AWS Certified DevOps Engineer : A Perfect Amalgamation

Last updated on Mar 25,2025 4.1K Views
Vishal is a technology enthusiast working as a Research Analyst at Edureka.... Vishal is a technology enthusiast working as a Research Analyst at Edureka. He has expertise in domains like Big data, Machine Learning,Statistical Analysis and...

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer : A Perfect Amalgamation

The last two decades have seen a great shift in computation and also software development life cycles. Thus we see a huge demand for Online DevOps Training & AWS certification training, which concerns the domains responsible for this paradigm shift. This article on AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, tells you why a combined AWS DevOps Certification would be a great choice.

Before we dive deeper let us take a look at the agenda of this article:

Let us get started then,

What Is AWS?

AWS which stands for Amazon Web Services, is an ‘‘ subsidiary that offers cloud-computing services at very affordable rates, therefore making its customer base strong from small-scale companies as small as having five employees to big enterprises with lakhs of employees.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive, evolving cloud computing platform. It provides a mix of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) offerings. If you wish to know more, this article may help: What Is AWS?

What Is DevOps?

In these fast-paced times, we see more emphasis being laid on faster delivery of software deployment. Because in order to stay competitive in the market, companies are expected to deploy quality software in defined timelines. Hence the roles of software developer and system admin have become very important. A lot of juggling of responsibilities happens between the two teams.

A developer may have to wait for weeks for the product to get deployed which is also known as ‘Time To Market’ in business terms. So this delay may put pressure on the developer because he is forced to re-adjust his dependent activities like:

  • Pending code
  • Old code
  • New products
  • New features

Also when the product is put into the production environment, the product may exhibit some unforeseen errors. This is because the developer writes code in the development environment which may be different from the production environment.

On the other hand, the operations team is responsible for maintaining and assuring the up time of the production environment. This gives rise to more challenges because the tools that were used to manage the earlier amount of servers may not be sufficient to cater the needs of upcoming and growing number of servers.

The operations team also needs to make slight changes to the code so that it fits into the production environment. Hence the need to schedule these deployments accordingly also grows, which leads to time delays. 

At times the operations team may feel pressurised and it may seem like developers have pushed their responsibilities to the operations side of the responsibility wall. As you may come to realise that none of the sides can be held culprit.

What if these two teams could work together? What if they:

  • could break down silos
  • share responsibilities
  • start thinking alike
  • work as a team

Well, this is what DevOps does, it helps you get software developers and operations in sync to improve productivity. If you want to know more about DevOps, refer this : DevOps Tutorial. Or If you want to develop your DevOps skills in a thoughtful, structured manner and get certified as a DevOps Engineer, we would be glad to help. Once you finish the DevOps Certification Training, we promise that you will be able to handle a variety of DevOps roles in the industry.

Why AWS DevOps Together?

AWS is one of the best cloud service providers and DevOps on the other hand is the ‘need of the hour implementation of software development lifecycle. The above reasons make AWS DevOps a highly popular amalgamation.

Well DevOps as we know helps bring developers and administrators under one roof. How does it do that? Well, it uses a methodolgy of continuous integration and deployment. These are some of the services provided by AWS that go very well with the DevOps Approach: 

  • AWS CloudFormation
  • AWS EC2
  • AWS CloudWatch
  • AWS CodePipeline
  • Instances In AWS

All these services help in automating the process of continous integration and deployment, they also help in improving and automating monitoring and scalability activities thus making these two ie DevOps and AWS a potent combo. 

Now that we know about all these terms let us try to learn about AWS Certfied DevOps Engineer and see how this certification benefits you.

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer

The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer has technical expertise in provisioning, operating, and managing distributed application systems on the AWS platform. The individual is repsonsible to:

  • Implement and manage continuous delivery systems and methodologies on AWS
  • Understand, implement, and automate security controls, governance processes, and compliance validation
  • Define and deploy monitoring, metrics, and logging systems on AWS
  • Implement systems that are highly available, scalable, and self healing on the AWS platform
  • Design, manage, and maintain tools to automate operational processes

So, if someone undergoes AWS certification for the same he or she will be skilled in above skills. Plus a DevOps Engineer job is bound to pay very well. Here is an article if you wish to know about the salary for DevOps Engineer 

So how does one get certified?

This certification requires the applicants to compete the Associate-level AWS Certified Developer or AWS Certified SysOps Administrator certification exams and have two or more years of experience provisioning and managing AWS architectures. Students must comprehend specific concepts involving continuous deployment (CD) and automation of AWS processes and know how to implement them into AWS architectures.

Response Limits

The examinee selects from four or more response options that best complete the statement or answer the question. Distracters or wrong answers are response options that examinees with incomplete knowledge or skill would likely choose, but are generally plausible responses fitting into the content area defined by the test objective.

Test item formats used in this examination are:


Examinee selects one option that best answers the question or completes a statement. The option can be embedded in a graphic where the examinee “points and clicks” on their selection choice to complete the test item.


Examinee selects more than one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.

Sample Directions 

Read the statement or question and, from the response options, select only the options that represent the most correct or best answers given the information.

Content Limits

The examination blueprint includes weighting, test objectives, and example content. Example topics and concepts are included to clarify the test objectives. They should not be construed as a comprehensive listing of all of the content of this examination.

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Syllabus and Weightage: AWS Certified DevOps Engineer

Continuous Delivery and Process Automation55
Monitoring, Metrics, and Logging20
Security, Governance, and Validation10
High Availability and Elasticity15

So proper planning and dedication should definitely help you become an AWS Certified DevOps Engineer and have a successful career in this domain.

Some people love self-preparation and take up the exam. While others prefer structured training. If you too are looking for a structured training approach then check out our certification program for AWS DevOps Course which comes with instructor-led live training and real-life project experience. This training will help you understand AWS DevOps Fundamentals in depth and help you master various concepts that are a must for a successful AWS DevOps Career. If you’re in search of a career that’s both demanding and rewarding. No matter whether you’ve worked in DevOps or are new to the field, the PG in DevOps is precisely the thing you need to learn the methods to be successful. From the basic to the most advanced methods, we cover everything. Also, check out our DevOps Course Program. It will help you to gain expertise in DevOps tools.

So this is it folks, this brings us to the end of this article on ‘AWS certfied DevOps Engineer’. I hope you had something new to learn. Got a question on this topic, mention it in the comments section. 

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