Apache Pig UDF: Part 2 – Load Functions

Last updated on Jun 21,2023 5.7K Views
Awanish is a Sr. Research Analyst at Edureka. He has rich expertise... Awanish is a Sr. Research Analyst at Edureka. He has rich expertise in Big Data technologies like Hadoop, Spark, Storm, Kafka, Flink. Awanish also...

Apache Pig UDF: Part 2 – Load Functions


Today’s post is about the Load functions in Apache Pig. This is the sequel to the first post which covered UDF functions like Eval, Filter and Aggregate. Please refter to them for more information on other functions of Pig UDF.

Pig’s load function is built on top of a Hadoop’s InputFormat, the class that Hadoop uses to read data. InputFormat has two purposes: It determines how input will be fragmented between map tasks and provides a RecordReader that results in key-value pairs as input to those map tasks. The base class for the load function is LoadFunc.

Load Function – Classification:

LoadFunc abstract class has three main methods for loading data and in most use cases it would suffice to extend it. There are three other optional interfaces which can be implemented to achieve extended functionality:

LoadMetadata has methods to deal with metadata. Most execution of loaders don’t need to implement this unless they interact with a metadata system. The getSchema() method in this interface offers a way for the loader implementations to communicate about the schema of the data back to Pig. If a loader implementation returns data comprised of fields of real types, it should provide the schema describing the data returned through the getSchema() method. The other methods deal with other types of metadata like partition keys and statistics. Implementations can return null return values for these methods if they are not valid for the other implementation.

LoadPushDown has different methods to push operations from Pig runtime into loader implementations. Currently, only the pushProjection() method is called by Pig to communicate to the loader, the exact fields that are required in the Pig script. The loader implementation can choose to abide or not abide the request. If the loader implementation decides to abide the request, it should implement LoadPushDown to improve query performance.

This method informs LoadFunc, which fields are required in the Pig script. Thus enabling LoadFunc to enhance performance by loading only the fields that are required. pushProjection() takes a ‘requiredFieldList.’ ‘requiredFieldList’ is read only and cannot be changed by LoadFunc. ‘requiredFieldList’ includes a list of ‘requiredField’, where each ‘requiredField’ indicates a field required by the Pig script and is comprised of index, alias, type and subFields. Pig uses the column index requiredField.index to communicate with the LoadFunc about the fields required by the Pig script. If the required field is a map, Pig will pass ‘requiredField.subFields’ which contains a list of keys required by Pig scripts for the map.

LoadCaster has techniques to convert byte arrays in to specific types. A loader implementation should implement this when implicit or explicit casts from DataByteArray fields to other types needs to be supported.

The LoadFunc abstract class is the main class to extend for implementing a loader. The methods which is required to be overridden are explained below:

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Default Implementations in LoadFunc:

Take note that the default implementations in LoadFunc should be overridden only when needed.

The loader implementation in the example is a loader for text data with line delimiter as ‘
‘ and ‘ ‘ as default field delimiter similar to current PigStorage loader in Pig. The implementation uses an existing Hadoop supported Inputformat – TextInputFormat – as the underlying InputFormat.

public class SimpleTextLoader extends LoadFunc {
protected RecordReader in = null;
private byte fieldDel = '	';
private ArrayList<Object> mProtoTuple = null;
private TupleFactory mTupleFactory = TupleFactory.getInstance();
private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
public SimpleTextLoader() {
* Constructs a Pig loader that uses specified character as a field delimiter.
* @param delimiter
*            the single byte character that is used to separate fields.
*            ("	" is the default.)
public SimpleTextLoader(String delimiter) {
if (delimiter.length() == 1) {
this.fieldDel = (byte)delimiter.charAt(0);
} else if (delimiter.length() >  1 & & delimiter.charAt(0) == '') {
switch (delimiter.charAt(1)) {
case 't':
this.fieldDel = (byte)'	';
case 'x':
fieldDel =
Integer.valueOf(delimiter.substring(2), 16).byteValue();
case 'u':
this.fieldDel =
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown delimiter " + delimiter);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("PigStorage delimeter must be a single character");
public Tuple getNext() throws IOException {
try {
boolean notDone = in.nextKeyValue();
if (notDone) {
return null;
Text value = (Text) in.getCurrentValue();
byte[] buf = value.getBytes();
int len = value.getLength();
int start = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (buf[i] == fieldDel) {
readField(buf, start, i);
start = i + 1;
// pick up the last field
readField(buf, start, len);
Tuple t =  mTupleFactory.newTupleNoCopy(mProtoTuple);
mProtoTuple = null;
return t;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
int errCode = 6018;
String errMsg = "Error while reading input";
throw new ExecException(errMsg, errCode,
private void readField(byte[] buf, int start, int end) {
if (mProtoTuple == null) {
mProtoTuple = new ArrayList<Object>();
if (start == end) {
// NULL value
} else {
mProtoTuple.add(new DataByteArray(buf, start, end));
public InputFormat getInputFormat() {
return new TextInputFormat();
public void prepareToRead(RecordReader reader, PigSplit split) {
in = reader;
public void setLocation(String location, Job job)
throws IOException {
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, location);
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