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Automation Anywhere IQ Bots – All You Need To Know About Cognitive Automation

Last updated on Sep 06,2024 10.8K Views

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Cognitive automation is something that everyone wishes to use in day to day lives. Automation Anywhere being one of the key leaders in the RPA Industry, provides features and functionalities to bring intelligence to information-intensive processes with the help of IQ Bots. So, in this article on Automation Anywhere IQ Bots, I will walk you through the below topics which form an integral part of the skills required by an RPA Professional:

Let us get started!

What is Automation Anywhere?

Automation Anywhere is one of the most popular tools in the RPA industry and it aims to provide its users with secure, scalable and resilient services. This tool comes with 2 editions: Community Edition and the Enterprise Edition. The community edition is free for a lifetime, and the enterprise edition is free for 30 days. You can also understand Automation Anywhere as the summation of the Robotic Process Automation, Cognitive Automation and Workforce Analytics which come together to reduce human intervention and automation processes.

Now, Automation Anywhere comes with mainly 3 types of bots. So, next in this article, let us look into the different types of bots offered by Automation Anywhere.

Types of Bots

As I mentioned before, there are mainly three types of bots in Automation Anywhere. They are:

  • Task Bots – These Bots are the core of automation and execute repetitive rule-based tasks.
  • MetaBots – Meta Bots are used to automate applications on a PC. Meta Bots can be created using Application API’s, Visual Captures and Integration Flow.
  • IQ BotsIQ bots use cognitive capabilities to extract information from semi and unstructured data.

If you want a detailed explanation of the different types of bots, you can refer to my article on Automation Anywhere Bots.

Since, you now know that IQ Bots are a type of Automation Anywhere Bots, next in this article lets look into what are IQ Bots.

What are IQ Bots?

IQ bots are next-generation intelligent bots that allow developers to add cognitive capabilities to processes. These bots use cognitive capabilities to extract information from semi and unstructured data. Automation Anywhere IQ bots also learn to detect patterns, so that the next time the pattern is encountered the bot knows exactly what has to be done. Also, with every human validation, it learns and grows smarter to execute the actions.

Features of IQ Bots

The features of IQ Bots are as follows:

  • IQ Bots distinguish /categorize data types & formats by applying multiple layers of classification methods
  • These Bots use machine learning techniques to recognize patterns
  • IQ Bots leverage existing automation platform and provide a variety of triggers such as emails, workflow, files folders, etc.
  • They store human expertise using semantic models and feed data into task bots.

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IQ Bots Process Workflow

IQ Bots are used to process unstructured data or semi-structured data with the help of learning instances that a user creates.  So, the IQ Bots Process Workflow is as you can see below:

    Process Workflow - Automation Anywhere IQ Bots - Edureka

    Documents which are in the form of unstructured data are processed when a user creates a learning instance. As the documents are uploaded on the learning instance, the bot is created, and then the bot is trained to perform the required actions.  After that, you can generate a performance report and validate the results. After that, you can store the extracted data in a CSV file.

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    Now, that I have discussed the IQ Bots workflow, let us next look into a hands-on, where I will show you the various steps from the above process workflow.


    Task: To automate the processing of different invoices with the help of IQ Bots.

    Step 1: Open the IQ Bot Login Page and choose the option of Learning Instances. Refer below.

    Learning Instances - Automation Anywhere IQ Bots - Edureka

    Step 2: Now, click on the New Instance Option as below:

    Create New Instances - Automation Anywhere IQ Bots - Edureka

    Step 3: Once you click on New Instance, you will be re-directed to the below page. Here, you have to fill details such as Learning instance name, description, document type, and primary language of documents.

    General Information - Automation Anywhere IQ Bots - Edureka

    Step 4: Once you have filled in the general information, you have to next upload the documents which you wish to process. Here, I will upload two different types of invoices, and I will upload 4 documents.

    Step 5: Next, you have to select the fields which you wish to extract data from the form fields and table section.

    NOTE: If you want to create a new field, you can mention the name in the other fields section and choose either Add as form or Add as table.

    New Field - Automation Anywhere IQ Bots - Edureka

    Step 6: Click on Create Instance and Analyze. 

    Create Instances - Automation Anywhere IQ Bots - EdurekaStep 7: Once, you click on Create Instance and Analyze, the selected documents will be analyzed and you will be redirected to the below page, where you have to validate whether the data is correctly extracted or not.

    To verify data, you have to click on each field to verify the label value present in the document. For example, if I have to check the Invoice Number, then I will select Invoice Number Field, mention the field value and verify from the document.

    Verify Results - Automation Anywhere IQ Bots - Edureka

    Step 8: Now, you can take either of the following three actions:

    • See Extraction Results: You can choose this option to see the extracted results.
    • Save and Close: You can choose this option to save the data and close training the bot
    • Save and go to the next group: You can choose this option to save training the bot for this group and then go to the next group and validate results.

    Here, I will choose Save and go to the next group.

    Step 9: Again, you have to validate the results as you did in Step 7. Once, you think the results are extracted in a proper format, you can go ahead and see the extraction results or click on Save and Close.

    Save Instances - Automation Anywhere IQ Bots - Edureka


    Step 10: Once, you click on Save and Close, you will see a pop -up which says Congratulations on training the bot. Then, you will be redirected to the following page, where you can see the group summary.

    Group Summary - Automation Anywhere IQ Bots - EdurekaNow, if you observe in the above steps, we just checked and validated the data for a single document in each of the groups. So, you do not have to repeat the steps for other documents. The IQ Bot, will now automatically train the data  from the other documents in a similar way.s

    So folks! That’s an end to this article on Automation Anywhere IQ Bots. If you wish to give a jump start, to your career as an RPA Developer, then starting learning RPA and it’s various tools.

    We at Edureka, offer instructor-led Automation Anywhere Course Online. Edureka is a trusted online learning company with a network of more than 250,000 satisfied learners spread across the globe. This training will help you gain deep knowledge in Robotic Process Automation and hands-on experience in UiPath.

    Got a question for us? Please mention it in the comments section of this Automation Anywhere IQ Bots article and we will get back to you.


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    Automation Anywhere IQ Bots – All You Need To Know About Cognitive Automation
