aspect of Big Dat is to provide data on demand and at a faster pace.

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Applications of Big Data

Big Data is considered the most valuable and powerful fuel that can run the massive IT industries of the 21st Century. Big Data is being the most wide-spread technology that is being used in almost every business sector. Let us now check out a few as mentioned below.

big data characteristics 1Travel and Tourism is one of the biggest users of Big Data Technology. It has enabled us to predict the requirements for travel facilities in many places, improving business through dynamic pricing and many more


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Financial and Banking Sectors extensively uses Big Data Technology. Big data analytics can aid banks in understanding customer behaviour based on the inputs received from their investment patterns, shopping trends, motivation to invest and personal or financial backgrounds.

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Big Data has already started to create a huge difference in the healthcare sector. With the help of predictive analytics, medical professionals and Health Care Personnel are now able to provide personalized healthcare services to individual patients.


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Telecommunication and Multimedia sector is one of the primary users of Big Data. There are zettabytes of getting generated every day and to handle such huge data would need nothing other than Big Data Technologies.


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Government and Military also use Big Data Technology at a higher rate. You can consider the amount of data Government generates on its records and in the military, a normal fighter jet plane requires to process petabytes of data during its flight. You can get a better understanding with the Azure Data Engineering Training in Hyderabad.


Advantages of Big Data

Big Data Technology has given us multiple advantages, Out of which we will now discuss a few.

  • Big Data has enabled predictive analysis which can save organisations from operational risks.

  • Predictive analysis has helped organisations grow business by analysing customer needs.

  • Big Data has enabled many multimedia platforms to share data Ex: youtube, Instagram

  • Medical and Healthcare sectors can keep patients under constant observations.

  • Big Data changed the face of customer-based companies and worldwide market


Companies Hiring Big Data Developers

There are many MNCs hiring Big Data Developers. Some of the major tech giants are enlisted below as follows:

With this, we come to an end of this article. I hope I have thrown some light on to your knowledge on Big Data Characteristics.

Now that you have understood Big data and its Characteristics, check out the Hadoop training in Atlanta by Edureka, a trusted online learning company with a network of more than 250,000 satisfied learners spread across the globe. The Edureka’s Big data architect course helps learners become expert in HDFS, Yarn, MapReduce, Pig, Hive, HBase, Oozie, Flume and Sqoop using real-time use cases on Retail, Social Media, Aviation, Tourism, Finance domain.

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Big Data Characteristics: Know the 5’Vs of Big Data