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What is Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)?

Last updated on Oct 09,2024 72 Views

A passionate and knowledgeable tech enthusiast known for his expertise in the... A passionate and knowledgeable tech enthusiast known for his expertise in the world of technology and programming. With a deep-rooted passion for coding, Sarfaraz...

Several widely used messaging systems, such as Amazon AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS), have been explicitly designed to decouple complexly organized systems. This article will provide an understanding of the aspects of queues, which include its definition, need for queues, characteristics of the queues, distinctions between the kinds of queues, how to employ the queues, the role of the queues with other AWS services as well as a brief look at the general architecture of a queue. Also, the AWS SQS Service will be explained along with other AWS messaging.


What is Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)?

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) can be defined as A realized messaging service completely hosted by AWS. It allows one to manage and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications by modeling asynchronous communication. Concerning the implementation of the AWS SQS service, it handles firstly unlimited and configurable standard queues and only first-in-first-out queues to deliver reliable, secure and scalable services. For more detailed information, an AWS Tutorial could be of help. It deals with the essential floor and is easy to implement and utilize via other solutions borrowed from Amazon Simple Queue Service.

AWS SQS | AWS Simple Queue Service | How SQS Works | AWS Tutorial | Edureka

This Edureka video on “AWS SQS” will firstly explain what is Amazon Simple Queue Service, followed by its architecture and benefits.

Benefits of Using Amazon SQS

AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) offers several benefits for developers and businesses:

Decoupling ComponentsAWS SQS service enables loose coupling between services, allowing them to operate independently and scale easily.
Reliability and DurabilityMessages are redundantly stored across multiple servers, ensuring high availability and durability.
ScalabilityAWS SQS service handles varying workloads without manual intervention, making it suitable for dynamic applications.
SecurityAccess control policies allow fine-grained permissions for sending and receiving messages.
Asynchronous ProcessingAWS SQS service supports asynchronous communication, ideal for background tasks, notifications, and event-driven systems.
Delay QueuesIntroduce delays for specific messages, useful for scheduled tasks or retries.
Visibility TimeoutControl the visibility of messages during processing to prevent concurrent access issues.

Amazon SQS Features

There are two types of queues under AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS), each catering to different application requirements:

Standard Queues:

  • Unlimited Throughput: Standard queues support a nearly unlimited number of transactions per second (TPS) per API action.
  • At-Least-Once Delivery: Messages are delivered at least once, but occasionally, more than one copy may be delivered.
  • Best-Effort Ordering: Occasionally, messages might be delivered in an order different from which they were sent.
  • Use cases: This includes decoupling live user requests from intensive background work, allocating tasks to multiple worker nodes, and batching messages for future processing.

FIFO Queues:

  • High Throughput: By default, FIFO queues support up to 3,000 messages per second with batching or up to 300 messages per second (300 send, receive, or delete operations per second) without batching. High throughput mode can be enabled for even higher rates.
  • Exactly-Once Processing: Messages are delivered once and remain available until a consumer processes and deletes them. No duplicates are introduced.
  • First-In-First-Out Delivery: The order in which messages are sent and received is strictly preserved.
  • Use cases: Ensuring correct order of operations, displaying accurate product prices, and preventing undesired actions (e.g., student enrollment before registration).

Functionality of AWS SQS

AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) provides a fully manageable, cost-effective, and loosely coupled system for sending messages to applications. People who want to become proficient at AWS and those who wish to be endorsed by professional organizations must be willing to acquire an AWS Certification.

Here’s a detailed overview of its core functionalities:

  • Message Sending: SQS Queues receive messages from producers, including microservices, web applications, and other AWS services. These messages can be any data, such as JSON, text, or binary data messages. Amazon Simple Queue Service takes care of message durability, as SQS stores mirrored copies on several servers.
  • Message Receiving: Customers take messages from the queue. SQS offers two methods: new patterns like short poll responding to instant messages and long poll waiting until there is a message or until the long poll timeout. This cuts down on empty responses and is cost-effective.
  • Visibility Timeout: The consumer temporarily makes a message unavailable for other consumers, guaranteeing that it will only be interpreted. After the visibility timeout period, the consumer is unable to process and delete the message, which becomes visible again to other consumers.
  • Message Deletion: The consumer also removes the message after it has been processed from the queue to avoid being processed several times. Traditional Store and Forward protocol implies that each message should be processed once so that duplicate messages do not cause any problems and the accuracy of the transferred message is guaranteed.
  • Error Handling with Dead-Letter Queues: A message not being processed on consumption can be dumped into a dead letter queue after particular tries. This option enables a developer to study the messages that are wrongly wrong-performing without interaction with the main queue.
  • Message Attributes: SQS also supports multiple attributes with messages to help consumers make decisions, such as timestamps, priorities, etc., or custom tags.
  • Batch Operations: SQS also supports the sending and receiving of a batch of messages. This helps boost throughput and reduce charges because messages are transmitted in one request.
  • Security: SQS also works with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to manage the access and provides options for message data encryption for messages in transit and at rest.

Using Amazon SQS With Other AWS Infrastructure Web Services

When using AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) in conjunction with other AWS infrastructure web services, you can enhance your application’s functionality and scalability. Here are some ways to integrate SQS with other AWS services:

Amazon Lambda:

  • Start one or multiple AWS Lambda functions based on a specific SQS queue.
  • First-class for event-driven architectures without the server side.
  • For instance, it may be helpful for actions like processing uploaded files or data transformations.

Amazon S3:

  • Decouple the large messages and store them in Amazon S3; the message content can include references to the S3 object.
  • Large volumes of payloads are processed while throughput to SQS is not compromised.
  • Primarily for media processing, batch operation, or data synchronization.

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling:

  • Utilize SQS in scaling work across the EC2 instances.
  • It should be able to automatically adjust to the number of instances based on the length of the Queue.
  • It is beneficial when the load demands high resources and there is a need to optimize the resources used.

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk:

  • Make SQS a native service on Elastic Beanstalk applications.
  • To process the background tasks, messages, notifications or any serialized messages.
  • Decouple the system elements to make the design more scalable and less prone to failure.

Amazon CloudWatch:

  • We are observing metrics for SQS (for instance, queue length and time that messages have been waiting in the Queue).
  • Regularly establish alerts or notifications for the predefined high value and any deviation.
  • Resume activity in response to changes in queues’ activity levels.

Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service):

  • Combine SQS with AWS SNS for fanout messaging.
  • Publish messages to an SNS topic, which then distributes them to multiple SQS queues.
  • Useful for broadcasting notifications to multiple subscribers.

Basic Amazon SQS Architecture

Below are the fundamental and systematically arranged layout of the AWS SQS service and the components of the distributed queuing system, as well as the various steps of the message from its creation until its deletion.

Distributed Queues:

Basic Amazon SQS Architecture

A distributed messaging system using Amazon SQS consists of three main parts:

  • Components of your distributed system – Producers and consumers.
  • The queue – Distributed across Amazon SQS
  • Messages – Held within the queue.

In this setup:

  • Producers send messages to the queue.
  • Consumers receive messages from the queue.
  • The queue redundantly stores messages (e.g., A through E) across multiple Amazon SQS

Message Lifecycle:

The lifecycle of an Amazon SQS message, from creation to deletion, involves several steps:

  • Message Creation and Distribution: A producer puts a message ( for instance, message A) into the queue. Invariably, they are always duplicated on several Amazon SQS servers to make the message available.

Message Lifecycle

  • Message Processing: A consumer receives the message ready for that consumer from the queue. When processed, the message resides in the queue and is locked; thus, other consumers cannot consume it due to visibility timeout

Message Processing

  • Message Deletion: At the end of the consumption, the consumer removes the message from the queue to avoid re-processing once the visibility timeout is up.

Message Deletion

Message Retention:

  • AWS SQS service also deletes the messages automatically if the messages are not consumed for a specific period already set as the maximum retention time.
  • The retention of a term is set to four days as a default.
  • However, the actual time is set to start at a maximum last form of 14 days or 1,209,600 seconds, and you get this from the SetQueueAttributes action.

Differences Between Amazon SQS, Amazon MQ, and Amazon SNS

  • Amazon Simple Queue Service: Queue-based mechanisms can address the problem of tight coupling of components and achieve proper message delivery.
  • Amazon MQ: A managed broker service supporting plain vanilla messaging with route messaging and messaging protocols appropriate for enterprise integration.
  • Amazon SNS: Broadcasting messages to multiple subscribers is a feature of the Pub/Sub system and is suitable for notices and alarms.

Understanding the following differences helps choose the right service based on specific application requirements and messaging patterns. Additionally, preparing for interviews with AWS Interview Questions can significantly boost your confidence and readiness for AWS-related roles.

ServiceTypeUse CaseFeaturesAdvantages
AWS SQS serviceMessage queue serviceDecoupling and scaling microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applicationsSupports standard and FIFO queues.


High scalability and reliability.


Simple API for sending, receiving, and deleting messages.


Integrates with other AWS services like Lambda, EC2, and Step Functions

Easy to set up and use, highly scalable, and cost-effective with a pay-as-you-go model
Amazon MQManaged message broker serviceMigrating existing message brokers to the cloud or building new applications with traditional messaging protocolsSupports industry-standard protocols like AMQP, MQTT, OpenWire, and STOMP.


Manages and maintains the underlying infrastructure.


Provides features like message persistence, transactions, and complex routing.


Integrates with on-premises systems and applications using standard protocols.

Ideal for enterprises with existing message broker setups looking to migrate to the cloud with minimal changes
Amazon SNSPub/Sub (publish/subscribe) messaging serviceSending notifications and broadcasting messages to multiple subscribersSupports multiple protocols including HTTP/S, Email, SMS, and Lambda.


Allows topic-based message delivery.


Can fan out messages to multiple endpoints.


Integrates with SQS to enable message queuing and processing

Highly flexible and scalable for real-time message delivery to multiple endpoints, useful for alerting and broadcasting


AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a versatile and robust message queuing service that enhances application performance and scalability by decoupling system components. With features like scalability, reliability, and security, Amazon Simple Queue Service integrates seamlessly with what is known as AWS, making it a valuable tool for building efficient and resilient applications.



1.   What is the use of SQS in AWS?

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a managed message queuing service that enables the decoupling and scaling of microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. It allows you to integrate and decouple distributed software components securely.

2.   What’s the benefit of SQS?

Amazon SQS provides secure, durable, and highly available messaging with server-side encryption, redundant storage, and scalable infrastructure. It ensures reliable processing with message locking and offers customization options for handling large messages via Amazon S3 or DynamoDB.

3.   How long can messages in Amazon SQS message queues be kept?

By default, messages are retained for 4 days, with a minimum of 60 seconds and a maximum of 14 days.

4.   What are the size limits on Amazon SQS message queues?

SQS supports message content up to 256 KB in XML, JSON, or text, batch message IDs up to 80 characters, and up to 10 metadata attributes. For FIFO queues, the message group ID can be up to 128 characters. Throughput varies by queue type and region.

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What is Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)?